Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi ( Esben-Petersen, 1935 )

Hassan, Muhammad Asghar & Liu, Xingyue, 2022, The green lacewings of Pakistan (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): a faunal review with new records of genera and species, Zootaxa 5180 (1), pp. 1-83 : 59-61

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5180.1.1

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scientific name

Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi ( Esben-Petersen, 1935 )


Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi ( Esben-Petersen, 1935) View in CoL

( Figs 41–43 View FIGURE 41 View FIGURE 42 View FIGURE 43 , 57 View FIGURE 57 )

Chrysopa sillemi Esben-Petersen, 1935: 234 View in CoL . Type locality: India (Kashmir).

Chrysopa (Chrysoperla) gujaratensis Ghosh, 1976a: 74 View in CoL . Type locality: India (Gujarat).

Chrysopa (Chrysoperla) punensis Ghosh, 1976b: 189 View in CoL . Type locality: India (Maharashtra).

Chrysopa (Chrysoperla) sanandensis Ghosh, 1977: 103 View in CoL . Type locality: India (Gujarat).

Chrysoperla zastrowi arabica Henry et al. 2006: 2192 View in CoL View Cited Treatment . Type locality: Oman.

Diagnosis and notes

Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi is similar to Chrysoperla carnea in external body characters and male genitalia, but it can be distinguished by the basal dilation of pretarsal claws 1/4 or less length of the hook of claws ( Brooks 1994: fig. 25; Fig. 42F View FIGURE 42 ), as well as the heart-shape female subgenitale ( Fig. 43C View FIGURE 43 ).


Measurements (♂ n=2, ♀ n=3). Forewing: length ♂ 13.3–13.4 mm, ♀ 13.0–14.0 mm, width ♂ 4.2–4.3 mm, ♀ 4.2–4.7 mm; hindwing: length ♂ 12.1–12.5 mm, ♀ 11.5–12.6 mm, width ♂ 3.8–4.0 mm, ♀ 4.0– 4.3 mm; body length: ♂ 7.8 mm, ♀ 8.1–9.2 mm.

Head ( Figs 42A–E View FIGURE 42 ). Vertex moderately raised, unmarked, rounded in frontal view. Postorbital sclerite unmarked. Frons unmarked. Interantennal spot absent. Clypeus with lateral margins narrowly dark brown. Labrum pale green. Genae with a median transverse dark brown spot. Maxillary and labial palpi pale yellow (dorsal margin brownish yellow in some individuals), except terminal palpi brownish, covered with short dark brown setae. Antennal toruli yellow. Antennae shorter than forewing, yellow, unmarked, covered with short dark brown setae.

Thorax ( Fig. 42E View FIGURE 42 ). Pronotum slightly wider than long (length 0.53–0.78 mm, width 0.81–1.09 mm), pale green, with a median transverse greyish stripe, covered with short yellow setae, black dots at setal bases. Meso- and metanotum pale green, with transverse greyish stripe, sparsely covered short yellow setae.

Legs ( Fig. 42D View FIGURE 42 ). Pale green, unmarked, covered with short brownish setae. Pretarsal claws with basal dilation 1/3 of the length of hook of claws, quadrate at base ( Fig. 42F View FIGURE 42 ).

Wings ( Figs 41A–B View FIGURE 41 ). Forewing: Costal area relatively narrow at both ends, slightly wider at the longest subcostal veinlets (5–15). Subcostal area with three crossveins below pterostigma. Pterostigma opaque, white. Veins green. 11–13 radial cells (r cell). Four Banksian cells (b cell); four lower Banksian cells (b’ cell). Basal crossvein between Rs and M (r-m 1) straight, meets at apex of im cell. Two series of gradates, both meet psm; six to seven inner gradates (ig) and seven to eight outer gradates (og). Two intramedian cells; first intramedian cell (im1) ovate. Second (m2) and third (m3) median cells of similar size. Three intracubital cells (two closed); first cubital crossvein proximal to second mediocubital crossvein (m-cu2); first (icu1), second (icu2) and third (icu3) intracubital cells of similar size. Hindwing: Veins pale green. Costal area narrow. Subcostal area with three crossveins below pterostigma. Pterostigma opaque, white. 10–11 radial cells (r cell). Four Banksian cells (b cell); four lower Banksian cells (b’ cell). Two series of gradates, both meet psm; four to six inner gradates and five to eight outer gradates.

Abdomen ( Figs 42D–E View FIGURE 42 ). Tergum and sternum pale green, with median longitudinal greyish stripe, covered with pale yellow setae.

Male genitalia ( Figs 43F–J View FIGURE 43 ). Tergum 8 (T8) subquadrate in lateral view. T9+ectoproct quadrate in lateral view, covered with brown setae. Dorsal arm of apodeme (da) on T9+ectoproct long, extending beyond callus cercus, transverse, pointed distally; submarginal apodeme (sa) of S8+9 arcuated. Callus cerci (cc) oblong, with 27–30 trichobothria. S8+9 fused, without suture; tip of sternite 8+9 rounded in lateral view. S8+9 slightly shorter than T9+ectoproct in lateral view. Entoprocessus (ent) large, narrow, crescentic. Gonarcus (gon) with board lateral plate, arcuated. Arcessus (arc) striated. Gonosetae (gst) short. Tignum (ti) with long acumen (ac), covered with short prominent setae. Hypandrium internum (hi) V-shaped with small and straight comes (c) in dorsal view.

Female genitalia ( Figs 43A–E View FIGURE 43 ). Tergum 8 (T8) quadrate in lateral view. T9+ectoproct quadrate in lateral view. Sternum 7 (S7) quadrate in ventral view. Gonaphophyses lateralis (gl) oblong in lateral view. Callus cerci (cc) oblong, with 27–33 trichobothria. Subgenitale (sg) heart-shaped, wider than long, bilobed distally, heavily sclerotized, distinctly visible in ventral view. Spermatheca (sm) small, rounded, doughnut-shaped, with distinct median rounded invagination (inv) in lateral view. Spermathecal duct (sd) long, cylindrical, coiled, attached to bursa copulatrix (bc). Vela (vel) short, conical in ventral view.


















Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi ( Esben-Petersen, 1935 )

Hassan, Muhammad Asghar & Liu, Xingyue 2022

Chrysopa (Chrysoperla) gujaratensis

Ghosh, S. K. 1976: 74

Chrysopa (Chrysoperla) punensis

Ghosh, S. K. 1976: 189

Chrysopa sillemi

Esben-Petersen, P. 1935: 234
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