Hypselothyrea paratenuis, Papp, 2003

Papp, L., 2003, New Species And Records Of Hypselothyrea De Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (4), pp. 271-294 : 285-286

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586958

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Hypselothyrea paratenuis

sp. nov.

Hypselothyrea paratenuis View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 20–23 View Figs 17–23 )

Holotype male ( HNHM): Vietnam, Cuc phuong, Ninh binh – 6–18. V. 1966., leg. TOPÁL.

Paratypes: Thailand: 1 male, 1 female ( MHNG, genitalia prep. in microvial with glycerol): N Thailand, 1250, Chiang Mai Prov., Doi Suthep-Pui N.P., nr Phuphing Palace, 18.80N / 98.90S, 19. X. 2000 , MERZ & SCHWENDINGER leg.; 1 female ( HNHM): ibid., 26. X.; 1 female ( MHNG): ibid., 1100, above What Phrathat, 18.80N / 98.92E GoogleMaps , 27. X., MERZ & SCHWENDINGER leg.; 1 female ( HNHM): ibid., 18.81N / 98.91S , 17. X.

Measurements in mm: body length 3.0 (holotype, caudal half of abdomen strongly downcurved), 3.10–3.30 (paratypes), wing length 2.05 (holotype), 2.25–2.35 (paratypes), wing breadth 0.70 (holotype), 0.71–0.72 (paratypes).

Mostly black. Mesonotum dull brown (holotype) or black (paratypes), pleura shiny, in detail: mesonotum granulose, metanotum and dorsal part of anepimeron microtomentose, pleura otherwise shiny black. Abdomen shiny black. This is a Hypselothyrea of rather robust, strongly ant-like appearance.

Frontal shield actually does not exist in this species. Vertical setae long and thick, emerge on a massive large tubercle. Ocellar structures (ocelli and ocellar setae) on a high tubercle, Instead of a frontal shield, a pair of interfrontal ridges present laterally to ocellar tubercle. Orbitalia similarly modified: a pair of orbital ridges present bearing a pair of long thick anterior proclinate and posterior reclinate fronto-orbital pairs each. Those 7 tubercles/ridges are subshiny, other parts of frons brown (black) microtomentose. Eye densely hairy. Face subshiny in general, shiny below carina. Carina nose-like in profile, very broad, subapically 0.16 mm, slightly more than 1/3 breadth of facial plate (!). Cheeks narrow, white microtomentose. Vibrissa strong, 0.235 mm, emerging on small tubercles. Peristomals weak. Eyes with long fine hairs. Clypeus comparatively very strong, 0.15 mm high, protruding below mouth opening. Palpus brown with a 0.15 mm long apical and a 0.11 mm long ventral medial seta/hair. Arista with 6 dorsal and 2–3 ventral long branches.

Mesonotum dull brown, microgranulate. Scutellum light brown, upright, 0.41 mm (!) high over scutum, dorsal profile not broken. Two pairs of extremely strong dorsocentrals. Apical scutellars very long and thick, scutellar length 0.43 mm, apical scutellars 0.51 mm on a paratype female (more than 0.5 mm long, but apex broken on holotype). Ventral surface of scutellum without dense white setulae. No acrostichals.

Legs ochre, shiny, fore and hind tibia dark brown (except for bases and apices) in holotype, mainly black but fore coxa, basal part of mid and hind femora, whole mid tibia as well as fore tarsomeres and mid and hind tarsi yellow (paratypes). Fore femur with a long row of thick black anteroventral thornlets.

Wingpatterned,reducedbothinlengthandwidth(only2/3bodylength).Veinsbrown.Alittle more than apical fourth of wing light (very light brownish), wing otherwise dark brown with light, diffusely bordered spots in cell r 2+3 above R-M and in cubital cell between levels of cross-veins. Cross-veins also bordered by light spots. Anal cell closed, with a very short, slightly basally directed vein appendage of anal vein. C-index 1.56, C3 fringe on 3/8. Alula with 0.10 mm long marginal hairs. Halteres reduced in size, only 0.25 mm long, light brown.

Abdomen much narrowed subbasally; at caudal end of tergite 2 0.36 mm broad only (head 0.95 mm broad), without macrochaetae. Tergites 1 to 3 modified with a sagittal low blunt ridge and a pair of shallow emarginated groove laterally to it. This complex occupies 1/3 of tergal breadth. Tergites 4–6 dorsally with white setulae, which are less dense than in H. lanigera .

Epandrium comparatively very small, cerci nearly as high as epandrium. Surstylus ( Fig. 20 View Figs 17–23 ) slightly bilobed, outer (lateral) lobe with four thick, comparatively long setae, 9 prensisetae. Phallus rathershortandthick( Fig.21 View Figs 17–23 ),phallapodemeparticularlythick,lateralparameralsetaeextremelythick.

Female oviscapt ( Fig. 22 View Figs 17–23 ) similar to that of H. paralanigera , but dorsal (lateral) setae definitely shorter. Spermatheca ( Fig. 23 View Figs 17–23 ) much longer than broad, surface with small scales (spermathecae weakly sclerotized: after a short wash in sodium-hydroxyde they collapsed and it was possible to make drawing when put them in water only).

Distribution. Viet Nam, Thailand.

Hypselothyrea paratenuis View in CoL sp. n. is a peculiar species with reduced wings. I am afraid, though it keys to H. tenuis OKADA, 1980 View in CoL , which was described from New Guinea (Mt. Missim, Wau), they are not closely related. Please note that OKADA did not put his H. tenuis View in CoL correctly into the key: that species is with 1 pair of dorsocentrals.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle














Hypselothyrea paratenuis

Papp, L. 2003

Hypselothyrea paratenuis

Papp 2003

H. tenuis

OKADA 1980

H. tenuis

OKADA 1980
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