Lobelia camporum Pohl (1831: 100)

Rollim, Isis De Mello, Coelho, Guilherme Peres, Miotto, Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia, Iganci, João Ricardo Vieira & Trovó, Marcelo, 2023, A nomenclatural and taxonomic review of the Campanulaceae described in Vellozo’s Flora Fluminensis, Phytotaxa 589 (2), pp. 191-197 : 192

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Lobelia camporum Pohl (1831: 100)


1. Lobelia camporum Pohl (1831: 100) View in CoL .

= Lobelia alpina Vellozo (1831: 154) , syn. nov. Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. São Paulo, “ Habitat ad apicem Alpium Pharmacopolitanarum ”. [icon ined.] “Syng. Monog.: LOBELIA alpina Tab. 154” ( Manuscript Sect. of Torre do Tombo , Lisbon) [PT/TT/MSLIV/2778 available at https://digitarq.arquivos.pt/viewer?id=7792203], and published by Vellozo (Fl. Flumin. Icon. 8: t. 154. 1831).

Notes:—Volume 2 of Plantarum Brasiliae icones et descriptiones ( Pohl 1831), with Campanulaceae , dates to 1830– 1831, starting its estimated publication in the beginning of 1831 ( Stafleu 1967). As the publication of the species of Campanulaceae in Flora Fluminensis dates back to October 1831, the name proposed by Pohl must have priority. It is also nowadays the mostly used name.

The plant morphology of Vellozo’s plate for Lobelia alpina and its description match the species known as L. camporum ( Fig. 1 A, B View FIGURE 1 ), a morphologically variable species. The traits that allow us to recognize the species in the illustration are the herbaceous habit, sessile lanceolate leaves, and short-pedicellate flowers arranged in a raceme. The species, found in Brazil and the adjacent areas of Argentina, is widespread in High Altitude Grasslands, Flooded Fields (várzea), and Highland Rocky Fields ( Rollim et al. 2020) in the Distrito Federal and Brazilian states of Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and São Paulo.

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