Aptoceras, Bruner, 1908

Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti Da, Prasniewski, Victor Mateus, Fianco, Marcos, Macarini, Leanna Camila, Borille, Maria Vitória Alves, Lima, Jéssica Ricci De, Egli, Sara Guilhermina Schmidt, Martins, Fernando De Farias, Zefa, Edison & Szinwelski, Neucir, 2019, New species of grasshopper genus Aptoceras Bruner, 1908 (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Ommatolampidinae, Ommtolampidiini) from Iguaçu National Park (Southern Brazil), including a taxonomic key and distribution data, Zootaxa 4609 (1), pp. 160-168 : 166

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4609.1.8

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Key to Brazilian species from genus Aptoceras

(Adapted and modified from Descamps, 1981)

1. 8 th and 12 th antennomeres more enlarged and angular; profile of pronotum more sinuous; arched in metazona; femur anterior and median with yellowish rugosity. Internal apophysis of cerci less large than short; medial area of hind femur without stripes; rugosity of metathoracic episternum present.......................................... A. punctipes Descamps, 1981

1’. 8 th and 12 th antennomeres less enlarge and angular; profile of pronotum less sinuous, not arched in metazona; femur anterior and median without yellowish rugosity. Internal apophysis of cerci more large than short; medial area of hind femur with one or two light stripes; rugosity of metathoracic episternum almost null............................................. 2

2. Antennae monochrome (black), shorter than the length of hind femora...................... A. jutaiana Descamps, 1981

2’. Antennae with a large ring pre-apical clear, of subequal length with the hind femur................................. 3

3. Profile of pronotum less sinuous, with metazona less arched; anterior femur less slender........................................................................................................ A. albosignatus Descamps, 1981

3’. Profile of pronotum more sinuous with metazona slightly arched; anterior femur slender............................. 4

4. Cerci of male with one internal apophysis; furculae strongly protruding and sclerotized; pallium salient; epiphallus with sclerotization in bridge and ancorae............................................................ A. iguassuensis n. sp.

4’. Cerci of male with three internal apophysis; furculae not protruding and sclerotized; pallium not salient; epiphallus without sclerotization in bridge and ancorae.............................................. A. monstruosus Descamps, 1981













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