Heterophyidae (Leiper, 1909) Odhner, 1914

Cremonte, Florencia & Drago, Fabiana B., 2007, Checklist of digenean parasites of birds from Argentina, Zootaxa 1403, pp. 1-36 : 15-18

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Heterophyidae (Leiper, 1909) Odhner, 1914


Family Heterophyidae (Leiper, 1909) Odhner, 1914 View in CoL

Ascocotyle Looss, 1899

Ascocotyle (Ascocotyle) felippei Travassos, 1928

Host: Spheniscus magellanicus (Forster) .

Site of infection: intestine.

Locality: not reported.

Reference: Boero et al. (1972a).

Comments: cited as A. filippei .

Ascocotyle (Ascocotyle) secunda Ostrowski de Núñez, 2001 Natural host: unknown.

Experimental type host: Gallus gallus domesticus (L.). Site of infection: intestine.

Life history: Hi1: Heleobia castellanosae (Gaillard) (natural host) from Buenos Aires Zoological Garden and Palermo­Park; H. parchappei (d’Orbigny) (natural host) from Los Ranchos stream, Buenos Aires Province. Hi2: Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns) and Jenynsia lineata (Jenyns) (natural hosts) from Buenos Aires Zoological Garden, Palermo­Park, Buenos Aires city and Los Ranchos stream, Buenos Aires Province; Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) (experimental host); metacercarial cysts in the bulbus arteriosus.

Material deposited: MACN Holotype 396/1, Paratype 396/2. Reference: Ostrowski de Núñez (2001).

Ascocotyle (Ascocotyle) tenuicollis Price, 1935

Natural hosts: Nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus) , Butorides striata (Linnaeus) , Ixobrychus involucris (Vieillot) .

Experimental hosts: Gallus gallus domesticus (L.), Mus musculus L. , Anas platyrhynchos L.

Site of infection: intestine.

Locality: Obras Sanitarias, Buenos Aires city.

Life history: Hi1: Heleobia piscium (d'Orbigny) (natural host). Hi2: Phalloceros caudimaculatus (Hensel) (natural host), Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns) (natural and experimental host); metacercariae in bulbus arteriosus.

References: Ostrowski de Núñez (1974b, 1976, 1993).

Ascocotyle (Ascocotyle) tertia Ostrowski de Núñez, 2001

Natural host: unknown.

Experimental type host: Gallus gallus domesticus (L.).

Site of infection: intestine.

Life history: Hi1: Heleobia castellanosae (Gaillard) from Buenos Aires Zoological Garden and Palermo­ Park and H. parchappei (d’Orbigny) from Los Ranchos stream, Buenos Aires Province (natural and experimental hosts). Hi2: Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns) from Buenos Aires Zoological Garden, Palermo­Park, Buenos Aires city and Los Ranchos stream, Buenos Aires Province, Jenynsia lineata (Jenyns) (experimental and natural host) and Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) from Buenos Aires Zoological Garden (natural hosts); metacercarial cysts in the bulbus arteriosus.

Material deposited: MACN, holotype 397/1, paratype 397/2.

Reference: Ostrowski de Núñez (2001).

Ascocotyle (Leighia) hadra Ostrowski de Núñez, 1992

Natural host: Plegadis chihi (Vieillot) .

Experimental hosts: Gallus gallus domesticus (L.), Mus musculus L.

Site of infection: intestine.

Locality: Punta Blanca, Buenos Aires Province.

Life history: in Los Ranchos stream, Buenos Aires Province. Hi1: Heleobia parchappei (d’Orbigny) (natural host). Hi2: Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) (experimental host), Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns) (natural and experimental host), Jenynsia lineata (Jenyns) (natural host); metacercariae encysted in liver and mesentery.

Material deposited: MLP, 3684/6.

References: Ostrowski de Núñez (1992b), Digiani (2000).

Ascocotyle (Phagicola) angeloi Travassos, 1928

Natural host: unknown.

Experimental hosts: Mus musculus L. , Gallus gallus domesticus (L.).

Site of infection: intestine.

Life history: in Buenos Aires Zoological Garden and Ponds adjacent to the Río de la Plata Hi1: Heleobia castellanosae (Gaillard) (natural host). Hi2: Jenynsia lineata (Jenyns) (natural host), Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jennyns) (experimental host); metacercarial cysts in the muscles, body cavity, internal organs and gill chamber.

