Ammatucha brevilepigera Ren & Li

Ren, Yingdang & Li, Houhun, 2006, Review of Ammatucha Turner with descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae), Zootaxa 1131, pp. 59-68 : 65-66

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.273380


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scientific name

Ammatucha brevilepigera Ren & Li

sp. nov.

Ammatucha brevilepigera Ren & Li , sp. nov.

( Figs. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 3 , 10–14 View FIGURES 10 – 14 )

Diagnosis: This species resembles A. longilepigera , but differs by the sinus of the male antenna which has short compressed scales and only sparsely enlarged scales at its end; the forewing with a grayish­white spot beyond the antemedian line near the dorsum; the valva not concave at apex in the male genitalia; and the ductus bursae somewhat inflated, with its inner surface bearing a round sclerotized plate of dense granules. In A. longilepigera the male antenna sinus has many enlarged scales, the forewing has a round fuscous spot inside the antemedian line, the valva is deeply concave at the apex, and the ductus bursae is partially sclerotized.

Description. Wingspan 19.0– 24.5 mm. Vertex rough, with grayish scales. Antenna yellowish brown; male antenna sinus with short, compressed black scales, with sparse piliform scales at end; cilia as long as width of shaft at midsinus. Labial palpus dark brown, reaching vertex; third segment 2/3 of second in length. Maxillary palpus with brownish scales. Thorax and tegula yellowish brown. Forewing with ground color grayish brown, basal area gray; pattern distinct: antemedian line curved, white and thin, inner side with large round brown spot and a smaller black dot formed by erect scales, outer edge with blackish line broadened in anterior half but narrow in posterior half, grayish white spot beyond antemedian line near dorsum; discal spots distinctly separated, round and blackish; postmedian line sinuate, white, distinct; cilia gray. Hindwing grayish, cilia grayish brown. Foreleg blackish brown; midleg and hindleg with femora and tibiae grayish brown mixed with white on outer surface, yellowish gray on inner surface, spurs blackish, all inner spurs about 1.5 times length of outer ones; tarsi blackish brown, terminally with white ring.

Male genitalia ( Figs. 10–13 View FIGURES 10 – 14 ). Uncus length 3.5 times width, sclerotized plates at lateral sides of base almost as long as uncus. Gnathos with sharp apex, hooklike, extending beyond uncus. Valva length 3.5 times width, oblique at apex; clasper long, fingerlike, length 3.5 times width, situated at about basal 1/4 near costa, bearing long hairs at apex; costa of valva slightly curved, strongly expanded at basal 1/3, terminal 2/3 slender. Sacculus strongly sclerotized, blunt­angularly protruded at basal 2/3. Juxta small, slender, V­shaped, slightly sclerotized, lateral lobes fingerlike, about 1/3 length of gnathos, with only one seta at apex. Aedeagus 0.8 times as long as valva, with sclerotized plate consisting of many sclerotized folds in basal half, distally with round plate formed by many sclerotized spines. Culcita as in Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10 – 14 .

Female genitalia ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 10 – 14 ): Ovipositor triangular, slightly longer than wide, with dense hairs. Eighth abdominal segment collarlike, 8th sternite with anterior margin convex, posterior margin slightly concave. Lamella postvaginalis liplike, lamella antevaginalis arched, barlike. Ductus bursae membranous, extremely short, shorter than anterior apophyses, somewhat roundly inflated, inner side with a round sclerotized plate of dense granules. Corpus bursae membranous, long sac­shaped, length 2.5 times width; inner side with dense granules in posterior half. Signum triangular, strongly sclerotized.

Type material. Holotype ɗ, China: Wuyi Mountain (26º54' N, 116º42' E), Fujian Province, 740 m, 21.V.2004, Haili Yu, gen. slide No. RYD04535.

Paratypes: 7 ɗ, 2 Ψ, same data as holotype except 740–1100 m, 17–26.V.2004

Etymology: The specific name is derived from the Latin prefix brevi ­ (short) and the Latin lepiger (scale), in reference to the short scales on the male antenna sinus.















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