Paragaleus tenuis (Probst, 1878)

Höltke, Olaf, Salvador, Rodrigo B. & Rasser, Michael W., 2023, Trophic relationships in the Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse of Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, with special emphasis on the elasmobranch fauna, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 46) 26 (3), pp. 1-38 : 35

publication ID 10.26879/1233

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scientific name

Paragaleus tenuis (Probst, 1878)


Paragaleus tenuis (Probst, 1878)

Tooth type: Cutting-clutching.

There are four extant species of Paragaleus , living in the neritic realm. They can be found down to a depth of 100 m (Compagno et al., 2005; Ebert et al., 2021). Only one species, P. pectoralis (Garman, 1906) , has a known diet: it is a specialist feeder on cephalopods but may also take small fishes (Ebert et al., 2021). It has a TL of 4.3 ±0.64 (Froese and Pauly, 2019). The three other species as well as the extinct P. tenuis have similarly structured teeth (Probst, 1878, pl. 1, figs. 68-70; Herman et al., 1991, pl. 17 and 18; Pfeil, 1991, pl. 3, fig. 8; Ebert et al., pp. 499-500), hence equivalent feeding habits can be assumed.

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