Reference: Ostrowski de Núñez (1998).

Ascocotyle (Phagicola) angrense Travassos, 1916

Hosts: Ajaia ajaja Linnaeus , Ardea alba Linnaeus , Ardea alba egretta Gmelin , Ixobrychus involucris (Vieillot) .

Experimental host: Gallus gallus domesticus (L.).

Site of infection: small intestine.

Localities: La Plata Zoological Garden, La Plata, Buenos Aires Province; Buenos Aires Zoological Garden, Buenos Aires city.

Life history: Hi1: unknown. Hi2: Phalloceros caudimaculatus (Hensel) , Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jennyns) from Ponds adjacent to the Río de la Plata (natural and experimental hosts); metacercarial cysts in the gills.

Comments: cited as Ascocotyle sp. from A. ajaja by Boero & Led (1968) and Phagicola angrensis from A. alba egretta by Boero et al. (1972b).

References: Boero & Led (1968), Boero et al. (1972b), Ostrowski de Núñez (1974b, 1993).

Ascocotyle (Phagicola) diminuta (Stunkard & Haviland, 1924)

Natural host: Egretta thula (Molina).

Experimental hosts: Gallus gallus domesticus (L.), Mus musculus L.

Site of infection: intestine.

Localities: Buenos Aires city; Buenos Aires Zoological Garden, Buenos Aires city

Life history: in Buenos Aires Zoological Garden, Buenos Aires city and Los Ranchos stream, Buenos Aires Province. Hi1: Heleobia castellanosae (Gaillard) , H. parchappei (d’Orbigny) (natural hosts). Hi2: Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns) (experimental and natural host), Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) , Jenynsia lineata (Jenyns) , Cichlasoma facetum Jenyns (natural hosts); metacercarial cysts in the gills.

Reference: Ostrowski de Núñez (1993).

Cryptocotyle Lühe, 1899

Cryptocotyle sp.

Natural host: Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein. Site of infection: not reported.

Localities: San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro Province; Rosario Lake, Chubut Province. Reference: Kreiter & Semenas (1997).

Pygidiopsis Looss, 1907

Pygidiopsis australis Ostrowski de Núñez, 1996

Natural host: unknown.

Experimental hosts: Gallus gallus domesticus (L.), Mus musculus L. Site of infection: intestine.

Life history: in Zoological Garden of Buenos Aires city. Hi1: Heleobia castellanosae (Gaillard) (natural host). Hi2: Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns) (experimental and natural host), Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) (experimental host); metacercarial cysts in the visceral organs, ovary, mesenteries and muscles.

Material deposited: MACN, 376.

Reference: Ostrowski de Núñez (1996).

Pygidiopsis crassus Ostrowski de Núñez, 1995

Natural host: unknown.

Experimental hosts: Gallus gallus domesticus (L.); Mus musculus L. Site of infection: intestine

Life history: in Lujan River, Lujan Zoological Garden and Pond adjacent to the Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires Province. Hi1: Heleobia parchappei (d’Orbigny) (natural host). Hi2: Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jennyns) (experimental and natural host), Jenynsia lineata (Jenyns) (natural host); metacercarial cysts in body cavity.

Material deposited: MACN, holotype 371/1, paratype 371/2. Reference: Ostrowski de Núñez (1995).

Pygidiopsis sp.

Syn. Pygidiopsis pindoramensis sensu Ostrowski de Núñez, 1974b, 1976, 1996 Natural host: unknown

Experimental host: Mus musculus L.

Site of infection: intestine.

Life history: in Pond adjacent to the Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires Province. Hi1: Heleobia piscium (d'Orbigny) (natural host). Hi2: Phalloceros caudimaculatus (Baird & Girard) (natural host), Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns) (natural and experimental host).

Comments: Ostrowski de Núñez (1976) considers that Nycticorax nycticorax , Butorides striata , Ixobrychus involucris and Phalacrocorax brasilianus captured in Obras Sanitarias, Buenos Aires city, are the definitive hosts of P. pindoramensis . Later, the same author (1996) reserves this specific name only for the cercaria and the experimental life cycle described in 1976. Simões et al (2006) consider that these specimens represent another species of Pigidiopsis and further studies need to be conducted to unravel the species identify.

References: Ostrowski de Núñez (1974b, 1976, 1996), Simões et al (2006).

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