Psychopsis marshalli, (McLachlan, 1902)

Bakkes, Deon K., Sole, Catherine L. & Mansell, Mervyn W., 2017, Revision of Afrotropical Silky Lacewings (Neuroptera: Psychopsidae), Zootaxa 4362 (2), pp. 151-212 : 200-204

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scientific name

Psychopsis marshalli


Silveira marshalli ( McLachlan, 1902) (392)

( Figs. 112 View FIGURE 112 –123)

Psychopsis marshalli McLachlan, 1902:234 (392)

Psychophasis marshalli (McLachlan) : Krüger 1922:28 (3477)

Silveira marshalli (McLachlan) : Kimmins 1939:153 (206)

Psychopsis nebulosa Van der Weele, 1907:146 (419); Kimmins 1939:153 (206) Zygophlebius nebulosa (Van der Weele) : Navás, 1917:00 (667)

Silveira marmoratus Navás, 1912b:196 (549); Kimmins 1939:153 (206) Type depository: BMNH. Holotype: male.

Type locality: Salisbury (now Harare), Zimbabwe (17°43’S 31°05’E). GoogleMaps

PLATE XXI: FIGURES 114–119 . Silveira marshalli , holotype, male, Salisbury (Harare), Zimbabwe, Database no. : BMNH00229. 114. Apex of abdomen, lateral. 115. Genitalia, lateral. 116. Apex of abdomen, dorsal. 117. Genitalia, dorsal. 118. Apex of abdomen, ventral. 119. Genitalia, caudal. Abbreviations: 6 – 9 = tergites 6 – 9, VI – IX = sternites 6 – 9, 9gcx = 9th gonocoxite, cc = cercal callus, ect = ectoprocts, gs = gonarcus, med = mediuncus.

Etymology. From the original description: dedicated to Mr. Guy A. K. Marshall.

Material examined: 96 specimens from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia ( BMNH, NMBZ, SANC, TMSA). See table 1.

Type material examined: Holotype: Database no.: BMNH00229; ♂ (BMNH). Label data: ‘SALISBURY / Mashonaland / Feb. 1900 / G.A.K. Marshall.’ (White rectangle). ‘ Psychopsis / marshalli det.[illeg.]’ (White rectangle). ‘Type’ (Red bordered label). ‘Type’ (Pink rectangle). ‘BMNH(E) / 1253658/[QR code]’ (White rectangle). ‘McLachlan Coll. / B.M.1938-674.’ (Blue rectangle). Abdomen cleared by Bakkes in 2014, placed in a glycerine-filled microvial pinned below specimen.

Diagnosis. Adults of this species may be distinguished by (1) male ectoprocts with broadly angular, inwardlydirected dilatation on ventral margin (Figs 116, 118), (2) male mediuncus thin with spine-like distal portion (Fig. 115) with dorsolateral lobes broad to posteriorly narrowing (Fig. 117), (3) female spermatheca with ventral hooked processes stout and placed closer to midway than distally (Fig. 121), and (4) female copulatory fovea broadly chordate with thick dividing ridge (Fig. 122).

PLATE XXII: FIGURES 120–123. Silveira marshalli , female, Mutare, Zimbabwe, Database no.: NEUR 05582. 120. Apex of abdomen, lateral. 121. Spermatheca, lateral. 122. Apex of abdomen, ventral. 123. 9th gonocoxite, Terminalia, ventrolateral. Abbreviations: 6 – 9 = tergites 6 – 9, VI – IX = sternites 6 – 9, 9gcx = 9th gonocoxite, cc = cercal callus, cf = copulatory fovea, ect = ectoprocts, spe = spermatheca, st = stylus.

Redescription. ♂ Length body 10–13mm, forewing 15–18mm, hind wing 12–15mm; forewing width 8– 10.5mm.

♀ Length body 10–13mm, forewing 18–21.5mm, hind wing 15–18.5mm; forewing width 10–13mm.

Head brownish; face and mouthparts yellowish. Thorax with pronotum dark brown; medial stripe whitishyellow, sometimes distinctly narrowing; paired yellow spots laterally about stripe (over raised tubercles); spots at anterior margin, yellow, sometimes formed as broad stripe, occasionally absent ( Fig. 113 View FIGURE 113 ). Wings whitish grey. Forewing mottling generally dark grey, white and dark brown ( Fig. 112 View FIGURE 112 ), sometimes more uniformly greyish with almost linear, small blackish spots, occasionally whitish with relatively sparse greyish mottling; dense pubescence white, interspersed with dark brown in disc and margins of wing ( Fig. 112 View FIGURE 112 ). Hind wing unmarked, mildly setose, white ( Fig. 112 View FIGURE 112 ); iridescent in green and reddish blue. Venation pale yellowish, brown in dark spots of forewing, completely pale in hind wing; costal gradate series well developed (> 20 crossveins); outermost discal gradate series well developed ( Fig. 112 View FIGURE 112 ).

Abdomen blackish brown ground colour; pubescence long, pale mixed with black ( Fig. 112 View FIGURE 112 ). Male terminalia. Ectoprocts prominent, dorsally rounded with prong at apex slightly recurved ventrally (Fig. 114), lower margin with distinct inwardly-directed dilatation angular, visible in dorsal and ventral view (Figs 116, 118); mediuncus elongate, slightly decurved, slender spine-like tapering to distinctly acute apex (Figs 115, 117, 119); dorsolateral lobes present on basal portion of mediuncus, prominent, bearing setae, each lobe narrowing posteriorly in dorsal view (Figs 117). Female terminalia. Sternite VII short, posteroventral invagination occupying approximately half its ventral length (Figs 120, 122); invagination glossy, forming copulatory fovea, broadly chordate in shape, as pit divided by thick ridge in anterior portion (Fig. 122); hind margin at copulatory fovea narrowly to moderately split (Fig. 122); spermatheca hosting downwardly-directed prongs, stout, curved, blunt at apex, located close to midway (Fig. 121).

Distribution. South-east and central Africa: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi and Zambia ( Fig. 75 View FIGURE 75 ). Widely distributed and often associated with dry woodland and savannah habitat types. Sympatric with S. rufus.


Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe


Agricultural Research Council-Plant Protection Research Institute


Transvaal Museum














Psychopsis marshalli

Bakkes, Deon K., Sole, Catherine L. & Mansell, Mervyn W. 2017


Kimmins 1939: 153

Psychopsis nebulosa

Kimmins 1939: 153

Psychophasis marshalli

Kruger 1922: 28

Psychopsis marshalli

McLachlan 1902: 234
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