Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A.S. Schultze, 1833, 2017

Kaczmarek, Łukasz, 2017, Annotated zoogeography of non-marine Tardigrada. Part IV: Africa, Zootaxa 4284 (1), pp. 1-74 : 44-46

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4284.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A.S. Schultze, 1833

sensu lato

126. Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A.S. Schultze, 1833 View in CoL sensu lato [T]

M. hufelandii ( Richters) (Murray (1907a) View in CoL

Macrobiotus hufelandii Sch. ( Murray 1913) View in CoL

Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A.S. Schultze 1834 View in CoL ( Rahm 1936, Teunissen 1938) Macrobiotus hufelandi S. Schultze. ( Pardi 1941) View in CoL

Macrobiotus hufelandii C.A.S. Schultze 1833 View in CoL ( Rodriguez-Roda 1947)

Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A. Schultze 1834 View in CoL (da Cunha & do Nascimento 1964) Macrobiotus hufelandii ( Iharos 1969a) View in CoL

Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze, 1833 View in CoL (Binda 1971, Pilato & Pennisi 1976, Binda & Pilato 1987, De Smet & Bafort 1990) Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze View in CoL type eggs (Toftner at al. 1975)

Macrobiotus hufelandii Schultze ( Iharos 1978) View in CoL

Macrobiotus hufelandii Schultze, 1833 ( Haspeslagh 1982) View in CoL

M. huferlandii ( Ramløv & Kristensen 1985)

Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze, 1883 ( Séméria 1986)

Macrobiotus cf. hufelandi Schultze, 1833 ( Middleton 2003) View in CoL

Terra typica : Germany (Europe)


• 36°49′N, 05°47′E; 0 m asl: Jijel Province, Jijel, Les Aftis beach (Ziama Monsouria). Binda & Pilato (1987)

• 36°40′N, 04°36′E; 1,400 m asl: Tizi Ouzou Province, Akfadou Forest. Binda & Pilato (1987) GoogleMaps

• 36°38′N, 05°45′E; 1,200 m asl: Jijel Province, M’Sid-Ech-Cheta (Texenna Pass). Binda & Pilato (1987) GoogleMaps

• 36°28′N, 04°14′E; 1,700 m asl: Tizi Ouzou Province, Massif of Djurdjura (Assouille depression). Binda & Pilato (1987) GoogleMaps

• 34°40′N, 06°11′E; 0 m asl: Biskra Province, 30 km from Biskra, El Oued [Zeribet el Oued]. Binda & Pilato (1987)


• 07°47′S, 15°01′E; 650 m asl: Uíge Province, near Carmona [Uíge], Estate at Pumba Loge, mosses and lichens. da Cunha & do Nascimento (1964)

• 14°55′S, 13°30′E; 1,750 m: Huíla Province, surroundings of Sá da Bandeira [Lubango], mosses and lichens. da Cunha & do Nascimento (1964) GoogleMaps


• 19°10′S, 23°25′E; 950 m asl: North West District, Moremi , moss or lichen on tree or rock. Middleton (2003) GoogleMaps


• 04°57′N, 09°56′E; 800 m asl: Littoral Region, Kongsamba [ Nkongsamba ], moss on tree. Iharos (1969a) GoogleMaps

• 04°13′N, 09°10′E; 4,000 m asl: Southwest Region, Mount Cameroon National Park, Mount Cameroon, moss on lava and near fumaroles (80°C), moss on soil (2 samples). Iharos (1969a)

• 04°12′N, 09°12′E; 2,900–3,000 m asl: Southwest Region, Mount Cameroon National Park, Mount Cameroon, moss on tree and lava. Iharos (1969a)

• 04°11′N, 09°12′E; 1,900–1,950 m asl: Southwest Region, Mount Cameroon National Park, Mount Cameroon, primeval forest, above bothy No. 1, moss on trees and lava. Iharos (1969a)

• 04°11′N, 09°12′E; 1,950–2,050 m asl: Southwest Region, Mount Cameroon National Park, Mount Cameroon, S side, grassy lava field and the area of the timberline by trees and lava. Iharos (1969a)

• 04°10′N, 09°13′E; 1,300–1,500 m asl: Southwest Region, Mount Cameroon National Park, Mount Cameroon, rainforest, moss on tree. Iharos (1969a)

• 04°10′N, 09°13′E; 1,660–1,800 m asl: Southwest Region, Mount Cameroon National Park, Mount Cameroon, rainforest, moss on tree. Iharos (1969a)

Democratic Republic of Congo:

• 01°24′S, 29°15′E; 2,075 m asl: North Kivu Province, Albert National Park [Virunga National Park], Mushumangabo, Eastern slope of the volcano Nyamuragira, soil. Teunissen (1938)

Equatorial Guinea:

• 03°36′N, 08°46′E; 2,500 m asl: Fernando Póo [Bioko Island], Bioko Norte Province, Pico Basilé , mosses and liverworts between Lycopodium sp. Rodriguez-Roda (1947) GoogleMaps

