Deroplatys truncata (Guérin-Méneville, 1843)

Zhang, Jia-Zhi & Price, Benjamin, 2024, Revision of the genus Deroplatys Westwood, 1839 (Mantodea: Deroplatyidae) with the description of three new species, Zootaxa 5445 (1), pp. 1-68 : 51-54

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5445.1.1

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Deroplatys truncata (Guérin-Méneville, 1843)


Deroplatys truncata (Guérin-Méneville, 1843) View in CoL

( Figs. 2B View FIGURE 2 ; 3B View FIGURE 3 ; 5B View FIGURE 5 ; 6B View FIGURE 6 ; 7 View FIGURE 7 ; 8C–E, G, H, J, L, M & O View FIGURE 8 ; 9B–E View FIGURE 9 ; 10B View FIGURE 10 ; 13B View FIGURE 13 ; 23B View FIGURE 23 ; 34C, F, I View FIGURE 34 ; 39B View FIGURE 39 ; 43B View FIGURE 43 )

Choeradodis truncata Guérin-Méneville, 1843 , 1843: 65 (♀, type locality: Malacca); Saussure 1871: 167 (♀, transferred from Choeradodis View in CoL ); Kirby 1904: 281 (♀); Giglio-Tos 1917b: 157 (♂, D. siccifolium View in CoL could potentially be the male of D. truncata ); Werner 1921: 129 (♂, status doubtful with D. siccifolium View in CoL ); Werner 1923: 394 (♂, status doubtful with D. siccifolium View in CoL ); Giglio-Tos 1927: 341–342 (♂, ♀); Werner 1933: 261 (♂, Java); Beier 1935: 6 (♂, ♀); Ehrmann 2002: 122 (♂, ♀); Schwarz & Konopik 2014:154 (♂, ♀).

Deroplatys siccifolium Saussure, 1870: 240 View in CoL (♂, type locality: ‘ India?’); Saussure. 1871: 166 (♂); Westwood 1889: 41 (♂, similar to D. rhombica View in CoL ); Kirby 1904: 281 (♂), Giglio-Tos 1917b: 157 (♂, male of D. truncata ); Werner 1921: 129 (♂, status doubtful with D. truncata ); Werner 1923: 394 (♂, status doubtful with D. truncata ); Beier 1935: 6 (♂, synonymized with D. truncata ).

Deroplatys shelfordi Kirby, 1903: 296 View in CoL (♀, type locality: Borneo); Kirby 1904: 282. (♀); Giglio-Tos, 1927: 341 (♀, status doubtful with D. truncata and D. horrifica View in CoL ); Beier, 1935: 6 (♀); Marshall, 1975: 311–327 (♀, designated type specimen as holotype); Ehrmann 2002: 122 (♀); Schwarz & Konopik 2014:154 (♀, synonymized with D. truncata ).

Type material examined

Lectotype of Deroplatys shelfordi examined: NHMUK012496238 About NHMUK , Sarawak VI.1896 //1903-200// Lectotype, ♀, Deroplatys shelfordi Kirby, 1903 , des. by Zhang & Price, 2024.

Additional material examined. (22♂♂, 4♀♀)


