Chaetopleura hanselmani (Ferreira, 1982)

Reyes-Gómez, Adriana, Flores-Garza, Rafael, Galeana-Rebolledo, Lizeth, Hernández-Vera, Gerardo, Galván-Villa, Cristian M., Torreblanca-Ramírez, Carmina, Flores-Rodríguez, Pedro, García-Ibañez, Sergio & Ríos-Jara, Eduardo, 2022, Intertidal chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the rocky coastline of Guerrero, México, with the description of a new species, Zootaxa 5155 (4), pp. 451-492 : 456

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5155.4.1

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scientific name

Chaetopleura hanselmani (Ferreira, 1982)


Chaetopleura hanselmani (Ferreira, 1982) View in CoL

Figures 2B View FIGURE 2 , 4D–K View FIGURE 4 , 5A–D View FIGURE 5

Distribution. From Mazatlán, México to Isla Lobos Afuera, Perú ( Ferreira 1982a).

Type specimens. Holotype CAS 017703 About CAS .

Type Locality. Isla Santa Cruz , Galapagos Islands .

Material examined. 20 specimens, maximum size of 11.8 mm long, 7.1 mm width. M (n=2); K (n=1); P (n=4); D (n=3); U (n=1); H (n=3); I (n=2); N (n=1); A (n=3).

Habitat. This species was commonly found below 3 m depth, attached to small rocks buried in sand. According to Kaas & Van Belle (1987) Chaetopleura hanselmani is distributed in intertidal. However, Reyes-Gómez et al. (2010) reported that C. hanselmani is mostly distributed in shallow subtidal since it was found at 7 m depth at Casa Mixteca, Oaxaca (e.g., CNMO 5247).

Adult specimens were found together with Callistoplax retusa , Callistochiton elenensis , and juveniles of Ischnochiton muscarius and Stenoplax limaciformis , on rocks with crustose algae.

Remarks. Ferreira (1982a: fig. 6) and Kaas & Van Belle (1987: fig. 33:1–12) described the holotype from Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos and provided figures of the radular teeth. When comparing Guerrero specimens to the holotype, we identified a few differences that could be significant with more study of material from the Galápagos islands. Those authors depicted the minor (5 th) lateral tooth anteriorly broad with wing-like edges, whereas this tooth of specimens from Guerrero lack this anterior widening and appear shorter. In addition, pustules of the lateral valve areas of the holotype were depicted to be arranged in rows that are symmetrically aligned, while specimens from Guerrero display pustules in a scattered pattern.

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