Diduga luteogibbosa Bayarsaikhan, Li & Bae, 2020

Bayarsaikhan, Ulziijargal, Li, Houhun, Im, Kyung-Hoan & Bae, Yang-Seop, 2020, Four new and three newly recorded species of Diduga Moore, [1887] (Lepidoptera Erebidae, Arctiinae) from China, Zootaxa 4751 (2), pp. 357-368 : 358-359

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4751.2.10

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scientific name

Diduga luteogibbosa Bayarsaikhan, Li & Bae

sp. nov.

Diduga luteogibbosa Bayarsaikhan, Li & Bae , n. sp.

( Figs 1 View FIGURES 1 , 8 View FIGURES8 )

Type materials. Holotype: ♂, China, Bakaxiaozhai , Menglun Town , Mengla County, Xishuangbanna, 630m, 06.VIII.2010 (leg. Yinghui Sun & Lixia Li), Gen. Slide No. INU˗10076 China, Bayarsaikhan (Coll. NKU) . Paratype. (1♂) China: 1♂ , Lvshilin, Xishuangbanna Nature Reserves , Yunnan Province, 20. V.2015 (leg. Zhenguo Zhang), Gen. Slide No. INU˗10087 China, Bayarsaikhan (Coll. NKU) .

Diagnosis. By the wing pattern of this species is hardly distinguishable from many others of the genus Diduga . The male genitalia structure of the new species is similar with Diduga hanoiensis ( Bayarsaikhan & Bae, 2019: fig. 10; present paper: fig. 9a), but can be distinguished from the latter by the apex of left valva with one large and one small (two times smaller than large one) strongly sclerotized, dentate margin, irregular apical processes; costal margin of left valva with a large triangular medial process, which apex of process dentate; and apex of right valva with dentate upper angle; a large, irregular, dentate medial process (half size of uncus); and a finger˗shaped, short (three times shorter than uncus) lower angle’s process. In D. hanoiensis , apex of left valva with two large (almost same length each other), strongly sclerotized, dentate margin, irregular apical processes; costal margin of left valva with triangular (almost half size of D. luteogibbosa n. sp.) basal and sub apical process; and apex of right valva with roundly angled (not dentate) upper angle; without a large, irregular, dentate medial process; and a waved, finger˗shaped, long (almost same length with uncus) lower angle’s process (Fig 9a).

Description. Adult ( Figs 1a, 1b View FIGURES 1 ). Length of forewing 6 mm in male. Head, patagium and tegula deep yellow. Thorax dark brown. Forewing ground color dark brown, with broad, deep yellow costal margin, which hind border broadly waved; with row of small, dark brown dots in costal area; cilia deep yellow. Hindwing ground color pale brown; cilia pale brown. Abdomen brown, except deep yellow ventral, with deep yellow anal tuft in male. Male genitalia ( Figs 8a, b View FIGURES8 ). Uncus stout, club˗shaped, apex angular, heavily covered with setae. Tegumen irregularly triangular, weakly sclerotized. Valvae asymmetric: in left valva, broader than right valva, with strongly sclerotized, dentate margin, irregular processes in apical area, and costal margin of valva with a large, triangular, sclerotized, medial process, which apex of process dentate; apex of cucculus rounded, membranous; in right valva, truncate apex with strongly dentate upper angle; a large, irregular, strongly dentate medial process (half size of uncus); and a finger˗shaped, short (three times shorter than uncus) lower angle’s process; apex of cucculus membranous. Juxta arch˗shaped. Saccus broadly “U”˗shaped. Aedeagus stout, waved, with weakly sclerotized apically and vesica with scobination. Female genitalia. Unknown.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Etymology. The species name is derived from the Latin “ luteous ” meaning “yellow” and “ gibbosus ” meaning “hump”, refers to the deep yellow tegula on the thorax.


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