NHMUK012497797 About NHMUK // Sabah: 250ft,/ 30mls. Sandakan / Keningau Rd. / 19-X.1977.// M.E.Bacchus. / B.M.1978- 48 ; NHMUK015058110 About NHMUK // Malaya Penang, Tanjong Bungab. at light. 4 - VI.1903. H. T. Pagden. Pres by Com Inst Ent B.M. 1955-851. Com . INST.ENT. COLL. NO.14444 (Dissected) ; NHMUK012497792 About NHMUK // SABAH: / Sandakan district./ Rumidi estate./ River Labuk. / 50-150ft. / 14-31-IX.1973./ C.J.M. Pruett. // heavy forest near plantations.// Brit. Mus. 1975-590 ; NHMUK015058106 About NHMUK // Sarawak Semongok. / Light Trap. [us?.1967] / Coll. G.H.L Rothschild. / Pres by Com Inst Ent. /B.M.1971-1 ; NHMUK015058107 About NHMUK // Sandakan,/ Brit. N. Borneo. / W.B.Pryer. /1914-484 ; NHMUK015058105 About NHMUK // SARAWAK: Gunong / Mulu Nat. Park ./ R. G.S. Exped. 1977-8./ J.D.Holloway et al./ B.M.1978-206.// Site 15. February. / Camp 2.5, Mulu / 1000m. 413461./ Lower 1. Montane f ./ MV – understorey; NHMUK015058104 About NHMUK // SABAH:/ Sandakan district./ Rumidi estate./ River Labuk. / 50-150ft. / 14-31-IX.1973./ C.J.M. Pruett. // heavy forest near plantations./ Brit. Mus. 1975-277 ; NHMUK015058109 About NHMUK // SARAWAK: / Foot of Mt.Dulit. / Junction of rivers/ Tinjar & Lejok. / IX.1932.// Oxford Univ. Exp. / B.M.Hobby &/ A.W.Moore. / B.M.1933-254.// Native collected. (Dissected) ; NHMUK015058102 About NHMUK // SABAH: Sandakan district./. Rumidi estate./ River Labuk. / 50-150ft. / 14-31-IX.1973./ C.J.M. Pruett. //heavy forest near plantations./ Brit. Mus. 1975-590 ; NHMUK012497793 About NHMUK // Sabah: 250ft,/ 30mls. Sandakan / - Keningau Rd. / 19- X.1977.// M.E.Bacchus. / B.M.1978-48 ; NHMUK015058103 About NHMUK // SABAH: / Sandakan district./ Rumidi estate./ River Labuk. / 50-150ft. / 14-31-IX.1973./ C.J.M. Pruett. // heavy forest near plantations [handwriting on pale paper]//. Brit. Mus. 1975-277 ; NHMUK015058101 About NHMUK // SABAH: / Tawau district./ Brumas camp./ 500-700ft. / 17-31.IX.1973./ C.J.M. Pruett. // clay, shale and limestone hills. Primary rainforest [handwriting]. / Brit. Mus. 1974-277 ; NHMUK015058117 About NHMUK // Malacca / 56-140 [handwriting on circle paper]//. Westw / mants/ pl9f11 [handwriting on blue lined paper] ; NHMUK015058118 About NHMUK // Sandakan. / C . V. Creagh. / 96-197 ; NHMUK015058116 About NHMUK // Malaysia / Kota Kinabalu / Sabah / 19 - VI.1968/ Dr.P.J.L.Roche // Brit Mus. 1976-443 ; NHMUK012497794 About NHMUK // Sandakan. / 10.2.93. 95-144 [handwriting on pale paper] ; NHMUK015058115 About NHMUK // Sandakan. / 21.1.93. 95-140 [handwriting on pale paper] ; NHMUK015058114 About NHMUK // B.N. BORNEO. nr. Mt. Kinabalu. Kabayau , 600. 8 - VI.1929. Coll.H.M.Pendlebury. F.M.S. Museums. B.M. 1955-354; NHMUK015058113 About NHMUK // Sandakan / 96-197 ; NHMUK015058112 About NHMUK // Sandakan / 97-87 ; NHMUK015058111 About NHMUK // Sandakan / 97-87 ; NHMUK015058103 About NHMUK // W. MALAYSIA: / Cameron Highlands. / 200ft. 12 - V.1973./ Coll. C.C.Chua. / B.M. 1975- 604. (Dissected) .


NHMUK 012497795// Rauomg, Selangor./ 11-VIII.1911./ Mungo Park./ 1911–314;

OX. UNI.MUS.NAT. HIST ( OUMNH). Kuching. Borneo//M. Burr Collection. Pres. 1903 by M. B//1903-8990; OX. UNI.MUS.NAT. HIST ( OUMNH). Kuching. Borneo//M. Burr Collection. Pres. 1903 by M. B//1903-8990.

Diagnostic features: Compound eyes conical; male hind wings transparent



Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


University of Montana Museum


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Natural History Museum, London


University of Northern Iowa














Deroplatys truncata (Guérin-Méneville, 1843)

Zhang, Jia-Zhi & Price, Benjamin 2024

Deroplatys shelfordi

Schwarz, C. J. & Konopik, O. 2014: 154
Ehrmann, R. 2002: 122
Marshall, J. A. 1975: 311
Beier, M. 1935: 6
Giglio-Tos, E. 1927: 341
Kirby, W. F. 1904: 282
Kirby, W. F. 1903: 296

Choeradodis truncata Guérin-Méneville, 1843

Schwarz, C. J. & Konopik, O. 2014: 154
Ehrmann, R. 2002: 122
Beier, M. 1935: 6
Werner, F. 1933: 261
Giglio-Tos, E. 1927: 341
Werner, F. 1923: 394
Werner, F. 1921: 129
Giglio-Tos, E. 1917: 157
Kirby, W. F. 1904: 281
Saussure, H. de 1871: 167

Deroplatys siccifolium

Beier, M. 1935: 6
Werner, F. 1923: 394
Werner, F. 1921: 129
Giglio-Tos, E. 1917: 157
Kirby, W. F. 1904: 281
Westwood, J. O. 1889: 41
Saussure, H. de 1870: 240
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