Nazonothrips toshifumii, Okajima & Masumoto, 2022

Okajima, Shuji & Masumoto, Masami, 2022, Enigmatic male dimorphism in the Phlaeothripinae (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae), with description of a new genus and species, Zootaxa 5134 (4), pp. 561-568 : 564-565

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5134.4.4

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scientific name

Nazonothrips toshifumii

sp. nov.

Nazonothrips toshifumii sp. n.

( Figs 2–24 View FIGURES 2–13 View FIGURES 14–20 View FIGURES 21–24 )

Female macroptera ( Figs 2, 8–13 View FIGURES 2–13 ). Body brown; abdominal segment IX and tube yellowish. Antennae yellowish brown, somewhat paler than head, segment II slightly paler than other segments. Fore femora yellowish, with bases brownish; mid and hind femora brown; tibiae yellowish, mid and hind tibiae shaded with brown. Fore wings, remaining part, weakly shaded. Prominent setae pale. Head wider than long, dorsal surface smooth; cheeks short and weekly narrowed toward base. Postocular setae situated on cheeks just behind eyes, short and nearly pointed; all of other cephalic setae minute. Eyes large and bulged, about 0.7 times as long as head, smaller on ventral surface. Ocelli largely developed; anterior ocellus 13µm in diameter, 20µm apart from posterior pair; posterior ocelli recessed into eyes, 20–22µm in diameter, 15µm apart from each other. Antennal segment III a little smaller than segment IV; segment VIII about 3.0 times as long as wide; segments III and IV with two (1 + 1) and four (2 + 2) sense-cones, respectively. Pronotum shield comparatively weak, a little shorter than head, much wider than long, margins weakly eroded; anteroangular and posterosngulsr setae pointed. Ferna eroded marginally. Mesoeusternum largely eroded anteromedially, this eroded area is inverted triangular shape. Mesonotum smooth; metanotum transverse, without reticulation, with a pair of median week setae. Fore tarsal tooth moderately developed. Abdominal tergite IX S1 and S2 setae sharply pointed, S2 longer than S1. Tube about 2/3 as long as head, and 1.15 times as long as wide.

Measurements (holotype female macroptera in microns). Body length about 1300 (distended). Head length 110, width 125; postocular setae less than 30. Pronotum length 95, width 193; anteroangular setae 42–45; posteroangular setae 55–57; epimeral setae 42–44; coxal setae about 30. Antenna total length 310, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 35 (27), 35 (29), 36 (32), 40 (33), 40 (30), 37 (23), 37 (22), 38 (12). Setae on tergite IX: S1 73–76, S2 90–100. Tube length 75, maximum width 65; terminal setae about 40.

Female aptera ( Figs 3 View FIGURES 2–13 , 14, 17, 19 View FIGURES 14–20 ). Colour similar to macropterous female, but head and antennae somewhat paler, brownish yellow. Head small and square, almost as long as wide. Eyes with about 10 facets. Pronotum almost as long as head. Mesothorax transverse. Pelta strongly eroded.

Measurements (paratype female aptera in microns). Body length 1220 (distended). Head length 86, width 87: postocular setae?. Pronotum length 85, width 160; anteroangular setae 45–50; posteroangular setae 50–55; epimeral setae 45; coxal setae 30–35. Antennal segments I-VIII length (width) as follows: 33 (27), 37 (27), 27 (22), 30 (28), 33 (26), 32 (23), 31 (20), 38 (12). Setae on tergite IX: S1 75-80, S2 about 90. Tube length 75, maximum width 65; terminal setae about 50.

Allometric male aptera ( Figs. 6–7 View FIGURES 2–13 , 21–24 View FIGURES 21–24 ). Prothorax always largely developed. Head similar to apterous female in small individuals, but longer than wide in large individuals. Prothorax larger than pterothorax, at least wider than metathorax. Fore legs largely developed in large individuals, with stout fore tarsal tooth. Colour similar to apterous female, often somewhat paler abdominal segments.

Measurements (paratype small-large apterous males in microns). Body length 1000–1300 (distended). Head length 80–125, width 83–90: postocular setae less than 30–50. Pronotum length 140–232, width 160-260; anteroangular setae 65–105; posteroangular setae 50-90; epimeral setae 50-90; coxal setae 45-80. Antenna total length 250-305, segments I–VIII length as follows: 35–42, 30–40, 25–33, 27–37, 32–36, 32–40, 30–37, 34–41. Setae on tergite IX: S1 70–100, S2 75–100. Tube length 65–80, maximum width 54–60; terminal setae about 35–30.

Gynecoid male aptera ( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURES 2–13 , 15–16, 18, 20 View FIGURES 14–20 ). Prothorax always moderately developed as in female. Colour and structure similar to female. Prothorax smaller than pterothorax, at least about same sized.

Measurements (paratype small-large apterous males in microns). Body length 980–1280 (distended). Head length 82–95, width 75–80: postocular setae less than 30–60. Pronotum length 120–142, width 155–183; anteroangular setae 60–90; posteroangular setae 50–100; epimeral setae 40–58; coxal setae 40–45. Antenna total length 250–260, segments I–VIII length as follows: 33–37, 30–35, 25–27, 27–28, 30–32, 30–33, 30–30, 35–33. Setae on tergite IX: S1 75–95, S2 77–90. Tube length 70–75, maximum width 55–60; terminal setae 28–35.

Specimens studied. Holotype macropterous female, Taiwan, Taitung-hsien , Chihpen, on fungus, 10.x.1993, T. Nonaka . Paratypes 45 specimens collected with holotype : 1 female (mac.), 30 females (apt.), 8 allometric males (apt.) and 6 gynecoid males (apt.), collected together with holotype .

Non-paratypic material: Singapore, Macritchie Park, on dead branches, 1 female (mac.), 22.vii.1976, S. Okajima; same locality, 1 female (mac.), 7.viii.1990, T. Nonaka & S. Okajima .

Comments. The two macropterous females listed above as non-paratypic specimens are not distinguishable from the types.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics















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