Orchestina cachai Izquierdo, 2017

Izquierdo, Matías Andrés & Ramírez, Martín J., 2017, Taxonomic Revision Of The Jumping Goblin Spiders Of The Genus Orchestina Simon, 1882, In The Americas (Araneae: Oonopidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2017 (410), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090-410.1.1



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scientific name

Orchestina cachai Izquierdo

sp. nov.

Orchestina cachai Izquierdo View in CoL , new species

Figures 155–160 View FIGURE 155 View FIGURE 156 View FIGURE 157 View FIGURE 158 View FIGURE 159 View FIGURE 160 , 161A, B View FIGURE 161 , 164A View FIGURE 164 , 168D–F View FIGURE 168 , 170G View FIGURE 170 , 172G View FIGURE 172 , 173B View FIGURE 173 , 174B View FIGURE 174 , 175F View FIGURE 175 , 177D View FIGURE 177 , map 31

TYPES: Male holotype and female paratype

from Chile: Región de Los Lagos (X): Provincia de Chiloé, Lago Huillinco, margen S, 8.4 km (por aire) ESE Cucao , beating in secondary forest at side of the road, 3 m, -42.66389°, -74.01000°, Feb. 15, 2012, M.J. Ramírez, M.A. Izquierdo, P. Michalik, C. Wirkner, K. Huckstorf, deposited in MNSC PBI_OON 42211 ; same data, Parque Nacional Chiloé, Cucao, sendero El Tepual , 15 m, -42.61750°, -74.10111°, Feb. 15, 2012, M.J. Ramírez, M.A. Izquierdo, P. Michalik, C. Wirkner, K. Huckstorf, 4 male paratypes deposited in MACN 28633, PBI_ OON 42213 ; same data, humid forest of Tepualia stipularis , 6 female paratypes plus 2 juveniles, sex unknown, deposited in MACN 29065, PBI_OON 42765. Región de La Araucanía (IX): Provincia de Malleco: Monumento Natural Contulmo, Sendero Lemu Mau , 341 m, -38.01306°, -73.18639°, Feb. 09, 2012, M.J. Ramírez, M.A. Izquierdo, P. Michalik, C. Wirkner, K. Huckstorf, 1 female paratype deposited in MACN 28642, PBI_OON 42202 .

ETYMOLOGY: Cachai is a common expression used in Chile. It is used primarily to mean “to understand” or “to suspect,” so “cachai” is equivalent to “got it?” The most popular meaning in the Hispanic world is “holding any object,” which is close to the literal meaning of the English “to catch.”

DIAGNOSIS: Males of O. cachai resemble those of O. pandeazucar by having an additional apophysis in copulatory bulb, but in this species the apophsis is sinuous, whereas it is straight and short in O. cachai . Also, the course of the sperm duct is slightly different in both species (figs. 159A, B, E, F, 168D, F, 173B, 174B), and males of O. pandeazucar have basal conical projections on the endites, absent in O. cachai (compare fig. 164A, C). Females of O. cachai can be distinguished by the short and straight anterior apodemes, epigastric ridges closer to each other, and lumen of anterior receptaculum with three chambers (figs. 161A, B, 170G, 172G, 175F).

MALE (PBI_OON 14826): Total length 1.15. Habitus as in figure 155A, B. CEPHALOTHO- RAX (fig. 155C, D): Carapace as in figure 156A– C. Eyes as in figure 156B, D. Sternum as long as wide (figs. 156D, 156E). Chelicerae as in figure 157A–F. Labium rectangular. Endites converging (fig. 164A). ABDOMEN: Dorsum soft portions white, round, setae as in figure 156F. Spinnerets (fig. 157G, H): ALS with one major ampullate gland spigot and three piriform gland spigots seemingly without bases; PMS with one minor ampullate gland spigot; PLS with two aciniform gland spigots. LEGS: Yellow. Leg spination, metatarsi: IV d0-0-1; p0-0-1; r0-0-1. Metartarus I with modified setae on prolateral side (fig. 158B, C); claws, trichobothria, tarsal organs, setae as in other species (figs. 158A, D–F, 160A, B). GENI-

TALIA: Cymbium as in figure 159C, tarsal organ as in figure 159D; bulb yellow, tapering apically, with one spine-shaped apophysis; embolus long; sperm duct slightly coiled (figs. 159A, B, E, F, 168D, F, 173B, 174B).

FEMALE (PBI_OON 14826): Total length 1.39. Habitus as in figure 155E–G. CEPHALOTHO- RAX: Sternum longer than wide. ABDOMEN: Ovoid. Spinnerets: PMS with two minor ampullate gland spigots (SEM not provided). LEGS: Spination, metatarsi: IV d0-0-1; p0-0-1; r0-0-1.

