Austroplagiognathus parallelus, Randall T. Schuh & Michael D. Schwartz, 2016

Randall T. Schuh & Michael D. Schwartz, 2016, Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 401, pp. 1-279 : 41-42

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.269465

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Austroplagiognathus parallelus

sp. nov.

Austroplagiognathus parallelus , new species

Figure 7, map 3, table 1, plate 3

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the moderately elongate body form, overall yellowish coloration in only known specimen, the somewhat flattened and straight-sided posterior lobe of the pronotum, the hemelytron with weakly infuscate spots at the inner angle of the cuneus and at the apex of the membrane cells, the pale membrane (pl. 3), and the structure of the male genitalia, the endosoma with two greatly elongate, apically curved, nearly parallel-sided apical spines and a much shorter, weakly developed spine arising from the endosomal membrane just distad of secondary gonopore and extending by about the length of the gonopore (fig. 7). Distinguished from A. arbustoides by the much smaller size and the configuration of the apical endosomal spines.

DESCRIPTION: MALE: Total length 4.10, pronotum width 0.98. COLORATION (pl. 3): Yellowish (in preserved specimen), with diffuse infuscate spots at inner angle of cuneus and at apex of membrane cells. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 3): As in generic description. STRUCTURE: Head (pl. 3): Vertex relatively broad, frons weakly swollen and slightly projecting beyond eyes in dorsal view; eye occupying two-thirds of height of head; antennae inserted just above ventral margin of eye, eye not emarginate; antennal segment 2 long (1.19), 1.75 times width of head; labium reaching base of mesocoxa. Thorax (pl. 3): Calli moderately distinct, posterior lobe of pronotum weakly swollen, lateral margins straight. Hemelytron: Moderately elongate, cuneus elongate triangular, but not strongly so. GENITALIA (fig. 7, pl. 3): Pygophore: Broad. Endosoma: Sigmoid, distal one-half strongly bent to left, dorsal and ventral straps conspicuously parallel and long; ventral strap bifid with long, deeply curved medial spine and straight, very short, spine distad of secondary gonopore; apical spines of roughly equal length; membrane present between bases of dorsal and ventral apical spines. Phallotheca: Moderate large and with elongate narrow aperture. Parameres: Left paramere with dorsoposterior margin strongly elevated and with broadly pointed prominence, posterior process relatively short, straight, anterior process subobsolete. Right paramere of moderate size, with an apical point and a posterolateral prominence.

FEMALE: Unknown.

ETYMOLOGY: From the Greek, parallelus , in recognition of the structure of the apical endosomal spines.

HOST: Unknown.

DISTRIBUTION (map 3): Known only from the type locality near Charleville in western Queensland.

DISCUSSION: The holotype, the only known specimen, is yellowish in coloration, which may be in part the result of the way it was killed and preserved.

HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Queensland: 14.2 km E of Charleville , 26.42171°S 146.3756°E, 375 m, 31 Oct 1998, Schuh, Cassis, Silveira, 1♂ (AMNH_PBI 00389862) (QM).















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