Mallomonas cattiensis E.S. Gusev, H. Doan-Nhu & L. Nguyen-Ngoc, 2015

Gusev, Evgeniy S., Doan-Nhu, Hai & Nguyen-Ngoc, Lam, 2015, Mallomonas cattiensis, sp. nov. (Synurales, Chrysophyceae), a new species from Viet Nam, Phytotaxa 221 (2), pp. 188-192 : 189

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.221.1.9


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scientific name

Mallomonas cattiensis E.S. Gusev, H. Doan-Nhu & L. Nguyen-Ngoc

sp. nov.

Mallomonas cattiensis E.S. Gusev, H. Doan-Nhu & L. Nguyen-Ngoc , sp. nov. ( Figs 2–22 View FIGURES 2–22 )

Cells dimensions unknown. Scales are tripartite, thick. Base plate with small pores. A patch of pores is in the angle of the V-rib ( Figs 6, 17–18 View FIGURES 2–22 ). Body scales with or without dome, oblong-oval 4.9–6.6 × 2.7–3.4 μm. Shield with 9–13 transverse ribs connected by struts, with a single row of pores between them and with 1–3 depressions ( Figs 7, 10, 13 View FIGURES 2–22 ). Dome with ribs ( Figs 2, 5, 8–10 View FIGURES 2–22 ). V-rib acute ( Figs 7–10 View FIGURES 2–22 ), continuous with the anterior submarginal rib ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 2–22 ). Anterior flange with thick secondary layer in form of lobate structures (7–10). Proximal border wide, covering the posterior flange and often overlapping the V-rib. Caudal scales with stout spines ( Figs 14–17 View FIGURES 2–22 ), 3.5–3.6 × 2.0–2.3 μm. Apical scales are short and asymmetric, 4.1–4.5 × 2.0–2.5 μm ( Figs 11, 13 View FIGURES 2–22 ). Cysts unknown.

Type: — VIET NAM. Dong Nai Province: Ta Lai reservoir in Cat Tien National Park. 11° 23’ 16” N, 107° 21’ 03” E, E. S. Gusev, 10 th March 2014, SEM stub TL1/2014 (holotype IBIW!, see Fig. 10 View FIGURES 2–22 , sample TL1 10.03.2014, in collection E.S. Gusev. Isotype: SEM stub TL1, sample TL1 10.03.2014, in DMP collection at Oceanographic Museum, Institute of Oceanography, Viet Nam)

Distribution and habitat:— This species was found in the type locality and in a forest stream (11° 23’ 32” N, 107° 22’ 11” E) in Cat Tien National park.

Etymology:— Epithet “cattiensis ” refers to the fact that the species was first found in Cat Tien National Park ( Viet Nam).

Observations: Mallomonas cattiensis was found in a Ta Lai reservoir with pH=6.4, low conductivity values (37 μS cm-1) and high temperature (30 °C). Scales of this species were quite abundant in the samples from the reservoir, 4–6 per TEM grid.


I. D. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences

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