Cnephalocotes similis, Gnelitsa, 2024

Gnelitsa, V. A., 2024, New Spider Species Of Cnephalocotes And Peponocranium (Aranei, Linyphiidae) From The North-East Of Ukraine, Zoodiversity 58 (3), pp. 187-194 : 188-190

publication ID 10.15407/zoo2024.03.187

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scientific name

Cnephalocotes similis

sp. nov.

Cnephalocotes similis sp. n. ( figs 1–3 View Figs 1–7 )

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Holotype}: Ukraine, Sumy Region, Grunivka village, 50.99° N 35.11° E, northern 60°–70° slope of chalk hill, sparse young Acer , Malus , Pyrus , Crataegus with Rhamnus , scanty grass and moss patches, on the ground between pieces of chalk under the moss, 01.09.2021 (leg. V. Gnelitsa) (SIZK); paratypes: 2}, same locality, 13.10.2022 (V. Gnelitsa) (VGC).

Diagnosis. Female of the new species can be easy distinguished by the light colored epigyne of a fresh specimen as well as epigyne and vulva structure.

Description (holotype}). Total length 1.55, carapace 0.71 long, 0.61 wide, covered with tiny pimples and wrinkles, with a piping along caudal cut of carapace, no sulci, dark brown with black wedges pointed to the central area of carapace. Posterior median eyes are a diameter apart, eyes surrounded with black.

Chelicerae: anterior margin with 3 teeth approximately equal in size, posterior margin with 2 tiny teeth one by one, sparse stridulating files are well visible.

Sternum 0.42× as long as wide, rough rugose, dark brown turns into brown black to the margins, extends between coxae IV, width of extended piece is 0.78× coxa diameter.

Legs spination: each Ti with one dorsal spine. Position of Ti spines (right/left): I — 0.14/0.12, II — 0.12/0.09, III — 0.23/0.14, IV — 0.28/0.30. Ratio Ti spine length/Ti diameter (right/left): I — 0.64/0.70, II — 0.60/0.63, III — lost/0.56, IV — 0.61/lost.

Position of Mt trichobothrium (right/left): I — 0.38/0.41, II — 0.39/0.42, III — 0.38/0.38. No trichobothrium on Mt IV.

Leg measurements are given in table 1.

Epigyne ( figs 1–2 View Figs 1–7 ) is flat with two short projections (P) of its caudal margin. Two sockets (S) of the epigyne ventral surface stand less than a socket width apart fig. 1 View Figs 1–7 . Dorsal plate (DP) is a rhomb with cut angles fig. 2 View Figs 1–7 . The epigyne of the fresh specimens is not heavy pigmented so its inner structure is visible. Vulva as on figs 3 View Figs 1–7 , 8 View Figs 8–10 . Abdomen gray, no clear dorsal pattern. Four dorsal light brown blots form a trapeze frontally directed.

Male: unknown.

Etymology. The name is given due to similarity of the new species in its general appearance with Cnephalocotes obscurus (Blackwall, 1834) .

The new species can be distinguished with the following key.

Key to the species of the genus Cnephalocotes View in CoL occurring in Ukraine (females)

Fresh specimens:

1. Epigyne is heavy pigmented, black, no appearance and inner structure are recognizable. .... C. obscurus View in CoL

– Epigyne is of lighter colouration, its shape and inner structure are recognizable. ............. C. similis sp. n.

Specimens after clarification:

1. Caudal projections of epigyne are well manifested, laminae stretched forward to bend aside and skirt spermathecae frontally...................................................................................................................... C. obscurus View in CoL

– Caudal projections are weak pronounced, laminae stretched forward and bent toward each other. ........ ......................................................................................................................................................... C. similis sp. n.













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