• 03°36′N, 08°46′E; 2,500 m asl: Fernando Póo [Bioko Island], Bioko Norte Province, Pico Basilé, forest edge, lichen on trunk Agauria salicifolia (Ericaceae) . Rodriguez-Roda (1947)

• 03°35′N, 08°46′E; 3,000 m asl: Fernando Póo [Bioko Island], Bioko Norte Province, Pico Basilé, mosses on Blaeria mani [synonym of Erica silvatica (Engl.) Beentje ] ( Ericaceae ), and four samples of liverworts and mosses (5 samples). Rodriguez-Roda (1947)

• 03°25N, 08°34′E: Fernando Póo [Bioko Island], Bioko Sur Province, Balechá [nr. Bocoricho Ombori ], mosses. Rodriguez-Roda (1947)

• 03°25N, 08°39′E; 600 m asl: Fernando Póo [Bioko Island], Bioko Sur Province, Musola [ Parador de Musola ], mosses on Ficus sp. Rodriguez-Roda (1947)


• 04°03′N, 38°19′E; 1,700 m asl: Oromia Region, Mēga, moss ( Neckera sp.) on tree ( Juniperus procera) and former English residence, moss on tree ( Juniperus procera) Pardi (1941)

Israel and Palestinian National Authority:

• 32°52′N, 35°33′E; - 200 m asl: NW shore of Sea of Galilee, Tabgha, extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936)

• 32°48′N, 35°32′E; - 100 m asl: W shore of Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias), Tiberias, extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936)

• 32°46′N, 35°01′E; 450 m asl: Haifa, Carmel Mt. , extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936) GoogleMaps

• 32°42′N, 35°18′E; 350 m asl: Judean Mountains, Nazareth, extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936)

• 31°51′N, 35°25′E; - 100 m asl: near Jericho, St. George's Monastery, Wadi Qelt, extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936)

• 31°48′N, 35°06′E; 700 m asl: Judean Mountains, Kiriath-Jearim [Kariathiarim], extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936)

• 31°48′N, 35°06′E; 700 m asl: Judean Mountains, Kiriath-Jearim [Kariathanavim], extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936)

• 31°48′N, 35°13′E; 800 m asl: Judean Mountains, Jerusalem, Tombs of the Sanhedrin [ Tombs of the Judges ], extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936) GoogleMaps

• 31°47′N, 35°14′E; 750 m asl: Judean Mountains , Jerusalem, temples walls, extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936) GoogleMaps

• 31°47′N, 35°15′E; 800 m asl: Judean Mountains, Jerusalem, Olives Mt., Pater Noster church, Russians tower, wall of church, extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936) GoogleMaps

• 31°46′N, 35°14′E; 650 m asl: Judean Mountains, Jerusalem, Aceldama , rock, extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936) GoogleMaps

• 31°41′N, 35°10′E; 800 m asl: Judean Mountains, Solomon's Pools, extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936)

• 31°46′N, 35°34′E; - 400 m asl: mouth of the Jordan River to Dead Sea , extreme arid, semi-arid or semi-humid climate, moss. Rahm (1936) GoogleMaps


• 00°01′S, 37°05′E; 1,950 m asl: Nyeri County, Mount Kenya National Park, Mount Kenya, Nanyuki River, vascular plants. De Smet & Bafort (1990)

• 00°01′S, 37°54′E: Undefined locality, British East Africa [ Kenya], moss. Murray (1913)

• 00°10′S, 37°18′E; 4,270 m asl: Nyeri County, Mount Kenya National Park, Mount Kenya, Teleki Tarn, small effluent and shallow pond, silt, sediments and sandy gravel. Haspeslagh (1982)


• 29°19′S, 27°29′E; 1,550 m asl: Maseru District, Maseru, moss or lichen on tree or rock. Middleton (2003) GoogleMaps

• 29°38′S, 27°31′E; 1,750 m asl: Maseru District, Morija , moss or lichen on tree or rock. Middleton (2003) GoogleMaps

• Libya:

• 32°29′N, 20°50′E; 350 m asl: Marj District, Barce [Marj], moss. Pilato & Pennisi (1976)


• 33°31′N, 05°07′W; 1,650 m asl: Meknès-Tafilalet Region, Ras al Ma [Res el Ma], mosses on trees ( Cedrus ) and rocks. Séméria (1986) GoogleMaps

• 33°04′N, 05°00′W; 2,000 m asl [2,100 m asl]: Meknès-Tafilalet Region, near Aguelmane de Si-Ali (Col du Zad) [Aguelmame Sidi Ali lake], scattered basalt blocks (lava field) lying on the shores of the lake, mosses on basalt blocks, mosses on basalt blocks. Ramløv & Kristensen (1985)

• 32°56′N, 05°40′W; 1,700 m asl [850 m asl]: Meknès-Tafilalet Region, Khénifra, moss. Binda (1971)

