Andrena (Poecilandrena) galilaea Pisanty & Scheuchl, 2018

Pisanty, Gideon, Scheuchl, Erwin & Dorchin, Netta, 2018, Taxonomic review of the subgenus Andrena (Poecilandrena) (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) in Israel and the Levant, Zootaxa 4374 (2), pp. 151-188 : 159-160

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4374.2.1

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scientific name

Andrena (Poecilandrena) galilaea Pisanty & Scheuchl

sp. nov.

Andrena (Poecilandrena) galilaea Pisanty & Scheuchl n. sp.

( Figs. 12 View FIGURES 1–12 , 40 View FIGURES 37–48 , 53 View FIGURES 49–56 , 62 View FIGURES 57–64 , 82 View FIGURES 73–87 , 95 View FIGURES 88–99 , 108 View FIGURES 108–113 , 121 View FIGURES 114–127 , 129, 133, 135 View FIGURES 128–138 )

Female. Body length: 7.5 mm.

Color. Basal margin of clypeus with a rainbow-like pattern of blue, greenish and reddish metallic colors; rest of clypeus and labral process black ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 1–12 ). Paraocular, supraclypeal and genal areas, frons, vertex, mesonotum, scutellum and metanotum with distinct bluish metallic luster ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 37–48 ). Anterior side of flagellomeres 1–2 black, 3– 4 partly orange, 5–10 orange; posterior side of flagellum black. Pronotum, mesepisternum and propodeum with weak bluish metallic luster. Coxae, trochanters, femora, tibia and basitarsi dark brown to black; distal tarsal segments moderate to dark brown. Wings hyaline, veins dark brown to black, stigma dark brown to black posteriorly, orangish-light brown anteriorly. Tergal discs black, hardly metallic; tergal marginal zones reddishbrown ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 57–64 ).

Pubescence. Head with mostly white to light brown plumose hairs of medium length and density. Facial foveae with dense short hairs, brownish-white in dorsal view, brown in anterior view. Vertex with white to dark brown hairs. Mesonotum, scutellum and metanotum with short, light brown plumose hairs. Mesepisternum with long white plumose hairs. Propodeal corbicula incomplete, dorsal half with long, white, strongly plumose hairs. Coxae, trochanters, femora and tibiae with mostly white to whitish hairs. Tarsi with white to brown hairs. Flocculus developed, hairs white and strongly plumose. Scopa whitish anteriorly, brown posteriorly, medial area with simple hairs, anterior and posterior margins with strongly but unilaterally plumose hairs. Tergal discs covered with tiny inconspicuous bright hairs. Tergal marginal zones 2–4 with weak apical bands of white hairs, discontinuous on 2– 3, continuous on 4. Prepygidial fimbria light brown.

Head. 1.2 times broader than long. Galea very shiny, smooth apically, almost smooth basally, very sparsely punctured. Labral process trapezoidal to rectangular, much broader than long, basal half transversely striated, apex slightly concave. Clypeus weakly convex, fully shagreened, basal 3/4 shallowly punctured, apical 1/4 strongly so, distance between punctures 1–1.5 puncture diameters, puncture size medium, an impunctate midline is sometimes weakly indicated at the basal 2/3 ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 1–12 ). Facial foveae uniformly broad, as wide as 1/3 antennocular distance, extending from level of lower end of lateral ocellus to lower end of antennal socket or slightly below. Distance of fovea from lateral ocellus about 2 ocellus diameters. Flagellomere 1 2.5 times longer than broad, as long as 2+3+4; 2–4 broader than long; 5 almost square. Ocelloccipital distance 1.5 ocellus diameters.

Mesosoma. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum not elevated, pronotum not carinate. Mesonotum strongly shagreened peripherally, weakly to strongly shagreened and sometimes with almost smooth areas medially, densely, evenly and distinctly punctured, distance between punctures 1 puncture diameter, puncture size medium ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 37–48 ). Scutellum shagreened, similarly punctured ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 37–48 ). Mesepisternum reticulate to finely alveolate posteriorly, with shallow U-shaped punctures anteriorly. Propodeal corbicula reticulate, impunctate. Propodeal triangle weakly to moderately rugose at basal 1/4–1/2, finely alveolate apically ( Fig. 53 View FIGURES 49–56 ). Inner side of hind femur not carinate. Inner hind tibial spur more or less straight and of uniform width. Hind leg pretarsal claws bidentate. Recurrent vein 1 meeting marginal cell 2 at its middle or very slightly distal to the middle. Nervulus more or less interstitial.

Metasoma. Tergal discs smooth, very weak shagreenation appears only on tergum 4 and the base of tergum 1; punctation dense, distance between punctures 0.5–1 puncture diameters, densest on tergum 2; puncture size medium, finer on tergum 4 ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 57–64 ). Tergal marginal zones weakly depressed, basal 1/2–3/4 shagreened and finely punctured, apical part weakly shagreened to smooth and impunctate. Pygidial plate alveolate, not elevated medially.

