Philodromus angulobulbis, Szita & Logunov & O, 2008

Szita, É., Logunov, D. & O, P., 2008, A Review Of The Histrio Group Of The Spider Genus Philodromus Walckenaer, 1826 (Araneae, Philodromidae) Of The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (1), pp. 23-73 : 59-61

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585274

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Philodromus angulobulbis

sp. nov.

Philodromus angulobulbis View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 50–52, 61–62, 79, Map 4)

Type material: The m holotype ( ZMMU) from Russia, Tuva, Ovyurskii Distr., NE shore of Ubsu-Nur [=Uvs-Nuur, Uspa-Khol’] Lake , c. 50°39’05”N, 93°01’20”E, dry Nanophyton erinaceus stony steppe, 759–765 m a.s.l., D. V. Logunov – 14/06/1995. Paratype GoogleMaps : together with the holotype – 1 f.

Other material examined: RUSSIA: Gorno-Altai Republic: Kosh-Agatch Distr., Chaganka River valley , right riverside, nr. Kosh-Agatch , c. 49°59’40”N, 88°39’40”E, c. 1750 m a.s.l., SZMN – A. P. Kononenko, 1/07/1972, 1 f; Kosh-Agach Distr. , Taltura [= Chagan-Uzun] River canyon, c GoogleMaps . 55 km W of Kosh-Agach, c. 25 km W of Bel’tir [=Kyzyl-Many], c. 49°55’50”N, 87°50’50”E, 2100–2300 m a.s.l., D. V. Logunov, ZMMU – 25–30/06/1999, 2 f. GoogleMaps Tuva: Erzin Distr. , c . 13 km NW of Erzin, S shore of Dus-Khol’ Lake, c. 50°19’50”N, 95°00’35”E, c. 1040 m a.s.l., D. V. Logunov, 1/06/1993, 1 f; Ovyurskii Distr. , NE shore of Ubsu-Nur [=Uvs-Nuur, Uspa-Khol’] Lake, c. 50°39’05”N, 93°01’20”E, 759–765 m a.s.l., D. V. Logunov, SZMN – 18/07/1993, 6 f GoogleMaps ; same locality, D. V. Logunov, SZMN – 14/06/1995, 1 m 1 f; Ovyurskii Distr., S foothills of East Tannu-Ola Mt. Range , Irbitei River canyon, c GoogleMaps . 43 km WNW of Oo-Shynaa, c. 13 km WNW of Ak-Chyraa [=Ak-Chira], c. 50°44’50”N, 93°08’45”E, 960–1100 m a.s.l., S. Koponen, ZMTU – 11–15/06/1995, 1 m. GoogleMaps Chita Region: Borzya Distr., Dahurian Reserve , Kuku-Khadan Mt. , N shore of Zun-Torei Lake , c. 50°08’30”N, 115°53’50”E, 600–745 m a.s.l., R. Yu. Dudko, SZMN – 8–13/06/1995, 2 f. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: Embolus straight. VTA narrow, rounded at its tip. Epiginal plate oval. Distance between EA equal to their length.

Male (the holotype): Colouration and colour as in females. Measurements. Body length 3.45. PsL 1.5, PsW 1.55, OsL 1.95, OsW 1.25. Distances between eyes: AME 0.10, ALE 0.08, PME 0.08, PLE 0.08, AME-AME 0.11, AME-ALE 0.06, PME-PME 0.22, PME-PLE 0.14, MOA-AW 0.28, MOA-PW 0.36, MOA-L 0.34, AME-PME 0.20, ALE-PLE 0.15. Length of leg segments: FeI 2.55, PaI 0.85, TiI 2.43, MtI 2.05, TaI 1.15, FeII 3.25, PaII 1, TiII 3, MtII 2.6, TaII 1.4, FeIII 2.38, PaIII 0.65, TiIII 1.95, MtIII 1.9, TaIII 1, FeIV 2.45, PaIV 0.78, TiIV 2.1, MtIV 1.75, TaIV 1.15. Total length of legs: legI 9.03, legII 11.25, legIII 7.88, legIV 8.23. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–0–1–0–1; pl 0–1–0–1–0; v-; rl-. tibia: d 0–0–1; pl 1–1–0–1–0; v 2–0–2–0–0ap; rl 1–1–0–1–0. metatarsus: d-; pl 1–0–1–0–1; v 2–0–2–0–0ap; rl 1–0–1–0–0.

