Rhabdoblatta fotoi Nyame Mbia, Legendre & Biram, 2024

Mbia, Donald-L’or Nyame, Ngon, Eric Belmond Biram à, Legendre, Frédéric & Menbohan, Samuel Foto, 2024, Semi-aquatic Epilamprinae cockroaches (Blattodea: Blaberidae) in Cameroon: towards a revision of continental African species of Rhabdoblatta Kirby, 1903 and Africalolampra Roth, 1995, European Journal of Taxonomy 946 (1), pp. 1-57 : 25-29

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.946.2615

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scientific name

Rhabdoblatta fotoi Nyame Mbia, Legendre & Biram


Rhabdoblatta fotoi Nyame Mbia, Legendre & Biram à Ngon sp. nov.


Figs 14–17 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

Differential diagnosis

Males can be readily distinguished from all other congeneric species by the presence and shape of the tergal gland on the 4 th tergite. Males of Rhabdoblatta lyncea also have a tergal gland on the 4 th tergite – although with a different shape – but no bulge on the 5 th one; instead, they show a small, transluscent, posteromedial knob on the 3 rd tergite (compare Fig. 13E View Fig with Fig. 30C View Fig ).


Named after the Professor Foto Menbohan Samuel, who initiated this work.

Material examined


CAMEROON • 1 ♂; Centre Region , Mefou watershed, Eloundem; elev. 569–675 m; Dec. 2019 – Nov. 2020; molecular sample BL943; MNHN-EP7600 .


CAMEROON • ♀; same data as for holotype; MNHN-EP7601 .

Additional specimens

CAMEROON • 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂; same data as for holotype; MNHN-EP7590 to MNHN-EP7592 .


Male HEAD. Triangular, about as long as wide, mostly brown ( Fig. 14C View Fig ). Eyes black, ocellar spots creamish with one dark spot below each of them. Labrum and clypeus brown, lighter than frons and vertex. Scape and pedicel light brown, while other antennal segments darker. Distance between eyes equals distance between antennal sockets.

PRONOTUM. Light brown, with scattered brown freckles except on its border ( Fig. 14D View Fig ). Pronotum roughly triangular but with middle of hind margin distinctly convex. Laterally deflexed.

TEGMINA AND WINGS. Fully developed, extending well beyond end of abdomen ( Fig. 14A–B View Fig ). Tegmina with rounded apex, light brown with veins darker, with numerous small dark brown maculae and few other larger. Sc thickened in ventral view. Hindwings light brown, darker anteriorly than posteriorly, with veins darker ( Fig. 14B View Fig ).

LEGS. Anteroventral margin of front femur of type B2, with 3 strong spines proximally ( Fig. 14C View Fig ). Tibial spines well-developped. Metatarsus of hind leg longer than other segments combined ( Fig. 14H View Fig ), inner margin with two rows of small spines ( Fig. 14I View Fig ). Arolium and tarsal pulvilli well-developed, the latter bordered by “additional spines” sensu Anisyutkin (2016). Claws symmetrical and finely serrated ( Fig. 14I View Fig ).

ABDOMEN. Coloration of abdominal sternites variable ( Fig. 14A, F View Fig ), dark brown medially but with dark spots of different sizes laterally. Fourth abdominal tergite specialized: tergal gland as in Fig. 14E View Fig , with two reddish rod-like processes directed anteriorly and meeting medially in an oval papilla with a deeply emarginated posterior margin. Fifth abdominal tergite also slightly specialized with a little bulge anteromedially ( Fig. 14E View Fig ). Supra-anal plate with its caudal margin with a slight medial incision and with fine, sparse setae ( Fig. 14G View Fig ). Subgenital plate uniformly caramel-colored, symmetrical, convex, with two curled and flattened styli ( Fig. 14F View Fig ). Cerci multisegmented, pubescent ventrally, with a black tip.

GENITALIA ( Fig. 15 View Fig ). Left phallomere R complex (L1 of MK64 and R70, and R2+R3+N of G96); cleft between R1T and R2, very thin, without protuberance; R3 membranous, indistinct (sensu Anisyutkin, 2016), in two parts. Sclerite L2d with its basal sclerite rod-shaped, very tapered, slightly enlarged at its base (L1 of G96); apical sclerite of L2d (L2vm of MK64, L2v of R70 and L1 of G96) crescent-like, its apical vertex more elongated than its basal vertex, and somehow bifid. Sclerite L3 (R2 of MK64, R70, and L2d of PG96) long but sclerotized only at its distal end, with a slender hook extremely bent and elongated, with a subapical incision (groove hge. sensu Klass 1997); inner margin of basal part of L3 not crenulated. No sclerite L4U.


The male genitalia of Rhabdoblatta fotoi sp. nov. show some similarities with those of the genus Rhabdoblattella known from South-East Asia and India ( Anisyutkin 1999; Anisyutkin & Youshkova 2017). However, the new species lacks a median tooth along the hind margin of the subgenital plate, a diagnostic character of the genus Rhabdoblattella . Furthermore, the phylogenetic analysis using the 12S marker does not suggest a close relationship between Rhabdoblattella disparis Wang, Yang & Wang, 2017 and the new species ( Fig. 2 View Fig ). We therefore prefer to place the new species in the genus Rhabdoblatta .


The female is very similar to the male, although a bit larger and without tergal specialization. Its subgenital plate is symmetrical, semi-circular, without styli but with very sparse setae postero-medially and on its hind margin ( Fig. 16 View Fig ).

Measurements of adults

Male (n = 1): pronotum length ×width: 4.5× 6.3, tegmina length: 20, overall length × width 15.3 ×7.

Female (n = 1): pronotum length ×width: 6× 6.8, tegmina length: 24.5, overall length ×width: 28.5 ×11.


Pictures of nymph are provided in Fig. 17 View Fig . In both male and female juveniles, tarsi of all legs with large yellowish bristles on the inner face; supra-anal plate serrated with a deep, rounded, medial incision. Male juveniles have two styli.

Molecular data

A portion of 12S rRNA has been obtained and is available under the GenBank accession number OR589771 (molecular extract BL943).


Adults and nymphs of this species were found in all the rivers investigated.


This species is only known from Cameroon.













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