Proguithera inexpectata, Rédei, 2004

Rédei, D., 2004, Emesinae From Afghanistan (Heteroptera: Reduviidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (4), pp. 307-317 : 312-313

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Proguithera inexpectata

sp. nov.

Proguithera inexpectata View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 1–13 View Fig 1 View Figs 2–4 View Figs 5–6 View Figs 7–13 )

Holotype male: AFGHANISTAN: Nuristan: 25 km north from Barikot , 1200 m, 12–17. VII.

1963, leg. Kasy & Vartian (deposited in the NHMW).

Measurements in mm: total length of body to apex of fore wings 11.5. Length of head (without neck) 1.51, preocular 0.67, postocular 0.35; width across eyes 0.90, interocular distance 0.56. Length of antennal joints (I) 7.40: (II) 5.25: (III) 2.45: (IV) 2.60. Length of labial joints (I) 0.56: (II) 0.63: (III) 0.77. Length of pronotum 1.99, fore lobe 0.78, hind lobe 1.21; greatest width of fore lobe 1.22, width across humeral angles 1.62. Length of scutellum 0.49. Length of abdomen from base to apex of tergite VII 5.35, greatest width 2.08. Length of fore wings 8.0, greatest width 2.0. Length of fore coxa 2.58, greatest width 0.38, length of fore trochanter 0.68, length of fore femur 3.93, greatest width 0.58, length of fore tibia 1.95, greatest width 0.30, length of fore tarsus without claw 1.65, tarsal joints (I) 1.47: (II) 0.21; length of mid femur 8.0, tibia 11.5, tarsus 0.53; length of hind femur 10.3, tibia 17.2, tarsus 0.59.

Macropterous male. General aspect as shown in Fig. 1 View Fig 1 , moderately elongate.

General colour rather uniformly ochraceous, hind lobe of head, antennae, legs and scutellum slightly darker. Body surface slightly lustrous, with fine granulation on head, thorax and part of legs; with yellowish pubescence very short and adpressed, hardly perceptible.

Head as shown in Figs 2–4 View Figs 2–4 , porrect, guttiform in lateral view, about 1.7 times as long as wide; preocular part about 1.9 times longer than postocular, declivent and conspicuously narrowing anteriorly; postocular part very short, semiglobular, distinctly separated from short neck. Eyes relatively great, laterally moderately prominent, posteriorly only slightly excised, approaching ventral surface of head in lateral aspect; diatone approximately 1.6 times as wide as interocular space. On ventral surface of head eyes strongly approaching each other, their distance is smaller than basal width of labial joint II. Vertex with interocular suture curved backward far behind posterior border of eyes. Antennae originated near anterior border of eyes, extremely gracile, joint I the longest, about twice as long as head and pronotum together and 1.4 times as long as joint II; joints III and IV subequal in length, slightly more slender than precedent ones. Rostrum rather long and slender, labial joint I short, rather stout, joint II slightly surpassing anterior border of eyes, gradually narrowing, joint III the longest, slender, projecting between bases of fore coxae.

Pronotum as in Figs 2–4 View Figs 2–4 , moderately elongate, about 1.3 times longer than head, divided by a shallow transverse constriction into fore and hind lobe, covering mesonotum except a small region before scutellum. Fore lobe considerably (about 1.6 times) wider than its medial length, rounded laterally, disc with a fine medial longitudinal furrow. Hind lobe about 1.6 times longer than fore lobe, lateral outline diverging posteriorly, posterior margin concave, disc with a pair of anterolateral transverse nodules. Coxal cavities anteriorly open.

Fore leg as in Fig. 5 View Figs 5–6 , rather stout. Fore coxa long, straight, subcylindrical, very slightly narrowing apically, about 6.8 times longer as its greatest width (near base), unarmed. Fore trochanter simple, unarmed. Fore femur stout, laterally flattened, slightly arched, about 6.8 times as long as its greatest width (near middle), about 1.5 times as long as coxa and considerably longer than tibia and tarsus combined. Three rows of spinigerous processes present on fore femur; posteroventral series composed of a single row of about 65–70 processes, long ones basally, short and long ones in the remaining part and also some very small peg-like ones in apical half; anteroventral series beginning beyond basal third of article, consisting of a single row of about 40, more or less long processes, first one the longest; an accessory series also present consisting of a single row of about 70 minute, peg-like spines; in extreme apex of femur anteriorly to accessory series also with some accessory spines. Fore tibia short, stout, about 6.5 times longer than its greatest width (near apex) and half as long as femur, apical two-thirds of its ventral surface with a single row of deflexed spines, dorsal surface with rather long, semi-erect hairs. Fore tarsus about 0.8 times as long as tibia, conspicuously arched, its basal one-fifth with fine hairs ventrally, otherwise smooth, two-segmented, joint I about 7 times longer than joint II, apically with a single stout claw basally conspicuously widened. Mid and hind legs elongate and delicate, apex of mid femora reaching, that of hind femora far surpassing apex of abdomen, tibiae extremely slender, their apical part slightly bent ventrally.

Scutellum subtriangular, wings also leaving a triangular part of metanotum exposed. Fore wings elongate, about 4 times longer than their greatest width, slightly surpassing apex of abdomen. Venation as in P. drescheri , with r-m cross vein and a further cross vein connecting M+Cu with costal margin somewhat basad of discal cell. Cu simple, not thickened along base of discal cell. Rs situated extremely apically, portion of M situated between base of discal cell and Rs cross vein about twice as long as distance between base of Rs and apex of fore wing.

Abdomen of male as in Fig. 6 View Figs 5–6 , elongate oval, slightly compressed dorsoventrally, posteriorly gradually widening, medial length from base to apex of tergite VII about 2.6 times greater than its greatest width (near apex). Abdominal segment VIII with a pair of short dorsolateral prolongations, ventral part widely projecting posteriorly in the middle, medially excised. Genital capsule as in Figs 7–9 View Figs 7–13 , elongated, posterior margin widely excised, without superoposterior prolongation. Parameres as in Fig. 10 View Figs 7–13 , symmetrical, moderately elongate, considerably bent, bearing a broad, stout inner protuberance, directed posteriorly in natural position, reaching apex of pygophore, their apices crossing each other. Phallus as in Figs 11–13 View Figs 7–13 , directed posteriorly within genital capsule; phallosoma nearly cylindrical, endosoma with two pairs of tuft-like groups of spiniform processes; articulatory apparatus ( Fig. 13 View Figs 7–13 ) wide, stout, with long and narrow ponticulus basilaris located somewhat distally, connectives short, basal foramen transverse.

Etymology. Specific name from Latin inexpectata , ‘unexpected’; the name is given by virtue of the quite surprising occurrence of this Oriental genus in the Palaearctic Region.

The distinguishing of Proguithera inexpectata sp. n. from P. drescheri is the easiest by its considerably greater size and the fine medial longitudinal furrow on the fore pronotal lobes. In addition, differences are between the two species in wing venation (Cu not thickened along base of discal cell, Rs situated more apically), in the armature of fore femora (posteroventral and anteroventral series composed of far more spines) etc. The identification key presented below allows the recognition of the species of the Guithera Lutevula group.













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