Camarochilus americanus Harris

Weirauch, Christiane, Forero, Dimitri & Schuh, Randall T., 2020, Taxonomic revision of Camarochilus Harris (Hemiptera: Pachynomidae), American Museum Novitates 2020 (3959), pp. 1-32 : 10-12

publication ID 10.1206/3959.1

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scientific name

Camarochilus americanus Harris


Camarochilus americanus Harris

Figures 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3 View FIGURE 3 , 5–7 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 , table 1

Pachynomus (Camarochilus) americanus Harris, 1930: 242 (n. sp.).

Camarochilus americanus Harris : Carayon and Villiers, 1968: 732 (n. comb).

HOLOTYPE: PANAMA: Panama: La Chorrera, 8.8803°N 79.7833°W, 69 m, 12 May 1912, collector unknown, 1♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00027098 ) ( USNM). GoogleMaps

REVISED DIAGNOSIS (figs. 1, 3, 5, 6): Recognized by the medium body size, medium-sized eyes, brown, castaneous, and pale yellow coloration with faint veins, and strongly asymmetrical pygophore with rounded right protuberance much larger, and with much larger spinelike setae. Similar in overall appearance to C. confusus , but smaller and distinguished by the pygophore armature of rounded protuberances in C. americanus and a conical right protuberance in C. confusus . The strongly asymmetrical pygophore and its armature resemble those in C. harrisi , n. sp., and C. picturatus , but these species are distinguished by their distinct coloration.

REDESCRIPTION: Male: total length between 7.6–8.7 mm, ratio total length to corium width ~3.2–3.3, macropterous, hemelytron reaching or barely surpassing apex of abdomen. COLOR-

ATION: dorsum brown with castaneous corium, membrane brown with concolorous to slightly lighter veins, with or without pale yellow mark at base of membrane, dorsal laterotergites brown with triangular pale yellow marks; head brown with anteocular area lighter brown in some specimens, labium brown or first labial segment lighter brown, remaining segments pale yellow, antenna dark pale yellow or brown, foreleg coxa proximally brown, coxa distally, trochanter, and femur proximally pale yellow, femur distally brown, tibia and tarsus light brown, mid and hind leg with coxa, trochanter, and femur proximally pale yellow, femur distally brown, tibia and tarsus light brown, or legs brown with femora slightly darker than remaining segments, tibia proximally with narrow lighter band, pleura brown, abdominal mediosternites brown, ventral laterotergites 2–6 with pale yellow patches. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: As in generic description. STRUCTURE: Head ~1.2–1.7× as long as wide, eyes in dorsal view moderately large to large, shallow semiglobular, ratio head width to synthlipsis ~2.9–~3.3, reniform in lateral view, dorsal eye margin not or barely reaching dorsal head surface. Antenna as in generic description, proximal pseudosegment of pedicel ~2× as long as scape. Labium as in generic description. Thorax as in generic description, anterior pronotal lobe ~6× longer than posterior lobe, posterior lobe narrow, finely punctate; scutellum with knob-shaped tip. Wings as in generic description with two clearly delimited cells in membrane. Legs as in generic description with ratio forefemur height to length ~0.35 (0.31–0.38). Abdomen as in generic description. Genitalia with pygophore strongly asymmetrical, protuberances laterally rounded and dorsally flattened, right much larger than left, spinelike setae on right much stouter than on left, right with ~40 and left with ~30 conical, spinelike setae; parameres stout, right much larger than left, sickle-shaped with proximal and distal area of similar length, proximal area with dense, stout, and relatively long setae, distal area flattened into blade, tapering to apex.

Female: As in generic description, macropterous or submacropterous, total length 8.1–9.5 mm, ratio total length to corium width ~3.0–3.5, ratio forefemur height to length ~0.34–0.37. Genitalia as in generic description.

DISTRIBUTION: Ranges from Central America ( Costa Rica, Panama) to northern South America ( Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, and Venezuela). All specimens were collected at low elevation (between 15 and 229 m) and most localities are primary or secondary rainforest (e.g., La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica or Kaw Mountains in French Guiana).

