Longgenacris You & Li, 1983

Jiang, Bing, Wang, Haojie, Storozhenko, Sergey Yu. & Huang, Jianhua, 2019, Notes on the grasshopper genera Longgenacris You & Li, 1983 and Fruhstorferiola Willemse, 1922 (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae) with proposal of a new synonym, Zootaxa 4624 (3), pp. 397-406 : 397-398

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4624.3.8

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scientific name

Longgenacris You & Li, 1983


Genus Longgenacris You & Li, 1983

Longgenacris You & Li, in You et al., 1983: 171 , 180; Zheng, 1993: 105; Otte, 1995: 308; Yin et al., 1996: 379; Jiang & Zheng, 1998: 116; Li et al., 2006: 214.

Type species: Longgenacris maculacarina You & Li, 1983 , by original designation.

Description. Body medium-sized, robust and densely pubescent. Head large and shorter than pronotum. Eyes oval, interocular distance distinctly narrower than frontal ridge. Antennae filiform, reaching beyond posterior margin of pronotum. Pronotum longer than broad; median keel weak in prozona and distinct in metazona, lateral keel ab- sent. Prosternal process short conical and pointed apically; lateral lobes of mesosternum broader than long and the width of interspace, broadly separated from each other; lateral lobes of metasternum broadly separated from each other. Tegmina and hind wings developed both in male and female, not or just reaching the apices of hind femora; tegmina without a series of dense and parallel short transverse veins in radial area. Hind femora without tooth at upper median keels; outer upper basal lobe distinctly longer than lower basal lobe; upper and lower genicular lobes broadly rounded apically. Hind tibiae bluish green, with dense pubescence and ecto-apical spine absent. Abdomen with developed tympanum; terminal tergite with two small triangular furculae. Supra-anal plate triangular. Cerci in male not conical, broad basally, not constricted in middle, distinctly laterally compressed in apical half, and broadly rounded at tip; cerci in female short conical. Subgenital plate in female with posterior margin triangularly protruded and submedian tooth absent, apical half to third longitudinally carinate both medially and marginally, and deeply broadly depressed beside median carina.

Composition. The genus consists of the type species only.

Distribution. CHINA (Guangxi, Yunnan).














Longgenacris You & Li, 1983

Jiang, Bing, Wang, Haojie, Storozhenko, Sergey Yu. & Huang, Jianhua 2019

Longgenacris You & Li, in You et al., 1983: 171

Li, H. C. & Xia, K. L. & Bi, D. Y. & Jin, X. B. & Huang, C. M. & Yin, X. C. & Zheng, Z. M. & Lian, Z. M. & You, Q. J. & Zhang, F. L. & Li, T. S. 2006: 214
Jiang, G. F. & Zheng, Z. M. 1998: 116
Yin, X. C. & Shi, J. P. & Yin, Z. 1996: 379
Otte, D. 1995: 308
Zheng, Z. M. 1993: 105
You, Q. & Li, T. S. & Bi, D. Y. 1983: 171
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