Diplopodomyces coronatus Santam., Enghoff & Reboleira, 2018

Santamaría, Sergi, Enghoff, Henrik & Reboleira, Ana Sofía P. S., 2018, New species of Troglomyces and Diplopodomyces (Laboulbeniales, Ascomycota) from millipedes (Diplopoda), European Journal of Taxonomy 429, pp. 1-20 : 4-6

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2018.429



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scientific name

Diplopodomyces coronatus Santam., Enghoff & Reboleira

sp. nov.

Diplopodomyces coronatus Santam., Enghoff & Reboleira View in CoL sp. nov.

MycoBank No: MB824136

Fig. 1 View Fig


Similar to Diplopodomyces lusitanipodos Santam., Enghoff & Reboleira , but differing for the single antheridium on the lower cell of the appendage and the conspicuous four blunt lips on the perithecial apex.


The species epithet means “crown-like”, in relation to the crown-like perithecial tip, resulting from the peculiar disposition of its four apical wall cells.

Material examined

Holotype BULGARIA: Western Stara Planina, Mt. Bell mel. Distr. Montana, Cave Parasinskata , guano clay, on Serboiulus spelaeophilus Gulicka, 1967 (Julida) , 25 Feb. 2000, B. Petrov & P. Tzankov leg., slide C-F-92266 .

Isotypes BULGARIA: Same data as holotype. Slides SS E585a , SS E585c , SS E585d and SS E585e ( BCB-Mycotheca).


Thallus hyaline, except for the blackened foot.

Basal cell (I) slightly longer than broad, enlarged distally, with the base abruptly constricted at the point of junction with the blackened foot (it breaks easily with manipulation). Suprabasal cell (II) trapezoidal, slightly longer than broad. Cell III nearly twice as long as broad. Septum I-II horizontal, septa II-III and II-VI oblique. Septum II-VI two times longer than septum II-III. Primary septum (a) slightly constricted, oblique.

Primary appendage strongly divergent from the perithecial axis, forming an angle of 45–70º, unbranched, consisting of up to 4–5 similarly elongated cells, gradually tapering distally towards a blunt apical cell, if unbroken. Spiny remains of spore apex (sx) conspicuous, stout and blunt, located on the distal margin of the 4th cell. A single bottle-shaped, narrow and elongate antheridium, borne on a corner cell at the adaxial side of appendage basal cell.

Perithecial stalk cell (VI) flattened, trapezoidal, 2.5 times as broad as long. Secondary stalk cell (VII) and basal cells of perithecium (n, m, n’) well defined. Perithecium almost conical, broadest near the base, gradually tapering into a truncate apex. The latter bears four rather conspicuous and blunt lips, formed by upper tier of perithecial wall cells (w4). Margins of perithecium showing a slight indentation at the junction between what seem the w3 and w4 tiers, above which the margin is slightly convex ( Figs 1C‒E View Fig ). Length from foot to apex of perithecium 104‒139 µm. Perithecium (including basal cells) 70‒89 × 18‒23 µm. Primary appendage (from primary septum to apex, undamaged) 48‒84 µm.


Thalli are sparsely distributed on the host body, mostly on the legs, a few on the body but the latter in poor condition.

Exceptionally one immature thallus bears an additional antheridium on the second cell of appendage, identical in shape, size, position and orientation to the usually single antheridium.

As mentioned in the diagnosis, this species seems to be closely related to Diplopodomyces lusitanipodos , but differs from the latter for the position of the single antheridium on the appendage basal cell, instead than on the second appendage cell. Moreover, in Diplopodomyces coronatus Santam., Enghoff & Reboleira sp. nov. the antheridium is born on a corner cell (sc-an, Fig. 1F View Fig ), which is absent in Diplopodomyces lusitanipodos . The perithecial apex appears to be ornate with four protuberant lips, i.e., the upper outer wall cells (w4, Fig. 1C‒E View Fig ), whereas it is blunt although showing four minute preapical rounded protuberances in Diplopodomyces lusitanipodos ( Santamaría et al. 2014: 1031) . The sx ( Fig. 1F View Fig ) is hardly distinguishable, short, blunt and stout on the fourth appendage cell, whereas it is spiny, easily recognizable, and usually on the third appendage cell in Diplopodomyces lusitanipodos .

The host is a purely cavernicolous species ( Kime & Enghoff 2017).

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