• 32°25′N, 05°13′W; 1,750 m asl: Meknès-Tafilalet Region, S of Azrou , cedar forest, moss on limestone boulders in the forest glade. Ramløv & Kristensen (1985) GoogleMaps

• 31°06′N, 07°55′W; 2,300–2,500 m asl: Tadla-Azilal Region, path to the Jebel Toubkal , scattered tussock vegetation, moss on basalt and mica slate. Ramløv & Kristensen (1985) GoogleMaps

• 30°43′N, 08°12′W; 700 m asl: Souss-Massa-Drâa Region, camp 10 km W of Aoulouz , arid area, scattered Argania - vegetation with sparse undergrowth of grass, moss on damp soil. Ramløv & Kristensen (1985) GoogleMaps

Republic of South Africa:

• 23°50′S, 29°59′E; 1,450 m asl: N Transvaal [Limpopo Province], Woodbush [ Woodbush Forest Reserve]. Murray (1913) GoogleMaps

• 26°52′S, 32°15′E; 50 m asl: Natal [KwaZulu-Natal Province], Ndumu [ Ndumo Game Reserve ]. Toftner at al. (1975) GoogleMaps

• 29°44′S, 22°44′E: Undefined locality, Cape Colony [Cape Province]. Murray (1907a)


• 01°32′S, 29°27′E; 2,400 m asl: Western Province, Albert National Park [Volcanoes National Park], Ilega, S side of Karisimbi volcano and NE of Lake N'Gondo, clearing with pools in a forest of bamboos ( Hypericum and Hagenia ), soil. Teunissen (1938)


• 03°14′S, 36°46′E; 3,650 m asl: Arusha Region, Meru Mountain. Toftner at al. (1975)


• 36°46′N, 08°41′E; 700 m asl: Jendouba Governorate, surroundings of Ain Draham , moss on rock and moss and lichen on tree ( Quercus sauber) (2 samples). Iharos (1978) GoogleMaps

• 36°14′N, 08°46′E; 1,100 m asl: Kef Governorate, 6 km NE of El Kef, Kef Governorate, 6 km NE of El Kef, Djebel Eddir Mts., surroundings of Ferme Shitta , moss and lichen on rock. Iharos (1978) GoogleMaps

• 36°08′N, 08°27′E; 400 m asl: Kef Governorate, along road from El Kef and Sakiet, below trees ( Pinus halepensis and Juniperus phoenicus ), mixed moss and lichen sample. Iharos (1978)

• 36°07′N, 08°32′E; 450 m asl: Kef Governorate, along road from El Kef and Sakiet, 21 km W El Kef, strongly insolated area, lichen on soil. Iharos (1978)

• 35°52′N, 09°10′E; 850 m asl: Siliana Governorate, surroundings of Maktar , 2 km NW of the town, soil sample from base of Pinus pinsapo mixed with roots. Iharos (1978) GoogleMaps


• 01°22′N, 32°17′E: Undefined locality. Murray (1913)

Record numbers. Algeria: 5, Angola: 2, Botswana: 1, Cameroon: 7, Democratic Republic of Congo: 1, Equatorial Guinea: 5, Ethiopia: 2, Israel and Palestinian National Authority: 13, Kenya: 3, Lesotho: 2, Libya: 1, Morocco: 6, Republic of South Africa: 3, Rwanda: 1, Tanzania: 1, Tunisia: 5, Uganda: 1; total: 59.

Remarks. Taxa identified as Macrobiotus hufelandi sensu lato have a cosmopolitan distribution ( McInnes 1994). However, this nominal species and all other hufelandi group taxa require careful taxonomic analysis, including egg morphology, in order to properly differentiate the individual species (see Bertolani & Rebecchi 1993 for the review and for e.g. Pilato et al. 2003b, Kaczmarek & Michalczyk 2004c, Fontoura et al. 2008b, Bartels et al. 2009, Kaczmarek & Michalczyk 2009b, Guidetti et al. 2013 for new species within the group). These, particularly older, African reports citing the presence of M. hufelandi , need re-assessment using modern integrated taxonomy.














Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A.S. Schultze, 1833

Kaczmarek, Łukasz 2017

Macrobiotus hufelandii Schultze ( Iharos 1978 )

Schultze (Iharos 1978

Macrobiotus hufelandi S. Schultze. ( Pardi 1941 )

S. Schultze. (Pardi 1941

Macrobiotus hufelandii Sch. ( Murray 1913 )

Sch. (Murray 1913

M. hufelandii (

Richters 1907

Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A.S. Schultze 1834

C. A. S. Schultze 1834

Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A. Schultze 1834

C. A. S. Schultze 1834

Macrobiotus hufelandii C.A.S. Schultze 1833

C. A. S. Schultze 1833

Macrobiotus hufelandi

Schultze 1833

Macrobiotus hufelandi

Schultze 1833

Macrobiotus hufelandii Schultze, 1833 ( Haspeslagh 1982 )

C. A. S. Schultze 1833

Macrobiotus cf. hufelandi

Schultze 1833
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