Conocybe fuscimarginata (Murrill) Singer, Beih.

Liu, Jing & Bau, Tolgor, 2018, New species and new records in the genus Conocybe (Bolbitaceae) from China, Phytotaxa 357 (4), pp. 261-274 : 268-269

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.357.4.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Conocybe fuscimarginata (Murrill) Singer, Beih.


Conocybe fuscimarginata (Murrill) Singer, Beih. View in CoL Nova Hedwigia 29: 210 (1969) Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 , 7C View FIGURE 7

Galerula fuscimarginata Murrill , Lloydia 5: 148 (1942)

Description:—Pileus 1.3–2.5 cm broad, conico-campanulate to obtusely conical or hemispherical at first, then conico-convex to convex, slightly obtusely umbo, pale brownish grey, greyish brown, orange grey, greyish beige, pale yellow brown (5D2–3, 4C2–4, 3B2–5B2), hygrophanous weakly, occasionally centre greyish brown, pale yellow orange (7D3–7E 3, 7E 4) when moist and young, gradually pallescent with age, not translucently striate, on drying becoming orange grey or pale ochraceous grey, greyish yellow, pale buffy citrine (5B2–C2, 4B3–4A3), surface smooth, or slightly wrinkled-rugulose, dull to shiny, sometimes subviscid when moist. Context thin, concolorous with surface. Odor and taste weak, not distinctive. Lamellae in three series, 3–5 mm broad, crowded, adnexed, ventricose, yellow-brown to rusty brown with concolorous edge. Stipe 4.5–7.5 × 0.2–0.5 cm, base cylindrical to subbulbous, sometimes even to bulbous, solid to hollow, covering with white pubescent-striate, whitish at first, then greyish brown, pale brown, or yellow-brown when elder in lower part.

Basidiospores (9.5–)9.7–11.4(–12.0) × (6.1–)6.4–6.8(–7.1) μm, Q=(1.55)1.56–1.96(2), Q m =1.68(±0.1), ellipsoid-oblong to oblong, not or only slightly flattened ellipsoid to oblong, yellow-brown to orange-brown in ammonia (5C8, 6C8), thick-walled, with apical germ pole, contents monoguttulate to multiguttulate oil droplets. Basidia 17–24 × 9–12 μm, clavate, 4-spored, hyaline to yellowish contents, clamp-connection present. Cheilocystidia 14–21 × 7–10 μm, lecythiform with short neck connected with subglobose to globose small head, hyaline. Pleurocystidia abscent. Lamellae trama is parallel, consisting of cylindrical to inflatened hyphae 3.8–45 μm broad, hyaline to pale yellow. Stipe cuticle a thin cutis made up by cylindrical hyphae 2.5–10 μm broad, with hyaline to pale yellow thin-walled. Caulocystidia is a mixture of lageniform to subcylindrical with neck and numerous subglobose element, as well as cylindrical, or tortuous hairs with swollen base. Clamp-connection present. Pileipellis 24–53 × 14–24 μm, an epithelioid hymeniderm, consisted by clavate and spheropedunculate elements, with hyaline thin wall, often intermixed with cylindrical hairs. Pileocystidia filiform or slenderly lageniform with longer flexuous neck, scattered to numerous outside of the hymeniderm. Clamp-connection present.

Habit and habitat:—Saprotrophic, solitary or in groups, sometimes subfasciculate, in gardens, fertilized lawns, ruderal places.

Distribution:—America ( Watling 1983), Italy ( Hausknecht 1998), Sweden ( Tóth et al. 2013), Turkey ( KAŞIK et al. 2004), Netherland (Arnolds 2005), Russia (Malysheva 2011), India ( Amandeep et al. 2015), China.

Examined specimens:— CHINA. Jilin Provence: Nanguan District , the campus of Jilin Agricultural University , July 3 rd 2016, Jing Liu & Yu-peng Ge HMJAU42444 View Materials ; same location, September 5 th 2016, Tolgor Bau & Jing Liu HMJAU42438 View Materials .

Note:— Conocybe fuscimarginata is easy to recognize from other Conocybe species by its greyish brown indistinctive striate pileus and white pubescent stipe when collected them in the field.

Chinese C. fuscimarginata View in CoL and the Europe specimen has a high support (100%) in the Clade B. Subclade containing Conocybe nigrescens Hauskn. & Gubitz View in CoL and Conocybe anthracophila var. ovispora Hauskn. View in CoL and Conocybe ochrastriata Hauskn. is the sister group of the C. fuscimarginata View in CoL for various caulocystidia composed by non-lecythiform with neck linked by small globe head, lageniform with inflated lower part connected by long narrow neck, or obtuse short neck. But macroscopically they are totally different, C. nigrescens View in CoL is characterized by fresh chocolate brown to dark brown pileus ( Hausknecht & Contu 2007), and C. anthracophila var. ovispora View in CoL with dark reddish brown pileus, as well as C. ochrastriata without greyish or darkish color on pileus ( Hausknecht 2005).

Conocybe fuscimarginata View in CoL in Europe has slightly hints of ochre, while this is not seen in Chinese materials (Arnolds 2005).














Conocybe fuscimarginata (Murrill) Singer, Beih.

Liu, Jing & Bau, Tolgor 2018

Conocybe fuscimarginata (Murrill) Singer, Beih.

Murrill 1969: 210
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