Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) paulinieri

Eardley, Connal & Griswold, Terry, 2017, Taxonomic revision of the Afrotropical species of Pachyanthidium Friese (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae: Anthidiini), Zootaxa 4237 (3), pp. 401-453 : 431-433

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4237.3.1

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scientific name

Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) paulinieri


Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) paulinieri View in CoL (Guérin–Méneville)

( Figs 19–20 View FIGURE 19 View FIGURE 20 )

Anthidium paulinieri Guérin View in CoL – Méneville, 1844: 145, female holotype (?MNHN) Senegal.

Anthidium (Pachyanthidium) paulinieri Guérin View in CoL : Friese 1905: 66 –69.

Pachyanthidium paulinieri (Guérin) View in CoL : Cockerell 1932b: 520.

Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) paulinieri (Guérin) View in CoL : Pasteels 1984: 139 –147.

Pachyanthidium ogilviei Cockerell, 1932b: 519 View in CoL , female holotype ( NHML) Democratic Republic of the Congo; Pasteels 1984: 145, syn.

Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from all other species in the genus (except species of the bicolor species-group) by the combination of naked eye, absent arolia and the orange dorsum of the metasoma ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ). From other members of the bicolor species-group females can be distinguished by the combination of mandible partly spatulate, two outer teeth, spatulate area gently undulated with an inner tooth, forewing with cells lighter than the rest of the wing and legs without black, face, mandible and femora with yellow maculations, mesepisternum with extensive yellow maculations. Males have four dissimilar teeth. The male T7 has a median spine that is longer than the narrow lateral spines, obtusely pointed distally and half as wide as the concavity between the median and lateral spines.

Description. FEMALE. Lengths: head 2.8–3.0 mm; scutum 1.8 mm; forewing 6.2–7.0 mm; body 6.5–7.0 mm. Head and mesosoma black except with yellow maculation on clypeus, lower paraocular area, narrow outer margin of upper paraocular area, spot on medioventral supraclypeus, median spot on frons below mid ocellus, posterior margin of vertex, anterior gena, basal half of mandible, lateral margins of scutum and axilla, medially interrupted subapical cross-band on scutellum, spot on tegula, mesepisternum behind omaulus (remainder of mesepisternum, metepisternum and lateral propodeum sometimes orange), legs (part orangish–yellow); metasoma mostly orange with yellowish–orange anteriorly on T1 (cross–band), dorsolaterally on T2–T5 (oval), laterally on T6; apical translucent margins on scutellum yellowish and T1–T5 orange; forewing with cells lighter than rest of wing. Structure ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ). Preoccipital ridge weakly lamellate; eye naked; clypeus with ventral edge slightly convex, 2 mediolateral tubercles; mandible partly spatulate, 2 outer teeth, spatulate area gently undulated, with inner tooth; pronotal lobe strongly lamellate; omaulus lamellate; forebasitarsus short and broad, length, 0.6x foretibia length, 3.3x its width; arolia absent; T1–T5 without lateral spines; T6 rounded laterally, slightly lobate, without spine, extended posteriorly, distinctly cleft posteromedially.

MALE. Lengths: head 2.8–3.2 mm; scutum 1.8–2.0 mm; forewing 6.3–6.8 mm; body 6.8–7.7 mm. Colour as in female except: mandible yellow except for apical margin, T7 entirely yellow. Structure ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ). Preoccipital ridge weakly lamellate; eye naked; clypeus ventral edge slightly convex, mediolateral tubercle; antennal flagellum 0.9x eye length, 3.1x scape length; mandible 4 dissimilar, pointed teeth; omaulus lamellate; forebasitarsus sparsely pubescent, with moderately long posterior fringe; forebasitarsus length 0.6x foretibia length, 0.3x its width, not distinctly extended anterodistally; hind basitarsus wide, length 2.5x width; arolia absent; T1–T4 without lateral spines or swellings; T5 with slight posterolateral swelling; T 6 in one plane, extended posteromedially, with small ventrolateral spine, posterolateral and posteromedian tubercles, latter slightly emarginate medially; T7 narrow posterolateral spine (narrower than length), median spine acutely pointed apically, concavity between median and lateral spines twice width of median spine; terminalia as in P. cordatum (cf. Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ).

Distribution. This species is apparently widespread across the northern Afrotropical Region ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 ).

Material examined. Type material. Female holotype of Pachyanthidium ogilviei : ‘Type, Dilolo July 27 J.O., Pachyanthidium ogilviei Ckll TYPE, B.M. TYPE HYM. 17a 2681’, in NHML.

Additional material. Ivory Coast. Odienne Man , 1991. i.14 , A. Mochi (1♀ 2♂ BBSL) . Nigeria. Gashaka Gumfi NP, 30km SE Serti , 2011, J. Halada (1♀ MSAA) . Central African Republic. 40km S Kaga Bandoro , 2009. v.14, J. Halada (1♀ MSAA) ; Bangai , 70km NNE, 430m, 2010. xi.8–4, J. Halada (1♀ MSAA) ; Bpuar , 60km SE, 800m, 2010. iii.30, J. Halada (2♀ MSAA) .


Natural History Museum, Tripoli


USDA, Agriculture Research Service, Pollinating Insects-- Biology, Management and Systematics Research
















Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) paulinieri

Eardley, Connal & Griswold, Terry 2017

Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) paulinieri (Guérin)

Pasteels 1984: 139

Pachyanthidium paulinieri (Guérin)

Cockerell 1932: 520

Pachyanthidium ogilviei

Pasteels 1984: 145
Cockerell 1932: 519

Anthidium (Pachyanthidium) paulinieri Guérin

Friese 1905: 66

Anthidium paulinieri Guérin

Meneville 1844: 145
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