Moringa oleifera, Powder

Am, Suleiman, Am, Orire, Soe, Sadiku & Gg, Bake, 2023, Growth performance, nutrient utilization and survival rate of Clarias gariepinus fed varied inclusion of processed Moringa oleifera diets, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 11 (1), pp. 36-40 : 37

publication ID 10.22271/fish.2023.v11.i1a.2768

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Moringa oleifera


Processing of M. oleifera Powder View in CoL

The milled moringa was processed using aqueous, ethanol and hexane solvent. 250 g was measured using Ohaus sensitive weighing balance ( PA 313) and mixed with 500 ml volume of each solvents in a 1000 ml bottle. The bottles were tightly closed to prevent evaporation of the solvents and were placed on the laboratory table. They were agitated within an

interval of 8 hours to enable effective dissolution of soluble matters into the solvents (Ezearigo et al., 2014) [5]. After 72 hours, muslin cloths were laid in triple layers, labelled according to each treatment in a different containers while the contents were poured, filtered and macerated. Solvent of each treatment was added to rinse the concentrated liquid from the residues. The filtrates were evaporated to dryness under pressure at 45 ºC using a rotary evaporator ( RE 300). The extracts were labelled as Moringa Aqueous ( MA), Moringa Ethanol ( ME) and Moringa Hexane ( MH). The extracts were preserved at -4 °C until further usage (Chakraborty et al., 2018) [4].


Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará


Liaoning Reed Science Institute


Real Jardín Botánico


Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel

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