Niphta nudipennis, (Edwards)

Sinclair, Bradley J., Pivar, Robert J. & Arnaud, Paul H., 2022, World Catalogue of the family Thaumaleidae (Diptera: Culicomorpha), Zootaxa 5225 (1), pp. 1-66 : 29-31

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5225.1.1

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scientific name

Niphta nudipennis


nudipennis (Edwards) . NT: Chile.

Austrothaumalea nudipennis Edwards, 1930: 113 View in CoL . Type locality: Chile: Ancud, Chiloé Is. HT ♁ BMNH (NHMUK010210690). Stuardo 1946: 42 [catalogue, Chile]; Stone 1966: 1 [catalogue, NT]; Arnaud 1977: 284 [distribution, Chile].

Niphta nudipennis: Theischinger 1986: 316 [new combination]; McLellan 1988: 563 [notes on generic combination]; Pivar et al. 2021: 95 View Cited Treatment [redescription, immature stage].

Genus THAUMALEA Ruthe View in CoL

Thaumalea Ruthe, 1831: 1211 View in CoL . Type-species: Thaumalea testacea Ruthe (by monotypy). Agassiz 1846: 39 [list of generic names]; Desmarest 1849: 546 [listed, origin of name from Greek for “admirable”]; Walker 1856: 264 [cited as described in 1831, but not employed because of Wagler’s use of the name in the same year for a genus of birds]; Scudder 1882b: 316 [list of generic names]; Osten Sacken 1895: 168 [notes]; Tonnoir 1927: 109 [phylogenetic discussion]; Edwards 1929: 126 [revision of Palaearctic and Nearctic species with 16 new species]; Edwards 1930: 111 [distribution]; Lindner 1930: 8 [review, PA]; Sherborn 1931: 6482 [listed and dated as 1831]; Curran 1934: 68 [key, North American species, key to world genera]; Enderlein 1936: 96 [key to world genera]; Hendel 1936: 1908 [summary]; Okada 1938: 389 [revision, Japan, key to world genera and three groups of Thaumalea View in CoL ]; Séguy 1940: 319 [wing figure]; Coe 1945: 342 [checklist, British insects ]; Hennig 1950: 193 [diversity, distribution]; Schremmer 1952: 329 [angle of inclination of larval mandibles]; Vaillant 1953a: 1 [separated from Androprosopa View in CoL on basis of male terminalia]; Brues et al. 1954: 315 [listed as genus of Thaumaleidae View in CoL ; wing figure]; Clements 1956: 143 [antennal pulsating organs absent]; Vaillant 1956: 25 [madicolous insects, habitat, behaviour, phenology]; Smart 1959: 354 [trochanter musculature]; Vaillant 1959: 31 [distribution]; Hennig 1960: 247 ( 1966: 21) [biogeography]; Stuckenberg 1960: 107 [number of maxillary palpal segments]; Zilahi-Sebess 1960: 36 [key to 11 known and probable Hungarian species with figures]; Vaillant 1963: 26 [distribution]; Vaillant 1968: 81 [diversity, Pyrenees]; Stackelberg 1969: 245 [key to European USSR]; Hennig 1973: 27, 109 [Holarctic Region, larval vertical mandibular movement]; Hutson 1976: 9 [checklist, British insects ]; Martinovský & Rozkošný 1976: 187 [distribution]; Arnaud 1977: 284 [review of biology, diversity]; Vaillant 1978a: 695 [description of four new species, key to males of European species]; Rozkošný 1980: 297 [generic key to larva]; Bickel 1982: 568 [distribution]; McLellan 1983: 267 [morphological comparison of immatures]; Lichtwardt & Moss 1984: 514 [fungal symbionts in thaumaleid larvae]; Vaillant & Vinçon 1986: 65 [diversity, Pyrenees]; Martinovský & Rozkošný 1988: 188 [catalogue, PA]; Vaillant & Vinçon 1988: 281 [diversity, Spain]; Lichtwardt et al. 1990: 366 [fungal symbionts in thaumaleid larvae]; Szadziewski 1991: 111 [checklist, Poland]; Sinclair 1996: 361 [generic classification, 39 species assigned to Androprosopa View in CoL ]; Wagner 1997c: 328 [Manual Palaearctic Diptera View in CoL ]; Chandler 1998: 51 [checklist, British Isles ]; Sabrosky 1999: 304 [senior synonym of Orphnephila ]; Sinclair 2000: 175 [phylogenetic discussion]; Carles-Tolrá 2001: 82 [records, Iberian Peninsula]; Wagner & Cobo 2001: 31 [records, Spain and Andorra]; Wagner 2002: 60 [descriptions, male and female terminalia, distribution maps]; Theischinger 2004: 669 [northern hemisphere distribution]; Papp et al. 2006: 122 [description, Thaumalea View in CoL described from Oriental Region, Thaumalea View in CoL female known from Vietnam, wing vein nomenclature]; Szadziewski 2007: 71 [checklist, Poland]; Howe 2010: 281 [larval habitat]; Bernotienë & Viđinskienë 2012: 30 [first record from Lithuania]; Haubrock et al. 2017: 523 [molecular phylogeny, phylogeography and genetic structure of European species].

Chenesia Macquart, 1834: 122 View in CoL . Type-species: Chenesia testacea Macquart (by monotypy). Meigen 1838: 51 [description, figures of head and adult]; Duponchel 1843: 469 [taxonomic list, diagnosis]; Zetterstedt 1850: 3451 [redescription]; Zetterstedt 1852: 4343, 4530 [three species listed]; Zetterstedt 1855: 4835 [cites Rondani, brief diagnosis]; Zetterstedt 1860: 6494 [cites Bigot, brief diagnosis]; Scudder 1882b: 64 [list of generic names]; Osten Sacken 1895: 168 [notes]; Sherborn 1925a: 1222 [listed and dated 1834]; Collart 1945: 1 [as synonym of Thaumalea View in CoL , discussion]; Evenhuis et al. 2016: 42 [catalogue, Macquart].

Chenisia [misspelling]. Kertész 1902: 292 [catalogue, World]; Kertész 1903: 159 [catalogue, PA].

Macropeza View in CoL or Chenesia: Brodie 1845: 34 View in CoL [compression fossil of wing, Wealden Formation, England].

“Novum genus” Zetterstedt, 1838: 867 [described but not named, related to Cyrtomae of the Platypezinae ].

Orphnephila Haliday, 1832: 350 View in CoL . Type-species: Orphnephila devia Haliday (by monotypy). Agassiz 1846: 28 [list of generic names]; Rondani 1847: 20 [key to families]; Zetterstedt 1855: 4932 [cited in reference to Chenesia ]; Rondani 1856: 189 [cited under Stirps Orphnephilina View in CoL , family Orphnephilidarum with Orphnephila devia Haliday as “Spec: Typ:”]; Walker 1856: 263 [redescribed, one species in Great Britain]; Schiner 1864a: 643 [description]; Schiner 1864b: 23 [catalogue, European Diptera View in CoL ]; van der Wulp 1877: 309 [redescription, distribution, wing figure]; Scudder 1882b: 223 [list of generic names]; R̂der 1886: 261 [record of genus from 4490 m in Ecuador]; Osten Sacken 1895: 168 [notes]; Williston 1896: 1, 26 [diagnosis, NE genus with two or three known world species]; Kertész 1902: 292 [catalogue, World]; Kertész 1903: 159 [catalogue, PA]; Wingate 1906: 414 [checklist, Durham, England]; Williston 1908: 154 [single North American genus, wing figure]; Thienemann 1909: 59 [“euhygropetrischen”, habitat, larval movement]; Coquillett 1910: 581 [type species: Orphnephila devia Haliday ]; Bezzi, 1913: 259 [as junior synonym of Thaumalea View in CoL ]; Brues & Melander 1915: 62 [North American genus, wing figure]; Malloch 1917: 290 [one of two genera in family, North America]; Bischoff 1922: 17 [description of larval head]; Handlirsch 1925: 969 [one of two genera of Orphnephilidae]; Séguy 1925: 19 [description]; Sherborn 1929: 4631 [listed and dated 1832]; Wesenberg-Lund 1943: 402 [movement of larvae]; Bertrand 1948: 166 [phenology]; Bertrand 1955: 400 [diagnosis, key to genera]; Stone 1964: 120 [synonym of Thaumalea testacea Macquart cited in error as type species]; Morge 1974: 188 [ Orphnephila obscura listed in Strobl collection]; Hutson 1975: 9 [as synonym of Thaumalea View in CoL ]; Arnaud 1977: 284 [highest recorded elevation for a thaumaleid, from high Andes of Ecuador]; Sabrosky 1999: 226 [published Sept. 1831, but did not appear until July 1832; junior synonym of Thaumalea View in CoL (published Nov. 1831)].

Ochnephila View in CoL [misspelling]. Hagen 1862: 334.

Prothaumalea Enderlein, 1936: 96 View in CoL . Type-species: Thaumalea caudata Bezzi View in CoL (by original designation). Bertrand 1955: 401 [diagnosis, key to genera]; Stone 1964: 120 [as synonym of Thaumalea View in CoL ].

Thaumalia View in CoL [misspelling]. Loew 1847b: 368 [synonymy]; Scudder 1882a: 331 [list of generic names]; Scudder 1882b: 316 [list of generic names].

Taumalea [misspelling]. Zetterstedt 1852: 4530 [index]; Zetterstedt 1860: 6605 [index.].

Note. References to Nearctic Orphnephila and Thaumalea records are listed under Androprosopa .














Niphta nudipennis

Sinclair, Bradley J., Pivar, Robert J. & Arnaud, Paul H. 2022

Niphta nudipennis:

Pivar, R. J. & Sinclair, B. J. & Moulton, J. K. 2021: 95
McLellan, I. D. 1988: 563
Theischinger, G. 1986: 316


Stone, A. 1964: 120
Bertrand, H. 1955: 401
Enderlein, G. 1936: 96

Austrothaumalea nudipennis

Arnaud, P. H. Jr. 1977: 284
Stone, A. 1966: 1
Stuardo, C. 1946: 42
Edwards, F. W. 1930: 113


Hagen, H. A. 1862: 334


Scudder, S. H. 1882: 331
Scudder, S. H. 1882: 316
Loew, H. 1847: 368


Brodie, P. B. 1845: 34


Evenhuis, N. L. & Pape, T. & Pont, A. C. 2016: 42
Collart, A. 1945: 1
Sherborn, C. D. 1925: 1222
Osten Sacken, C. R. 1895: 168
Scudder, S. H. 1882: 64
Zetterstedt, J. W. 1860: 6494
Zetterstedt, J. W. 1855: 4835
Zetterstedt, J. W. 1852: 4343
Zetterstedt, J. W. 1850: 3451
Duponchel, P. 1843: 469
Meigen, J. W. 1838: 51
Macquart, P. - J. - M. 1834: 122


Sabrosky, C. W. 1999: 226
Arnaud, P. H. Jr. 1977: 284
Hutson, A. M. 1975: 9
Morge, G. 1974: 188
Stone, A. 1964: 120
Bertrand, H. 1955: 400
Bertrand, H. 1948: 166
Wesenberg-Lund, C. 1943: 402
Sherborn, C. D. 1929: 4631
Handlirsch, A. 1925: 969
Seguy, E. 1925: 19
Bischoff, W. 1922: 17
Malloch, J. R. 1917: 290
Brues, C. T. & Melander, A. L. 1915: 62
Bezzi, M. 1913: 259
Coquillett, D. W. 1910: 581
Thienemann, A. 1909: 59
Williston, S. W. 1908: 154
Wingate, W. J. 1906: 414
Kertesz, K. 1903: 159
Kertesz, K. 1902: 292
Williston, S. W. 1896: 1
Osten Sacken, C. R. 1895: 168
Scudder, S. H. 1882: 223
van der Wulp, F. M. 1877: 309
Schiner, J. R. 1864: 643
Schiner, J. R. 1864: 23
Rondani, C. 1856: 189
Walker, F. 1856: 263
Zetterstedt, J. W. 1855: 4932
Rondani, C. 1847: 20
Agassiz, L. 1846: 28
Haliday, A. H. 1832: 350


Haubrock, P. J. & Kvifte, G. M. & Langguth, H. & Wagner, R. 2017: 523
Bernotiene, R. & Vidinskiene, G. 2012: 30
Howe, M. A. 2010: 281
Szadziewski, R. 2007: 71
Papp, L. & Merz, B. 2006: 122
Theischinger, G. 2004: 669
Carles-Tolra, M. 2001: 82
Wagner, R. & Cobo, F. 2001: 31
Sinclair, B. J. 2000: 175
Sabrosky, C. W. 1999: 304
Chandler, P. 1998: 51
Wagner, R. 1997: 328
Sinclair, B. J. 1996: 361
Szadziewski, R. 1991: 111
Lichtwardt, R. W. & Williams, M. C. 1990: 366
Martinovsky, J. & Rozkosny, R. 1988: 188
Vaillant, F. & Vincon, G. 1988: 281
Vaillant, F. & Vincon, G. 1986: 65
McLellan, I. D. 1983: 267
Bickel, D. J. 1982: 568
Rozkosny, R. 1980: 297
Vaillant, F. 1978: 695
Arnaud, P. H. Jr. 1977: 284
Martinovsky, J. & Rozkosny, R. 1976: 187
Hennig, W. 1973: 27
Stackelberg, A. A. 1969: 245
Vaillant, F. 1968: 81
Hennig, W. 1966: 21
Vaillant, F. 1963: 26
Hennig, W. 1960: 247
Stuckenberg, B. R. 1960: 107
Zilahi-Sebess, G. 1960: 36
Smart, J. 1959: 354
Vaillant, F. 1959: 31
Clements, A. N. 1956: 143
Vaillant, F. 1956: 25
Brues, C. T. & Melander, A. L. & Carpenter, F. M. 1954: 315
Vaillant, F. 1953: 1
Schremmer, F. 1952: 329
Hennig, W. 1950: 193
Coe, R. L. 1945: 342
Seguy, E. 1940: 319
Okada, T. 1938: 389
Enderlein, G. 1936: 96
Hendel, F. 1936: 1908
Curran, C. H. 1934: 68
Sherborn, C. D. 1931: 6482
Edwards, F. W. 1930: 111
Lindner, E. 1930: 8
Edwards, F. W. 1929: 126
Tonnoir, A. L. 1927: 109
Osten Sacken, C. R. 1895: 168
Scudder, S. H. 1882: 316
Walker, F. 1856: 264
Desmarest, E. 1849: 546
Agassiz, L. 1846: 39
Ruthe, J. F. von 1831: 1211
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