Oxytelus cameroni, Scheerpeltz, 1933

Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. I. Introduction, History, Biographical Sketches, and Omaliine Group, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 1067-1806 : 1067-1806

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Oxytelus cameroni


cameroni Scheerpeltz, 1933 View in CoL , see: Anotylus .

cameroni Bernhauer, 1936 , see: Anotylus .

capensis Cameron, 1945c: 706 ( Oxytelus ; subgenus Anotylus ; Type locality: S. Africa :

Simon’s Town).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: South Africa.

carbonellus Solsky, 1870 , see: Anotylus .

carinipennis Cameron, 1951 , see: Anotylus .

cavicola Bernhauer, 1926 , see: Anotylus .

celebensis Fauvel, 1886 , see: Anotylus .

cephalotes Eppelsheim, 1895 , see: Anotylus .

championi Fauvel, 1905 , see: Anotylus .

chapini Blackwelder, 1943 , see: Anotylus .

cheesmani Bernhauer, 1934e: 18 ( Oxytelus ; Type locality: Neue Hebriden: Santo ).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: New Hebrides.

cheesmanianus Cameron, 1937a: 89 ( Oxytelus ; subgenus Tanycraerus ; Type locality:

New Guinea: Kokoda, alt. 1200 ft.).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).


chinkiangensis Bernhauer, 1938 , see: Anotylus .

christianae Bernhauer, 1939, see: Anotylus .

christopherseni Brinck, 1948 , see: Anotylus .

claripennis Bernhauer, 1934 h: 489 ( Oxytelus ; variety of fulgidus ; Type locality:

Cape Province: Aliwal North. Orange Free State: Harrismith. Natal: Van Reenen.

Rhodesia: Salisbury).

Scheerpeltz, 1974: 69 ( Oxytelus ; valid species; South Africa ; Basutoland) .

- DISTRIBUTION: Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe.

clavatus A. Strand, 1946 , see: Anotylus .

clavicornis Fauvel, 1878 , see: Anotylus .

claviger Fauvel, 1904b: 103 ( Oxytelus ; Type locality: Abyssinie: Saberguma. Zanzibar.


— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 111 ( Oxytelus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1974c: 7 ( Oxytelus ; Ethiopia).

- DISTRIBUTION: Ethiopia, Zanzibar, “Zambezi”.

clypeatus Motschulsky, 1860b: 119 ( Oxytelus ; Type locality: l’île Behring et jusqu’aux alpes du Hamar-Daban sur la frontière de la Mongolie).

— Motschulsky, 1859: 491 ( Oxytelus ; Amur River).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 111 ( Oxytelus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: Mongolia, “Amur region”.

clypeonitens Pandellé, 1867 , see: Anotylus .

cognatus Sharp, 1874 , see: Anotylus .

collaris Erichson, 1840: 789 ( Oxytelus ; Type locality: Terra Van Diemenii ).

— Fauvel, 1877: 201 ( Oxytelus ; characters; Tasmania).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 111 ( Oxytelus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: Australia.

colonus Eppelsheim, 1895a: 135 ( Oxytelus ; Type locality: Togoland).

— Fauvel, 1903e: 237 ( Oxytelus ; Cameroon; Gabon; Togo).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 111 ( Oxytelus ; catalog).

— Fagel, 1963a: 339 ( Oxytelus ; Ivory Coast).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: Gabon, Cameroon, Togo, Ivory Coast.

coloratus Cameron, 1950a: 181 ( Oxytelus ; subgenus Caccoporus ; Type locality: Abyssinia: Dire-Daua).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).


complanatus Erichson, 1839 , see: Anotylus .

confusus Fagel, 1957: 59 ( Oxytelus ; Type locality: Kivu: contreforts S. Kahuzi, 2300 m. Also cited from Ruanda).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: Congo, Rwanda.

congoanus Fagel, 1959c: 254 ( Oxytelus ; replacement name for magniceps Fagel ).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).


magniceps Fagel, 1957a: 64 ( Oxytelus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Congo Belge:

Parc. Nat. Albert, Rutshuru).

— Fagel, 1959c: 254 ( Oxytelus ; synonym of congoanus ).

congoensis Fauvel, 1903e: 237 ( Oxytelus ; Type locality: Cameroun; Gabon).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 111 ( Oxytelus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1095 ( Oxytelus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: Gabon, Congo.

consobrinus Stephens, 1834: 320 ( Oxytelus ; [Note: Nomen dubium]; Type locality: vicinity of London).

— Stephens, 1839: 420 ( Oxytelus ; characters; England).


contiguus Cameron, 1942 , see: Anotylus .

convergens LeConte, 1877: 236 ( Oxytelus ; Type locality: Sandy Point , Florida).

— Casey, 1894: 386 ( Oxytelus ; characters; Georgia; Florida).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 111 ( Oxytelus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 409 ( Oxytelus ).

— Frank and Thomas, 1981: 402 ( Oxytelus ; characters; Florida).


cordatus Say, 1831 , see: Bledius .

cordovensis Bernhauer, 1910 , see: incisus Motschulsky, 1857 .

coriaceus Fauvel, 1889 , see: Anotylus .

cornutus Gravenhorst, 1802 , see: Platystethus .

cornutus Bernhauer, 1936 , see: Anotylus .

corticinus Gravenhorst, 1806 , see: Carpelimus .

coussementi R. Dvořák, 1954, see: Anotylus .













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