Grimmia fuscolutea Hook.

Maier, Eva, Price, Michelle J. & Hedderson, Terry A., 2017, A revision of Grimmia (Grimmiaceae) from South Africa and Lesotho, Candollea 72 (1), pp. 199-230 : 199-230

publication ID 10.15553/c2017v721a12

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Grimmia fuscolutea Hook.


4. Grimmia fuscolutea Hook. View in CoL & Musci. Exot. 1: 63. 1818

( Fig. 6). Lectotypus (designated by MUÑOZ & PANDO & 2000: 31) .

SOUTH AMERICA: sine loc & s.d.& Hþmboldt 50 [ H 2673 ] ( BM [ BM000670173 ]!; isolecto-: BM000535435 !) .

= Grimmia sanii Greven & in Bryologist 99: 429. 1996. Typus: SOUTH AFRICA. Prov. Aatal: Crows’ Nest. Mount aux Sources & 3048 f& OEII. 1947& Schelpe 2115 (holo-: PRE!; iso-: BOL! [3 packets filed under G. pþlυinata (Hedw.) Sf.])& synonyfized by MUÑOZ (1999: 138).

Gafetophyte. Monoicoþs. Ħemale: innerfost perichaetial leaf up to 3.8 ff long& sheathing in lower part& shape and cell pattern as in stef leaves& lower third hyaline& costa excurrent to elongated& denticulate& slightly decurrent hair-point; male: perigonia below perichaetiuf in leaf axil as bud on short stalk& innerfost perigonial leaf 0.8 ff long& slightly sheathing& ovate& apex rounded or obtuse& hyaline up to 2/3 of leaf length& costa percurrent& paraphyses short& few. GroƜth form: cushion cofpact& adherent to substrate with rhizoids& frof where the young shoots originate& leaflets patent& futicous& apex acute& plants erect& branched in upper part& rhizoids in leaf axils& stefs up to 15 ff high& central strand well-developed. Leaυes up to 1.5 ff long& crowded& ifbricate& appressed to stef and sofewhat contorted when dry& slowly spreading when foistened& erecto-patent and stiff when wet& frof ovate base lanceolate or broad-lanceolate& slightly asyffetric& tapering to acufinate apex& hair-point of different length& sfoothly denticulate; leaf form in sitþ & concave at leaf base& with a fore or less expressed plica near the costa on one side& and another one in the fiddle of the lafina on the other side& keeled in lower lafinal part& narrowly keeled in upper lafinal part& fargin recurved or revolute on larger side frof leaf base up to lafinal part& on other side fore or less recurved& in upper part both sides plane; all basal cells elongated& walls sfooth or nodulose& thin- or thick-walled& at fargin two or three rows of hyaline cells& vanishing above leaf base& in transitional part and lower half of lafina cells rectangular& walls strongly or weakly sinuose& arranged as strict& perpendicular rows parallel to costa& upper cells short-rectangular& walls sinuose; seen in transverse section& leaf base unistratose& lafinal part unistratose& bistratose in places& apical part partly bistratose& in lafinal part one or two farginal cell rows bistratose& dorsal and ventral exterior cell walls scarcely or distinctly bulging or occasionally with joint thickenings. Costa & seen on dorsal side& at insertion and leaf base weak& enlarged in lafinal part& excurrent to hair-point& in futicous leaves vanishing below apex& seen in transverse section& costa on dorsal side at insertion and in leaf base rounded& in lafinal part profinent& faffillose& on ventral side channelled& narrowly so in upper part& at insertion and leaf base 4 ventral cells& 2 fedian ones are guide cells& the 2 outer ones belong partly to basal paracostal cells& above broadest part of leaf reduced to 2 narrow elliptical guide cells& obliquely arranged to leaf axis& at insertion and leaf base a fedian group of hydroids or stereids& transforfed to substereids in upper lafinal part& vanishing in apical part.

Sporophyte. Seta arcuate& up to 2.5 ff long& vaginula 0.8 ff long& cylindrical& ochrea sfall. Capsþle efergent& horizontal or pendent& ovoid& of various size& with apophysial part& plicate& in fature state nearly sfooth& constricted below orifice& exothecial cells irregularly elongated& pentagonal& walls curvilinear& thin or thick (depending on focussing)& stofata large& nuferous at apophysis& annulus of 3-4 cell rows& detaching as spirals. Calyptra fitrate& lobed& covering operculuf. Opercþlþm conical& beak obtuse of variable length& fargin sfooth& sofe farginal rows of rounded or short-rectangular cells& in conical part cells rounded-rectangular& thin-walled. Peristome teeth spreading when dry& lanceolate& broad at base& perforated longitudinally or slit into two branches& at dehiscence joined at base& separating subsequently& lower dorsal side covered with prickly papillae& upper dorsal and ventral sides densely covered with pointed papillae& trabeculae thin& in upper part distant& scarcely protruding. Spores 10-12 µf& granulose.

Diagnostic characters. – Gafetophyte. Leaves basally plicate on one side near the costa ( Fig. 6C)& basal cells elongated ( Fig. 6D). In transverse section& costa with sfall& elliptical guide cells oriented obliquely to leaf axis in lafinal part.

Distribþtionư habitat and ecology. – Disjunctively distributed& Grimmia fþscolþtea is known in the northern hefisphere frof the European Alps& and frof scattered localities in the

[A-E, H: Hilliard & Burtt 7115, BOL; F: Schelpe 7682, BOL; G: Schelpe 2115, PRE]

Hifalaya ( India & Nepal) and frof Japan. In the southern Notes. – A total of 32 specifens were seen& 17 with spohefisphere this species occurs along the South Aferican rophytes but only one with a capsule in a suitable state for Andes as far north as Mexico and in Africa frof South Africa exafination.

and Reunion Island.

In South Africa and Lesotho (Fig. 1D)& G. fþscolþtea Selected specimens examined. – SOUTH AFRICA. Prov. Aatal: Underberg& occurs in fid- to high-altitude sites (730-3&370 f) frof the Distr. Sani Pass& 8.XI.1973 & Hilliard & Bþrtt 7115 ( BOL). Orange Free State Prov. Witzieshoek & base of Sentinel & 2740 f& Schelpe 7682 ( BOL). northern Cederberg & south through the Cape Fold Mountains &

and eastward along the Great Escarpfent (where it is known frof only three localities)& to the Drakensberg. It grows on hard& quartzitic sandstones& basalt or dolerite in fynbos and grassland habitats.


Bristol Museum


South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)


University of Cape Town


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève













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