DISCUSSION: In the description of this species, Harris (1930) labeled the holotype as “male, La Chorrera, Panama, May 12, 1912.” The specimen loaned from the USNM with these label data and a “ holotype ” label by Harris is actually a female. Our measurements of this specimen (total length: 8.57 mm; corium width: 3.27 mm) are consistent with Harris’s measurements (“Length, 8.6 mm.; width, 3 mm.”) and we therefore assume that Harris mistakenly referred to this specimen as a male. Our concept of this species allows for intraspecific variability with respect to leg coloration and wing type. Harris (1930) indicated that the forefemur in this species is “yellowish testaceous” with the exception of a “wide apical ring, which is prolonged basally on anterior and posterior sides into broad stripes,” that is brown. We observed this exact color pattern in the holotype from Panama (UCR_ENT 00027098) and other specimens, e.g., AMNH_ENT 00029430, that were collected in the Canal Zone in Panama. In other specimens, the forefemur is entirely brown (e.g., UCR_ENT 00016194 from the Canal Zone in Panama and UCR_ENT 00021720 from Colon, Panama), whereas the coloration is intermediate in other specimens (e.g., UCR_ENT 00078396 from Guyana). All males are macropterous as are most females, but specimen UCR_ENT 00016194 (Canal Zone, Panama) is submacropterous. We failed to identify characters that would allow us to further subdivide this taxon into multiple species. Longer series including males from across the distribution range should further test this species hypothesis.

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: COLOMBIA: Cesar: Valledupar , 10.4769°N 73.2506°W, 175 m, 20 May 1968 – 24 May 1968, Borys Malkin, 1♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00078395 ) ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . COSTA RICA: Heredia: Finca la Selva Verde , 12 km S Puerto Viejo, 10.4306°N 84.007°W, 152 m, 23 Sep 1986 – 26 Sep 1986, J.E. Eger, 2♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00040775 , UCR_ENT 00040776) ( BDGC) GoogleMaps . FRENCH GUIANA: unknown: Kaw Hwy Pk 37, 4.5151°N 52.0666°W, 147 m, 27 Aug 1989 – 30 Aug 1989, J.A. Chemsak, 1♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00038502 ) ( UCB) GoogleMaps . GUYANA: Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region: Bartica , 5.78765°N 57.62801°W, 15 m, no date provided, B.G., 1♂ ( UCR _ ENT 00078396 ) ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Upper Demerara-Berbice Region: Linden (includes the communities of MacKenzie and Wismar ), Demerara River , 6.01161°N 58.30896°W, 17 m, 22 Jun 1927, Unknown, 1♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00039071 ) ( CUIC) GoogleMaps . PANAMA: Canal Zone: Barro Colorado Island , 9.16667°N 79.85°W, 83 m, 18 May 1973, D. Engleman, 1♂ ( UCR _ ENT 00078397 ) ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Coco Solo Hospital , 9.35°N 79.85°W, 38 m, 09 May 1973, D. Engleman, Light Trap, 1♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00029430 About AMNH ) ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Parque Nacional Soberania, Pipeline Rd. , 9.07429°N 79.65981°W, 88 m, 07 Aug 1983, L.N. Sorkin, 1♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00016194 ) ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Colon: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone , 9.15472°N 79.84806°W, 179 m, 22 Jul 1938, E.C. Williams, Jr., 1♂ ( UCR _ ENT 00021720 ) ( FMNH) GoogleMaps . Panama: Madden Forest, Canal Zone , 9.08333°N 79.58333°W, 229 m, 09 Jan 1974, J.A. Slater and J. Harrington, 1♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00029427 About AMNH ) ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . UNKNOWN: unknown: unknown Co.: Central America , 1938, Rev. Th. Heyde, 1♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00026329 ) ( USNM) . VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Cedeño Co.: 5 km E Caicara , 7.65348°N 66.10093°W, 38 m, 11 Jun 1996, B.D. Gill, Light Trap, 1♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00040738 ) ( BDGC) GoogleMaps . 15 km E of Caicara , 7.65799°N 66.03281°W, 38 m, 12 Jun 1996, B.D. Gill, Light Trap, 6♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00040740 –UCR_ENT 00040745) ( BDGC) GoogleMaps ; 12 Jun 1996 – 13 Jun 1996, H. Howden and A. Howden, Light Trap, 1♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00040739 ) ( BDGC) . Guarico: Hato Masaguaral (44 km S Calabozo), 8.52339°N 67.42735°W, 67 m, 03 May 1985 – 10 May 1985, Menke and Carpenter, 1♀ ( UCR _ ENT 00026330 ) ( USNM) GoogleMaps .


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Camarochilus americanus Harris

Weirauch, Christiane, Forero, Dimitri & Schuh, Randall T. 2020

Camarochilus americanus

Carayon, J. & A. Villiers 1968: 732

Pachynomus (Camarochilus) americanus

Harris, H. M. 1930: 242
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