GENITALIA: External pockets placed almost over ridge on epigastric fold, epigastric ridges on median line, comma-shaped (asterisks fig. 170G); internal pockets absent; anterior receptaculum with straight anterior apodemes, lumen formed by three chambers; posterior receptaculum absent, posterior apodeme formed by entire plate (figs. 161A, B, 170G, 172G, 175F).

DISTRIBUTION: From Región del Maule (VII) to Región de Los Lagos (X), Chile (fig. 177D, map 31).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: CHILE: Región del Maule (VII): Provincia de Cauquenes: Los Ruiles , 20 km W Cauquenes, -35.96666°, -72.35000°, Oct. 01, 2003, J.E. Barriga et al., 1♀ ( CAS 9023355 About CAS , PBI _ OON 2312 ) ; Provincia de Curicó: 20 km E Potrero Grande, Fdo. El Coihue, -35.178983°, -70.963333°, 1035 m, jogging s/ Podocarpus saligna , May. 13, 2004, J.E. Barriga, 13 ( MACN 34532 View Materials , PBI _OON 51183). Región del Bío- Bío (VIII): Provincia de Concepción : Escuadrón , S Concepción, 5 m, -36.95000°, -73.15000°, Nov. 18, 1993, Platnick, Catley, Ramírez and Allen, 1♀ ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 42326) ; 17 km Angol , 800 m, Aug. 12, 1984, to Nov. 16, 1985, S., J. Peck, 13, 1 juvenile, sex unknown ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 1936 ) ; 3 km W Victoria, 100 m, Dec. 13, 1984, to Nov. 12, 1985, S., J. Peck, 13, 5♀ ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 1947 ). Región de La Araucanía (IX): Provincia de Cautín: 15 km NE Villarrica, Flor del Lago , forest, 300 m, Dec. 14, 1984, to Nov. 10, 1985, S. and J. Peck, 3♀ ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 1945 ) ; Pucón at Lago Villarica , -39.26666°, -71.96666°, Dec. 14, 1988, V. Roth, B. Roth, 4♀ ( CAS 9023353 About CAS PBI _ OON 2303 ) ; Villarrica, Los Pellines , 249 m, -39.21468°, -72.10678°, Mar. 20, 2005, Arias et al., 13, 6♀ ( CAS 9023356 About CAS PBI _ OON 2302 ) ; Bellavista, North shore Lago Villarrica site 655, 310 m, -39.21361°, -72.11583°, Dec. 15, 1982, to Dec. 30, 1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer, 63, 11♀ ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 42332) ; same data, North shore Lago Villarrica site 655, 310 m, -39.21361°, -72.11583°, Dec. 15, 1982, to Dec. 30, 1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer, 13, 4♀, 1 juvenile, sex unknown ( AMNH, PBI _OON 42333). Provincia de Malleco : 20 km W Curacautin, 1000 m, Dec. 12, 1984, to Nov. 16, 1985, S. and J. Peck, 3♀ ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 1937 ) ; Monumento Natural Contulmo, Sendero Lemu Mau , 410 m, -38.01233°, -73.18550°, Dec. 08, 2002, to Dec. 24, 2002, Thayer, Newton, Solodovnikov, Clarke, Chani, 23 ( FMNH, PBI _OON 10561) ; same data, Dec. 19, 1998, to Dec. 21, 1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 13, 2♀ ( MACN 15346 View Materials , PBI _OON 14826) ; same data, 2♀ ( MNSC, PBI _OON 15065) ; same data, 341 m, -38.02000°, -73.16972°, Feb. 09, 2012, M.J. Ramírez, M.A. Izquierdo, P. Michalik, C. Wirkner, K. Huckstorf, 13 ( MACN 29012 View Materials , PBI _OON 42764) ; same data, 43 ( ZIMG 28110–28125 View Materials ; PBI _OON 42203) ; 5 juveniles, sex unknown ( ZIMG 28110–28125 View Materials , PBI _OON 42203) ; 7♀ ( ZIMG 28110–28125 View Materials , PBI _OON 42203) ; same data, 1♀ ( MACN 28641 View Materials , PBI _OON 42204) ; same data, 13 ( MACN 28644 View Materials , PBI _OON 42205) ; same data, 13, 1♀ ( MACN 30365 View Materials , PBI _OON 42215), same data, 23, 1♀ ( MACN 30502 View Materials , PBI _OON 42216) ; same data, -38.01667°, -73.18333°, Nov. 18, 1993, Platnick, Catley, Ramírez and Allen, 13 ( AMNH, PBI _OON 42230) ; same data, 13, 2♀ ( AMNH, PBI _OON 42327) ; same data, 13 ( AMNH, PBI _OON 42330) ; same data, 13 ( AMNH, PBI _OON 42332). Región de Los Lagos (X): Provincia de Osorno: Termas de Puyehue, litter and moss, 180 m, -40.65694°, -72.16306°, Nov. 24, 1981, N.I. Platnick and R.T. Schuh, 13, 1♀ ( AMNH, PBI _OON 42325). Provincia de Llanquihue : Lago Chapo 13.5 km E. Correntoso, site 656, Valdivian forest , 310 m, -41.45167°, -72.16306°, Dec. 16, 1982, to Dec. 27, 1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer, 23 ( AMNH, PBI _OON 42329) ; Lago Chapo, near SE end km 9.9 on road from Rollizo, Valdivian rainforest on steep slope, 385 m, -41.51050°, -72.39966°, Jan. 04, 1997, to Jan. 26, 1997, A. Newton, M. Thayer, 4♀, 2 juveniles, sex unknown ( FMNH, PBI _ OON 43309) ; N.W. Shore Lago Chapo, 250 m, -41.45000°, -72.50000°, Nov. 13, 1966, M. Irwin, E. Schlinger, 1♀ ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 1935 ) ; P.N. Alerce Andino, Sargazo , sendero “Rodal Alerce,” wet forest, 340 m, -41.50972°, -72.61222°, Feb. 04, 2005, M. Ramírez and F. Labarque, 1♀ ( MACN 15875 View Materials , PBI _OON 14774) ; P.N. Vicente Perez Rosales , 9.2 km NE Ensenada on road to Petrohué, Valdivian rainforest w/ Nothofagus spp. , 125 m, -41.17694°, -72.45805°, Jan. 02, 1997, to Jan. 28, 1997, A. Newton, M. Thayer, 43, 2♀, 2 juveniles, sex unknown ( FMNH 56555 About FMNH , PBI _OON 10773) ; same data, Mar. 28, 1997, A. Newton, M. Thayer, 1♀ ( FMNH, PBI _OON 43291). Provincia de Chiloé : 15 m, Nov. 02, 1985, N. Platnick, O. Francke, 1♀ ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 1940 ) ; Lago Huillinco, margen S, 8.4 km (por aire) ESE Cucao , bosque secundario al costado del camino, 3 m, -42.66389°, -74.01000°, Feb. 15, 2012, M.J. Ramírez, M.A. Izquierdo, P. Michalik, C. Wirkner, K. Huckstorf, 1♀ ( MACN 30504 View Materials , PBI _OON 42214) ; same data, margen N 4.6 km (por aire) ESE Cucao , -42.64117°, -74.04763°, 12 m, Feb. 16, 2012, bosque húmedo, M.J. Ramírez, M.A. Izquierdo, P. Michalik, C. Wirkner, K. Huckstorf, 1♀ ( MACN 34534 View Materials , PBI _OON 51168) ; same data, 11♀ ( MACN 34535 View Materials , PBI _OON 51167) ; Parque Nacional Chiloé, Cucao , sendero El Tepual, 15 m, -42.61750°, -74.10111°, Feb. 15, 2012, M. J.Ramírez, M. A.Izquierdo, P. Michalik, C. Wirkner, K. Huckstorf, 13, 1♀ ( MACN 28634 View Materials , PBI _OON 42208) ; same data, 1♀ ( MACN 28635 View Materials , PBI _OON 42209) ; same data, 33, 9♀, 5 juveniles, sex unknown ( MACN 28632 View Materials , PBI _OON 42210), same data, 43, 1♀, 3 juveniles, sex unknown ( MACN 28631 View Materials , PBI _OON 42212) ; same data, humid forest of Tepualia stipularis , 3♀, 3 juveniles, sex unknown ( MACN 30085 View Materials , PBI _OON 42743). Provincia de Llanquihue: Lago Chapo, 13.5 km E Correntoso , site 656, 310 m, -41.45167°, -72.51111°, Dec. 16, 1982, to Dec. 27, 1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer, 13 ( AMNH, PBI _OON 42229) ; P.N. Alerce Andino, 100 m, -41.58333°, -72.68333°, Nov. 23, 1993, Platnick, Catley, Ramírez and Allen, 1♀ ( AMNH, PBI _OON 42328) ; same data, 4♀, 1 juvenile, sex unknown ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 42334). Región de Los Rios (XIV): Valdivia : 34 km NW La Union, 700 m, Dec. 17, 1984, to Nov. 07, 1985, S., J. Peck, 1♀ ( AMNH, PBI _ OON 1938 ) .


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