Palpus (Figs 50–52). CyL 0.52, CyW 0.24, PTiL. 0.31. The cymbium two times longer than wide, widened proximally. The ST is seen in ventral view. The tegulum elongated, its projections overhang the alveolus. Embolus wide at base, abruptly sharpening at its tip. The membranous PTA does not hide the embolic tip. The PTA with a small distal claw directed retro-laterad. The palpal tibia is considerably shorter than the cymbium. The VTA two times loger than wide, its distal part rounded and membranous prolaterally. The tip of RTA strong, claw-shaped curved ventro-mediad.

Female (the paratype and Russia, Gorno-Altai Republic: nr. Kosh-Agatch): Prosoma light brown, with the pattern of dark brown, white and beige stripes and patches ( Fig. 79 View Figs 67–80 ). Opisthosoma beige, with the light greyish brown and dark brown pattern. Legs strongly dotted, occasionally dots compose stripes. Measurements (n= 2). Body length 4.7–6.05. PsL 1.55–1.95, PsW 1.55–1.9, OsL 3.15–4.1, OsW 2.3–3.2. Distances between eyes: AME 0.10–0.11, ALE 0.08–0.09, PME 0.08–0.09, PLE 0.08–0.09, AME-AME 0.13–0.15, AME-ALE 0.07–0.08, PME-PME 0.25–0.28, PME-PLE 0.15–0.17, MOA-AW 0.30–0.32, MOA-PW 0.38–0.43, MOA-L 0.28–0.38, AME-PME 0.21–0.23, ALE-PLE 0.15–0.15. Length of leg segments: FeI 1.75–2.45, PaI 0.8–1, TiI 1.4–2.18, MtI 1.2–1.95, TaI 0.75–1.2, FeII 2.35–3.3, PaII 0.95–1.2, TiII 2.05–2.9, MtII 1.55–2.4, TaII 1.15–1.6, FeIII 1.65–2.35, PaIII 0.65–0.95, TiIII 1.2–1.93, MtIII 1–1.7, TaIII 0.8–1.15, FeIV 1.75–2.65, PaIV 0.65–0.9, TiIV 1.3–2.1, MtIV 1.15–1.95, TaIV 0.7–1.15. Total length of legs: legI 5.9–8.78, legII 8.05–11.4, legIII 5.3–8.08, legIV 5.55–8.75. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–0–1–0–1; pl 0–1–0–1–0; v -; rl -. tibia: d 0–0–1; pl 1–1–0–1–0 or 1–1–0–1–0 or 0–0–0–1–0; v 2–0–2–0–0ap; rl 1–1–0–1–0 or 1–1–0–1–0 or 0–0–0–1–0. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–0–1–0–1 or 1–0–1–0–0; v 2–0–2–0–0ap; rl 1–0–1–0–0.

Epigyne and spermathecae ( Figs 61–62 View Figs 59–66 ). The epigynal plate ovoid and rounded anteriorly. The CD narrow, the distance between EA is equal to their length. The anterior arch of EA semicircular. The S rounded, narrowing posteriorly. The ID and SO are on the anterior position.

Remarks: This species greatly resembles P. fallax . The male can be distinguished by the embolic shape (more or less straight in P. angulobulbis and almost saddle-shaped distally in P. fallax ) and by the narrower VTA (cf. Figs 50 & 47). The female of P. angulobulbis have the visibly narrower EA (cf. Figs 61 & 59 View Figs 59–66 ) and the different configuration of S and SO (cf. Figs 60 & 62 View Figs 59–66 ).

Habitat: Tuva: dry nanophanerophyte ( Nanophyton erinaceus ) stony steppe (present data). Elevations: 600–2300 m a.s.l.

Distribution: The mountains of South Siberia; for the collection localities see Map 4.

Etymology: The species was named after the angular shape of the tegulum (Fig. 50).


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Siberian Zoological Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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