Male. Body length: 6.5–7 mm.

Color. Clypeus ivory-colored except for a very narrow basolateral dark margin, and two lateral black spots ( Fig. 82 View FIGURES 73–87 ). Rest of body similar to female.

Pubescence. Head with mostly white to light brown plumose hairs of medium length and density. Mesonotum, scutellum and metanotum with light brown plumose hairs of medium length. Mesepisternum and propodeum with long white plumose hairs. Coxae, trochanters, femora and tibiae with mostly white to whitish hairs. Tarsi with white to brown hairs. Tergal discs covered with tiny inconspicuous bright hairs. Tergal marginal zones 2–5 with weak apical bands of white hairs, discontinuous on 2–4, continuous on 5. Prepygidial fimbria whitish.

Head. 1.2 times broader than long. Galea very shiny, smooth apically, almost smooth basally, very sparsely punctured. Clypeus convex, shagreened on basolateral margin, otherwise smooth to weakly shagreened, shallowly punctured, distance between punctures 1–2 puncture diameters, puncture size medium, without impunctate midline ( Fig. 82 View FIGURES 73–87 ). Flagellomere 1 2.3 times longer than broad, much longer than 2+3; 2–4 broader than long; the following more or less square. Ocelloccipital distance 1.5–1.7 ocellus diameters. Preoccipital ridge not carinate.

Mesosoma. Mesonotum strongly shagreened peripherally, shiny and shagreened to smooth medially, distinctly punctured, distance between punctures 1–2 puncture diameters, puncture size medium ( Fig. 95 View FIGURES 88–99 ). Scutellum similar but smoother, punctation finer medially ( Fig. 95 View FIGURES 88–99 ). Rest of mesosoma similar to female.

Metasoma. Similar to female, but punctation of tergal discs slightly sparser (distance between punctures 1–1.5 puncture diameters), and shagreenation of tergal marginal zones weaker ( Fig. 108 View FIGURES 108–113 ).

Genitalia and hidden sterna. Genital capsule elongate, spade-shaped ( Fig. 121 View FIGURES 114–127 ). Gonocoxites connected, dorsal lobes elongate, pointed, slightly curved away from each other. Gonostyli narrow and elongate, of more or less uniform width, apex pointed ( Figs. 121 View FIGURES 114–127 , 129 View FIGURES 128–138 ). Penis valves spade-shaped, dorsal lamella much narrower than ventral lamella ( Fig. 133 View FIGURES 128–138 ). Sternite 8 narrow, columnar, apex suddenly broadened, apical margin concave ( Fig. 135 View FIGURES 128–138 ).

Differential diagnosis. A. galilaea is very similar to A. viridescens from Europe and Asia Minor, and to A. standfussorum Scheuchl from southern Greece. It differs from A. viridescens as follows: body larger; male clypeus slightly smoother; female ocelloccipital distance larger; female scutellum bluish metallic and strongly shagreened (greenish metallic and weakly shagreened in A. viridescens ), more densely punctured; propodeal triangle more finely sculpted, rugae shallower and less extensive; recurrent vein 1 meeting submarginal cell 2 near its middle (distinctly distal to the middle in A. viridescens ); terga smoother, more coarsely and densely punctured; tergal marginal zones darker, especially in the male (basal half distinctly orange in the male of A. viridescens ); dorsal gonocoxite lobes slightly curved away from each other (straight in A. viridescens ); dorsal lamella of penis valves slightly broader in apical part. A. galilaea differs from A. standfussorum as follows: pilosity mostly whitish (mostly brown in A. standfussorum ); shagreenation of female clypeus and mesonotum stronger; punctation of female clypeus stronger and denser apically than basally (more or less even in A. standfussorum ); male flagellomere 1 shorter (as long as 2+3+ 4 in A. standfussorum ); propodeal triangle more finely sculpted, rugae shallower and less extensive; dorsal gonocoxite lobes slightly curved away from each other (straight in A. standfussorum ); dorsal lamella of penis valves narrower (almost as broad as ventral lamella in A. standfussorum ).

Distribution: Israel (Upper Galilee).

Flight period: April.

Flower records: Plantaginaceae : Veronica leiocarpa (13♀, 5♂).

Etymology. The species is named after the Galilee region in northern Israel, where it was collected.

Material examined: ISRAEL AND WEST BANK: Holotype: Ziv'on, 1km SW, 33.0195˚N 35.408˚E, 21.iv.2017, G. Pisanty, on Veronica leiocarpa (♂) (SMNHTAU); Paratypes: Ziv'on, 700m SW, 21.iv.2016, G. Pisanty, on Veronica leiocarpa (6♀); Ziv'on, 1km SW, 21.iv.2017, G. Pisanty, on Veronica leiocarpa (7♀, 4♂) (ES, OLML, SMNHTAU).

Remarks. Partial sequences of the mtCOI gene show 10% difference between A. galilaea and German populations of A. viridescens (GP and ND, unpublished data), supporting the integrity of A. galilaea as a distinct species.















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