Rhynchospora hirta (Nees) Boeckeler (1869: 146)

Alves, Karina De Nazaré Lima, Thomas, William Wayt, Bittrich, Volker & Gil, André Dos Santos Bragança, 2024, Typifications in American and Australasian Rhynchospora sect. Pauciflorae (Cyperaceae), Phytotaxa 661 (3), pp. 235-252 : 239-242

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.661.3.2

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scientific name

Rhynchospora hirta (Nees) Boeckeler (1869: 146)


Rhynchospora hirta (Nees) Boeckeler (1869: 146) View in CoL .— Haplostylis hirta Nees (1842: 128) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL: “In ripa fluvii S. Francisci ad Salgado et versus Paranan prov. Minarum”, September, Martius s.n.

(M [0244470] photo! [ Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ]; isolectotype: M [0244471] photo!)

Ptilosciadium lindenii Steudel (1855: 150) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated here):— VENEZUELA: Linden hrbr. n. 1461 [in the protologue as 461, typographical error] (K [000632509] photo!; isolectotypes: G [00098560] photo!, G [00098559] photo!, G [00098419] photo!, GENT [0000090032936] photo!).

Rhynchospora monadelpha Clarke (1908: 33) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Jocuara river , Lindman n. 3049 [in the protologue as 3042, typographical error] (S [S-R-5483] photo!; isolectotype: K [000632487] photo!).

Rhynchospora hirta var. tenuior Kükenthal (1949: 467) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: “Cuyaba” valley above “Rosario”, Pilger n. 456 (B [100347179] photo!; isolectotype: B [100243704] photo!).

Nees (1842) cited in the protologue of Haplostylis hirta View in CoL collections made by Martius from the banks of the São Francisco and Salgado rivers, without a collector number, and no herbarium was specified, so a lectotypification is proposed (Art. 9.3). In contact with the M herbarium curator, where Martius deposited many of his collections, images of two sheets were received. Considering the species habitat description present on the protologue, “In ripa fluvii S. Francisci ad Salgado et versus Paranan prov. Minarum”, the collections are from different localities, and this is not clear on the annotation slips. There is also an annotation slip on sheet M-0244471 with the number “3184”, and on sheet M-0244470 with number “3190”, probably the collection number, which may indicate that were different collections, until then syntypes. The sheet M-0244470 is being accepted as the lectotype here, because it bears the most complete material, being the M-0244471 treated as a remaining syntype. According to Stafleu & Cowan (1973) many of the Martius collections and types were sent to BR, but in consultation with this herbarium’s online database nothing was found.

Steudel (1855) cited in the protologue of Ptilosciadium lindenii the Linden collection no. 461 from Venezuela, but only specimens with number 1461 were found, therefore is probably a mistake that is being corrected here to Linden no. 1461 (Art. 9.2). We found a sheet at K (K000632509), where some of Linden’s duplicates are kept ( Stafleu & Cowan, 1973), the annotation slip has the collection number with probably Linden’s handwriting and is from Nova Granada. In G herbarium there are three sheets of Ptilosciadium lindenii from Venezuela, and they are of Linden no. 1461 (G00098560, G00098559, and G00098419). There is also a sheet of Linden no. 1461 in the herbarium GENT (GENT0000090032936), without locality but with a handwriting, probably Linden’s, indicating the collection number 1461. Since Linden deposited some specimens at K ( Stafleu & Cowan, 1973 -1940), the sheet K000632509 is being chosen as the lectotype here.

Clarke (1908), in the protologue of Rhynchospora monadelpha , refers to a Lindman collection from the Jocuara River, Mato Grosso, but did not specify the herbarium. Lindman sent the first set of his collections to S, and duplicates to many others. The protologue mentions the collection of Lindman no. 3042. However, searching the S herbarium’s online database there is only one sheet of Rhynchospora monadelpha (SR-5483) collected by Lindman with no. 3049, from Mato Grosso, Jocuara River, “in campis uliginosis (swamps)”. Koyama made an annotation on this specimen, indicating it as the holotype, however the sheet cannot be considered as such because the author does not specify the specimen at the time of the original publication (Art. 9.1). This sheet is being chosen here as the lectotype, because it bears the most complete material, has an annotation slip with Clarke’s determination and a short description of the species. We believe that Linden’s collection number in the protologue is a mistake that is being corrected here (Art. 9.2). There is also another sheet of this collection deposited in the K herbarium, treated here as an isolectotype.

Kükenthal (1949) mentioned in the protologue of Rhynchospora hirta var. tenuior , the collection of Pilger no. 456, from Cuiabá. Pilger's collections were sent mostly to B herbarium, but duplicates were also sent to BM, NY, P, RB, and VT. After consulting these herbaria databases, two sheets of Pilger no. 456 were found in B, from the type locality, so a lectotypification is proposed (Art. 9.1, and 9.3), and the sheet B100347179 is being chosen as the lectotype here because it bears the most complete material, and presents an annotation slip with Kükenthal’s determination. The sheet B100243704 is considered an isolectotype.


























Rhynchospora hirta (Nees) Boeckeler (1869: 146)

Alves, Karina De Nazaré Lima, Thomas, William Wayt, Bittrich, Volker & Gil, André Dos Santos Bragança 2024

Rhynchospora hirta var. tenuior Kükenthal (1949: 467)

Kukenthal, G. 1949: )

Rhynchospora monadelpha

Clarke, C. B. 1908: )

Rhynchospora hirta (Nees)

Boeckeler, J. 1869: )
Nees von E & Martius, C. F. P. 1842: )

Ptilosciadium lindenii

Steudel, E. G. 1855: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF