Cardiophorus kmenti, Platia, 2014

Platia, Giuseppe, 2014, Second contribution to the knowledge of the click-beetles from the Socotra Island (Yemen) (Coleoptera Elateridae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 10, pp. 69-76 : 71-73

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12713857

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scientific name

Cardiophorus kmenti


Subfamily Cardiophorinae Candèze, 1860

Cardiophorus kmenti n. sp.

( Figs. 4, 4a View Figs , 8, 8a View Figs , 12 View Figs , 17 View Figs ).

Material examined. Holotype ♂ - Yemen, Socotra Isl., HAGheR Mts., ScAND Mt. eNv. (12°34.6’N, 54°01.5’E), 1450 M, 16-18.VI.2012, Socotra expedition 2012, J. Bezdek, J. Hajek, V. Hula, P. Kment, I. Malenovsky, J. Niedobova & L. Purchart ( NMPC). 4 Paratypes (2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀) – same data as HT; (1 ♂) - Hagher Mts. , WADi MADAR (12°33.2’N, 54°00.4’E), 1170 M, 18.VI.2012 ( CPG; NMPC). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Among the known species from Socotra ( Platia, 2012), the new species can be compared to Cardiophorus niedobovae Platia, 2012 for the bicoloured elytra but it is easily separated for the smaller size, the longer antennae and the genitalia.


Male. Colour rather variable; head and pronotum blackish with apices of anterior angles always yellowish, sometimes also the posterior angles; elytra blackish with only the base yellowish or from fifth intervals extended to the sides for all its length; antennae with two first articles lighter, reddish, darkened from third on; legs yellowish; covered with dense, yellowish, pubescence.

Head with eyes as wide as the anterior margin of pronotum, frons convex on the vertex, flat before the anterior margin, this arcuate, moderately thickened, directed downwards and just protruding above the clypeus; punctures variable in diameters, simple, with very short, variable intervals.

Antennae exceeding by two articles the apices of posterior angles of pronotum, slightly serrated from third article on; second article subcylindrical, twice longer than wide, third-tenth subtriangular, slender, on average 3x longer than wide; last as long as penultimate, subellipsoidal.

Pronotum slightly wider than long, widest at the anterior third, convex; sides from the anterior third nearly regularly converging to the posterior angles, the latter truncate, not divergent, shortly carinate; lateral suture-like apparent, obsolete only before the apex; puncturation fine, rather uniformly distributed; punctures simple with intervals on average equal to their own diameters.

Scutellum heart-shaped, as long as wide, slightly concave and finely punctured.

Elytra 2,8-2,9x longer than pronotum and just wider than it, convex; sides subparallel from base to behind the middle, further gradually converging to the apices; striae well marked and punctured, interstriae flat with finer puncturation.

Claws simple.

Aedeagus as in figs. 4, 4a (length: 0,8 mm).

Female. Very similar to the male, antennae just shorter.

Bursa copulatrix sclerified as in figs. 8, 8a.

Size. Length: 4,4-5,3 mm; width: 1,37-1,62 mm.

Etymology. Dedicated to Petr Kment, specialist of Heteroptera of the National Prag Museum, one of the members of Socotra expedition 2012.

Ecological notes. Collected on montane evergreen woodland (4 exx.) and montane shrubland with Cephalocroton socotranus (1 ex.).

Cardiophorus malenovskyi n. sp.

( Figs. 5, 5a View Figs , 9 View Figs , 13 View Figs , 18, 19 View Figs ).

Material examined. Holotype ♂ - Yemen, SocotRA Isl., KAZA KAZihoN vill. eNv. (12°31’13”N, 53°55’36”E), 900 m, 5. VI GoogleMaps .2012, V GoogleMaps . Hula & J. Niedobova ( NMPC) . Paratype (1 ♀) – same data as HT ( NMPC) .

Diagnosis. A species that can be compared with Cardiophorus purcharti Platia, 2012 but it is separated for the size on average larger, for the body shinier with moderate pubescence and characters of genitalia in male and female.


Male. Entirely black with antennae and legs ferruginous; covered with fine and moderate yellow-fulvous pubescence.

Head with eyes just narrower than anterior margin of pronotum, frons moderately convex between the eyes, just impressed at the anterior margin, the latter regularly arcuate, directed downwards and just protruding above the clypeus; punctures variable in diameters, umbilicate with very short and variable intervals.

Antennae just exceeding the apices of posterior angles of pronotum, feebly serrate from third article on; second article subcylindrical, more than twice longer than wide, third-tenth subtriangular, slender, on average 2,6x longer than wide; last as long as penultimate, subellipsoidal.

Pronotum as long as wide, widest at middle, strongly convex; sides arcuate, from middle gradually and regularly converging to the posterior angles, the latter truncate, not divergent, shortly carinate; lateral suture-like well apparent, fine, obsolete before the anterior extremity; puncturation dense and uniformly distributed; punctures simple, approximately of the same size, with very short, shiny interstices.

Scutellum heart-shaped, as long as wide, impressed at middle, very fine punctured.

Elytra 2,5x longer than pronotum and as wide as it, convex; sides subparallel from base to behind the middle, gradually converging to the apices; striae regularly marked and punctured; interstriae convex at base then subconvex with very fine punctures.

Claws simple.

Aedeagus as in figs. 5, 5a (length: 1,21 mm).

Female. Identical to the male but with shorter antennae not reaching the apices of posterior angles of pronotum.

Bursa copulatrix sclerified as in fig. 9.

Size. Length: 8-8,2 mm; width: 2,5 mm.

Etymology. The species is dedicated to Igor Malenovsky, specialist of Hemiptera of the Moravian Museum of Brno, one of the members of Socotra expedition 2012.

Dicronychus socotranus n. sp.

( Figs. 6, 6a View Figs , 14 View Figs , 20 View Figs )

Material examined. Holotype ♂ - Yemen, Socotra Isl., Shibhon plateau, Eserhe (12°25.2'N, 53°56.6'E), 547 m, 13.VI.2012, Socotra expedition 2012, J. Bezdek, J. Hajek, V. Hula, P. Kment, I. Malenovsky, J. Niedobova & L. Purchart ( NMPC). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Third species of the genus known from Socotra, it is easily separated by the larger size and shorter antennae and less developed tooth on the claws.


Male. Entirely dark brown to blackish with antennae and legs ferruginous; covered with dense and yellow fulvous pubescence.

Head with eyes as wide as the anterior margin of pronotum; frons flat between the eyes, impressed before the anterior margin, the latter moderately thickened, regularly arcuate, directed downwards and just protruding above the clypeus; punctures coarse, umbilicate with very short, shiny intervals or contiguous.

Antennae exceeding by two articles the apices of posterior angles of pronotum, slightly serrated from third article on; second article subcylindrical, 2,5x longer than wide, third-tenth subtriangular, slender, on average 2,5x longer than wide.

Pronotum as long as wide, widest at middle, regularly convex; sides arcuate, from middle gradually converging to the posterior angles, the latter truncate, not divergent, shortly carinate; lateral suture-like apparent, fine, obsolete only before the extremity; puncturation uniformly distributed, punctures coarse, simple or slightly umbilicate, approximately of the same size, with very short intervals or contiguous.

Scutellum heart-shaped, as long as wide, emarginate at middle of base, impressed and finely punctured.

Elytra 2,6x longer than pronotum and wider than it, convex; sides subparallel from base to middle further gradually converging to the apices; striae well marked and punctured; interstriae subconvex with fine punctures.

Aedeagus as in figs. 6, 6a (length: 0,97 mm).

Claws with a short tooth not giving to it an apical bifid appearance.

Female unknown.

Size. Length: 6,5 mm; width: 2,12 mm.

Etymology. The name is derived from Socotra Island where the species was collected.


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