Cacia (Ipocregyes) katrinae, Medina & Cabras & Barševskis, 2023

Medina, Milton Norman, Cabras, Analyn & Barševskis, Arvīds, 2023, Two new species ofCaciaNewman (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) from the Mindoro Biogeographic Region of the Philippines, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 23 (2), pp. 241-248 : 242-244

publication ID 10.59893/bjc.23(2).010

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cacia (Ipocregyes) katrinae

sp. nov.

Cacia (Ipocregyes) katrinae sp. nov.

( Fig. 1A View Fig )

HOLOTYPE. male: PHILIPPINES – Southern Luzon, Oriental Mindoro / Baco / vi.2017, loc. Collector leg. / MMCP, print- ed on redcard.

PARATYPE female: same label as the holotype / DUBC , printed on red card. Type specimen will be deposited at PNM.

Description. Measurements: Holotype male: LB (LH+LP+LE): 11.5 mm. LH: 1.5 mm. WH: 3.0 mm. LG: 1.0 mm. LL: 1.0 mm. WL: 1.0 mm. LP: 2.0 mm. WP: 3.0 mm. LE: 8.0 mm. WEH: 4.5 mm. Paratype female: LB (LH+LP+LE): 12.0 mm. LH: 1.5 mm. WH: 3.0 mm. LG: 1.5 mm. LL: 1.0 mm. WL: 1.0 mm. LP: 2.0 mm. WP: 3.5 mm. LE: 8.5 mm. WEH: 5.0 mm.

Adult male. Teguments head including frons, genae, and antennae matte black; underside of the body, femora, clypeus, legs, pronotum, and elytra dark brown to black.

Head twice wider than long. The junction between the frons and vertex is slightly raised with a very shallow longitudinal slit along the midline. Vertex with two parallel white and yellowish bands of pubescence from the base up to the apex of the frons. Genae longer than wide, densely covered with whitish and yellowish recumbent pubescence, with few erect black and brownish setae. Posterior end of genae with a shallow dent covered with whitish recumbent setae and few black erect setae. Eyes matte black, lower eye lobesas long as wide, back of the eyes densely covered with semi-erect brownish setae. The apical margin of the head is lined with long whitish setae. Clypeus light brown, glabrous, and lustrous. Labrum matte black densely covered with whitish and yellowish recumbent setae with few erect black setae. Mandible matte black, base with dense black recumbent setae, lateral side with deep depression covered with white and black setae.

Antennae slightly longer than the body; scape slightly robust, rugose, with apical cicatrix, densely covered with whitish recumbent pubescence with black erect setae; with dense micropunctures. Scape, pedicle, antennomeres III to V are densely covered with black or brownish erect setae, the rest of antennomeres are covered with few erect setae. Antennomeres III and IV with whitish pubescence near the base; antennomere III longer than IV; antennomere V entirely covered with whitish pubescence; tuft of black setae at antennomere IV; antennomeres III to XI cylindrical; antennomeres VI to XI densely covered with fine recumbent pubescence, with few black erect setae.

Prothorax. Prothorax slightly rugose, covered with fine black recumbent pubescence, lined with 3 longitudinal bands of whitish and yellowish pubescence as follows: along the midline of pronotum, and a thick band at each lower end of propleura. Prosternum


densely covered with black and whitish erect setae.

Elytra. Elyra is longer than wide, parallel-sided, and smoothly rounded at the apex. The humeral angle is slightly raised; the basal third of elytra rugose with fine punctures, finer towards the apex. Lateral side from humerus up to basal third with apical declivity, smoother towards the apex. With three bands of whitish to yellowish recumbent pubescence as follows: a short longitudinal band near the humeral angle, a thick pre-median band from near the lateral margin to the elytral suture, and a thick post-median band lined from the elytral margin to suture interrupted at the middle in elytral margin forming a broken circle ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). Elytral margin lined with erect black setae, apex rounded covered with thick whitish and yellowish recumbent setae.

Legs. Procoxa and metacoxa raised, covered with semi-erect whitish setae. Femora and protibiarobust, covered with fine whitish pubescence with few semi-erect whitish or yellowish setae. Basal half of mesotibia, metatibia, and tarsi are covered with fine whitish semi-erect setae, apical half with black semi-erect setae. Claws dark brown, simple. Mesosternum, mesepisternum, metepisternum, metasternum, mesepimeron and abdominal ventrites are densely covered with whitish and yellowish recumbent pubescence and semi-erect setae; ventrite V is broader than ventrites I to IV individually.

Genitalia. Whole system of genitalia recurved when viewed laterally. Aedeagus and tegmen are the same length (4.0 mm); endophallus (8.0 mm) is twice longer than the aedeagus and tegmen individually. Parameres are bottle-shaped, separated at the apex, apex lined with soft long yellowish setae. Aedeagus parallel-sided, broader at midline, lanceolate towards the slightly blunt apex. Basal third of endophallus

244 broader with thick bands of sclerites and forming two lines towards the midline.

Adult female. There is no morphological difference between the male and female except for the slight difference in body size and anadditional small band of whitish pubescence at the lateral side of the elytra near the humeral angle. Tegument of the underside of the body is darker in females than in males.

Diagnosis. This new species belongs to sub-species Ipocregyes for having no apical spines in antennomeres III or IV, antennomere III with a tuft of hairs, and the inner side of antennomere III is not inflated. The closest congener of the new species is Cacia manobo Medina et al. 2023 for having similar body form and elytral bands but can be easily differentiated in terms of the pronotal bands ( C. manobo thickly covered with whitish and yellowish pubescence with V-like black pubescence along the apical median area vs. a thinner band of whitish pubescence along the midline from base to apex in C. katrinae sp. nov.). A thick tuft of hairs at antennomere IV is absent in C. manobo , present in C. katrinae sp. nov. The new species is also close to C. marionae Hüdepohl, 1989 but can be easily distinguished by their differences in the head, pronotal, and elytral bands.

Etymology. This new species is named after Katrina Barševska, the daughter of the third author.

Distribution. Philippines (Southern Luzon, Oriental Mindoro, Baco).


Philippine National Museum













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