Arias-Buriticá, Jorge Armando, Bach, Andressa, Peres, Carlos A., Haugaasen, Torbjørn, Hawes, Joseph E., Azevedo, Renato A. & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2023, Figs. 4 - 10 in Descriptions of Two New Species of Scaphisoma Leach (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae) in Korea, The Coleopterists Bulletin 77 (4), pp. 629-635 : 634

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-77.4.629


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scientific name




This key is an adaptation of Rossini and Vaz-de-Mello (2017), updated to include the new species. The sentences between quotation marks (“”) have been transcribed ipsis litteris from this paper and the figures of the others species are available in the same work.

1. “Pronotum abruptly vertical above the head, superiorly with a pair of transverse humps. Male with a cephalic horn always flanked by two low and transverse carinae; female with a cephalic carina tuberculate at middle. Large-sized species, body length> 22 mm ” ..................................................................... 2

1′. “Pronotum simply convex, never with distinct humps on the superior side. Male either with a simple and conical horn or a transverse and strong carina; female with either a cephalic horn or carina, but never tuberculate at middle. Medium-sized species, body length <22 mm ” .................................................... 3

2. “Clypeus wide and evenly curved, slightly sinuated at middle, male with cephalic horn cylindrical to conical (from above), frontal side of the horn always finely wrinkled; female with cephalic carina on the fronto-clypeal region, anteromedial region of pronotum feebly excavated, pronotal protuberance very weak (figs. 1a, b). Anterior pronotal bead simple, metasternal surface completely covered by long and straight orange hairs. Brazil, Argentina ” .............. Isocopris inhiatus (Germar, 1824)

2′. “Clypeus elongated forward and clearly narrower at middle, lateral margins straight, male with cephalic horn rectangular and transversally elongated, frontal side of the horn smooth to finely punctuated; female with cephalic carina between eyes, anteromedial region of the pronotum distinctly excavated, pronotal humps distinct (figs. 2a, b). Anterior pronotal bead slightly concave at the middle of the posterior margin, metasternum with long hairs along the inner side of mesocoxae, metasternal disc bare. Brazil ”......................... ............... Isocopris hypocrita (Lucas, 1857)

3. “Both sexes with a strong fronto-clypeal carina flanked by two hump-like weak tubercles, carina acuminated on both sides in male, straight in female, frons deeply depressed (figs. 5a, b). Margin of the head distinctly notched at the clypeo-genal junction, body completely black, head and pronotum shining, elytra more opaque” ....................................................... 4

3′. “Both sexes with a conical cephalic horn, margin of the head either notched or angulated (genal margin wider than clypeus) at the clypeo-genal junction, frons either depressed or normal, clypeus weakly to distinctly reflexed at middle” ......................................... 5

4. Both sexes with ventral clypeal process large and trapezoidal in lateral view (figs. 1e, f). Metaventral anterior lobe glabrous (figs. 1b, c). Females with elytral striae from the first to the fourth widened in the central area (fig. 1c). Southwestern Amazonia, Brazil (fig. 3) ................. Isocopris rossinii Arias-Buriticá, Bach , and Vaz-de-Mello, new species

4′. Both sexes with ventral clypeal process small and tooth-shaped in lateral view. Metaventral anterior lobe with setae. Females without widened elytral striae. Cerrado habitat. Brazil............. Isocopris foveolatus (Luederwaldt, 1931)

5. “Fore tibia with an inner-apical projection, tooth-like and directed inward, last protarsal segment strongly enlarged at the apex, tarsal claws very long and strongly folded (figs. 6a, b, e). Brazil ”...................... Isocopris tarsalis (Luederwaldt, 1931)

5′. “Fore tibia either normal or with an inner-apical projection directed forward, last protarsal segment normal and never strongly enlarged, tarsal claws short and weakly curved” ..................................................................... 6

6. “Clypeus acuminate and sides feebly curved, weakly reflexed and distinctly sinuated at middle, with two obtuse teeth, head of both sexes with three conical tubercles, central tubercle stronger, lateral ones slightly backward, frons not depressed. Apical spur of the fore tibia with superior margin normal. Body black, elytra opaque to feebly shining and completely sericeous. Brazil (only known of north of Minas Gerais), dry forest” ................ Isocopris xacriaba Rossini and Vaz-de-Mello, 2017

6′. “Clypeus with sides sinuated, strongly reflexed at middle, either transversally truncated or weakly sinuated, both sexes with a central conical horn flanked by two weak hump-like tubercles, frons slightly to distinctly depressed. Apical spur of the fore tibia with superior margin bifid (fig. 3h). Body completely shining, black to brownish. Known of Amazon and dry forests”............ 7

7. “Pronotum and elytra with a dense and shallow punctuation evenly distributed (figs. 3b, c). Size of 15–22 mm. Brazil ”........ Isocopris imitator (Felsche, 1901)

7′. “Pronotum and elytra with a very fine and inconspicuous punctuation (figs. 4b, c). Size of 12–18 mm. French Guiana, Brazil and Peru ” ........ Isocopris nitidus (Luederwaldt, 1922)











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