Callistethus yalizo Filippini , Galante

Filippini, Valentina, Galante, Eduardo & Micó, Estefanía, 2015, Description of six new species of Anomalini from Costa Rica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae), Zootaxa 3948 (1) : -

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3948.1.2

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scientific name

Callistethus yalizo Filippini , Galante


Callistethus yalizo Filippini, Galante , & Micó, new species

Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 6

Type material. Holotype: ♂ "P.N. Tapanti, La Represa, A. C. Amistad, Prov. Carta, COSTA RICA. 1650 m. 23 Mar 1994, G. Mora, A. Solis, E. Ulate, L N 185900_563360 # 2783 / INBIOCRI001964129" deposited in INBIO . Paratypes (8): 1♂ "R. Grande de Orosi, desde Puente R. Dos Amigos hasta la Represa, Prov. Carta, COSTA RICA. 1400-1800m. MAR 1995. R. Delgado. L_N_186600_562000 #4418 / INBIOCRI002253282"; 1♂ " Costa Rica, Cartago Prov., Tapanti N. Pk. Dam area, vi-4-1997 RW Hamilton / RWHC " INBIO ; 1♂ "Cerro Chompipe, Res. Biol. Chompipe, Prov. Here, COSTA RICA, J. F. Corrales, 7 Abr 1991, L- N 230000_528000 / INBIOCRI000183743"; 1♀ "Quebrada Segunda, P. N. Tapanti, 1250M, Prov. Cartago, Costa Rica, Mar 1992, R. Vargas, L-N 194000,560000 / INBIOCRI000894947"; 1♂ "Esperanza del Guarco, Cartago, Costa Rica. 2300 m 5/ 6/2008 Leg. A. García, M.Zumbado / CEUA 00106167"; 1♀ " COSTA RICA. Prov. Cartago. P.N. Tapanti. La Esperanza del Guarco. 2334m. 5 MAY 2008. A. García, M.A. Zumbado. Tp. Luz 2. L_N_188418_552219 #93739 / CEUA 00106168"; 1♂ "V. Platanar P.N. Juan Castro Blanco ( Costa Rica) 1800 m 29-1-2006. T. luz (18:30-21:00). Leg.: Micó, García, Galante / CEUA 00003201"; 1♂ " MUSEO DE INSECTOS UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA. COSTA RICA, PROV. Cartago. Río Macho, Orosí. 4 may. 1973. E. Monge." MUCR.

Holotype male description. Body shape oval. Length 15.1 mm; width 8.6 mm.

Color. Head, pronotum, and scutellum metallic green. Margins of pronotum yellow, with green/bronze luster. Elytra and pygidium metallic green with brown luster. Metasternum metallic green, legs (including coxae) and lateral sternites yellow, with green base and apex; protibiae and tarsi metallic green, claws red. Abdominal sternites reddish brown with green/bronze luster. Antennae red with club dark brown.

Clypeus nearly rectangular, ratio width/length 2.3; surface granulate; anterior margin slightly sinuate. Frons with dense, coarse punctures; rest of head with sparse, fine punctures. Ocular canthus long, tapering towards apex; apex acute. Eyes small, interocular ratio (interocular width/width of eye) 3.0. Antenna: ratio funiculus/club 0.6.

Pronotum width 1.8 times length; in dorsal view broadest at base. Lateral margins rounded. Anterior angles quadrate, with rounded vertex; posterior angles obtuse, with rounded vertex. Basal margin without subapical sulcus, sinuate. Entire surface with small, shallow, sparse punctures.

Scutellum. Shape subpentagonal, with a median sulcus and sparse, deep punctures on the entire surface; ratio width/length 1.5.

Elytra. Surface with costae defined by rows of shallows punctures. Interstices with 3–4 (1st interstice) or 1–2 (2nd–5th interstices) rows of sparse shallow punctures.

Pygidium granulate with a shallow median sulcus, setae short on disc and longer on margins. Ratio width/ length 1.6.

Mesosternal process short, not going beyond anterior margin of mesocoxae, uniformly wide (half as wide as metafemura) with rounded apex; width at base: 0.6 mm ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 25 – 26 ). Mesometasternal suture well defined. Abdominal sternites with sparse, shallow punctures; laterally forming 6–7 rows of punctures. Short, blonde setae arranged in 1 row per sternite, denser on sides (in 2–3 rows). Terminal sternite with sparse, shallow punctures; apical margin height 2/3 of basal portion, surface smooth; apical membrane narrow. Abdominal spiracle 6th convex.

Legs. Protibia bidentate (Fig. 12); apical tooth long, oblique in relation to the vertical axis of protibia, nearly straight. Basal tooth obtuse, blunt, positioned at same level with internal apex of protibia. Metatibia very thin, slightly narrower subapically. Ratio length/width 5.1. Both external carinae well defined. Surface punctate. Protarsal claws: external claw curved; internal claw bifurcate, with branches strongly diverging; upper branch of equal length and 2/3 the width of the lower branch, inferior margin sinuate.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 13 – 18 ). Parameres nearly bilobed in a lateral view, ventral plate partially fused with parameres. Endophallus ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 23 – 24 ): with 1 long, sinuate sacculus, with a row of small, globoid diverticles in basal half, partially covered with setae; ejaculatory duct opening ventrally at base, laterally with a small diverticle covered in long setae.

Variation. Elytra from red with green luster to metallic green. Abdominal sternites from ochre to dark brown with green or bronze luster. Female similar to male. Antennal club slightly shorter than in male. Eyes smaller than in male. Protibia (Fig. 12): apical tooth longer and wider, basal tooth above the internal apex. Protarsal claw: internal claw narrower than in male, bifurcation narrower, inferior margin curved. Margin of terminal sternite narrower than in male.

Body length 15.1–16.2 mm; width 8.6–9.5 mm. Clypeus w/l: 2.2–2.3. Interocular ratio: 3.0–3.1 (male), 3.5–4.2 (female). Antenna: ratio funiculus/club: 0.6–0.8. Pronotum w/l: 1.8–1.9. Scutellum w/l: 1.3–1.5. Pygidium w/l: 1.5–1.7. Width of mesosternal process at base: 0.4–0. 6 mm. Metatibia w/l: 4.6–5.4.

Diagnosis. Metallic green color; elytra with shallow punctures that give an irregular appearance; mesosternal process short; parameres nearly bilobed in a lateral view, ventral plate partially fused with parameres.

Etymology. Latinized from the Greek verb yalízo , to be green like glass, treated as a noun in apposition, for the green shiny color of this species.

Distribution. Central and Talamanca mountain ranges, Costa Rica, from 200–2300 m ( Fig. 37 View FIGURE 34 – 37 ).


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