Scamandra collaris, Constant & Rbins, 1758

Constant, Jérôme & Rbins, Fulgoroidea. Introduction The study of unidentified material in the accessions of, 1758, Four new species of the Oriental lanternfly genus Scamandra Stål, 1863 from Sulawesi and neighbouring islands with taxonomic notes on the genus (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 50, pp. 1-21 : 1-21

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13272198

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scientific name

Scamandra collaris

sp. nov.

Scamandra collaris View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 3–6. View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet collaris (Latin) means collared and refers to the black-brown collar on the prothorax.


TYPE MATERIAL. INDONESIA, Peleng Island : Holotype ♂: [Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Indonesia, Peleng Isl., ix.2009, purchased from A. Müller, I.G.: 32.861] ( RBINS).

Paratype ♀: same data as holotype ( RBINS) .

DIAGNOSIS. (1) head yellow-brown with frons and clypeus black except lateral margins ( Fig. 4 B, D, F View Fig ); (2) prothorax with anterior half of pronotum and sides black-brown ( Fig. 4 B, D, F View Fig ); (3) disc of mesonotum largely black-brown ( Fig. 4 B View Fig ); (4) nodal line of tegmina with brown C-shaped marking in middle ( Fig. 4 A View Fig ); (5) tegmina with corium mostly olivaceous brown ( Fig. 4 A View Fig ); (6) hind wings with anal and sutural zones bright red or bright orange ( Fig. 4 A View Fig ); (5) legs black-brown with darker femora ( Fig. 4 C View Fig ).





Measurements and ratios. LT: ♂ (n = 1): 28.0 mm; ♀: (n = 1): 34.2 mm; LTg/BTg: ♂: 2.15; ♀: 2.26; BV/LV: 3.7; BF/LF: 1.0; BT/LP + LM: 1.18; LM/LP: 1.85; LMe/LCo: 1.0.

Head: ( Figs 4 B, D, F View Fig ; 5 B, D, F View Fig ) yellow-brown with frons and postclypeus black-brown except sides narrowly yellow-brown sometimes with reddish hue; cephalic process reaching posterior margin of vertex ( Figs 4 B View Fig ; 5 B View Fig ); vertex short, with disc wrinkled, and lateral and posterior margins carinate ( Figs 4 B View Fig ; 5 B View Fig ); frons coriaceous with short hairs and 2 longitudinal carinae ( Figs 4 D View Fig ; 5 D View Fig ); very shallow groove between carinae in middle; labium yellow-brown, surpassing metatrochanters ( Figs 4 C View Fig ; 5 C View Fig ); pedicel of antennae kidney-shaped with flagellum inserted dorsolaterally.

Thorax: ( Figs 4 B, D, F View Fig ; 5 B, D, F View Fig ) prothorax yellow-brown with anterior half and lateral lobes of pronotum black-brown; lateral carinae yellow-brown; wrinkled, with short hairs and 2 impressed points on disc of pronotum; median carina obsolete, barely distinct ( Figs 4 B View Fig ; 5 B View Fig ). Mesonotum yellow-brown with large black-brown marking on disc, reaching anterior margin; apex of scutellum very slightly projecting dorsally.

Tegmina: ( Figs 4 A, C View Fig ; 5 A, C View Fig ) costal area green with base reddish brown; rest of corium and clavus olivaceous brown, sometimes with irregular greenish spots; narrow pale yellowish band sometimes reduced to transverse spots at half length of tegmen, marked with white wax on ventral side ( Figs 4 C View Fig ; 5 C View Fig ); nodal line strongly bisinuate and with C-shaped dark brown marking in middle; C-shaped marking broadly bordered with greenish proximally; nodal line followed by slight, narrow, yellowish band extending on all breadth; membrane brown. Costal margin straight on most length; posterior margin broadly rounded; sutural margin slightly sinuate after nodal line.

Hind wings: ( Figs 4 A, C View Fig ; 5 A, C View Fig ) bright red with large vinaceous red marking on corium along costal margin, not reaching basicostal angle; cross-veins pale bluish in vinaceous area, white in red area; membrane yellow-brown with veins reddish.

Legs: ( Figs 4 A, C View Fig ; 5 A, C View Fig ) anterior and middle legs entirely black-brown with femora darker; posterior legs brown with femora darker distally; profemora slightly inflated apically; metatibiae with 4 lateral spines, basal one well developed, and 7 apical spines.

Abdomen: ( Figs 4 A, C View Fig ; 5 A, C View Fig ) red dorsally; reddish brown ventrally.

Male genitalia: ( Fig. 6 View Fig ) pygofer 3.2 times higher than long in middle in lateral view, with posterior margin slightly sinuate on dorsal ¼ ( Fig. 6 A View Fig ). Anal tube short, transverse, about 1.36 times broader than long in dorsal view, and about two times broader at apex than at base ( Fig. 6 C View Fig ); sides straight, diverging from base to apex in dorsal view ( Fig. 6 C View Fig ); apical margin pointed in middle dorsally, strongly projecting downwards ventrally ( Fig. 6 A, C View Fig ); in lateral view, apical margin deeply emarginate with ventral portion strongly surpassing dorsal one ( Fig. 6 A View Fig ). Gonostyli 1.7 times longer than high in lateral view, subtriangular with apical and dorsal angles rather broadly rounded, dorsal angle obtuse ( Fig. 6 A View Fig ); laterodorsal tooth of gonostyli projecting lateroventrally, strong and with apex slightly directed laterally in posteroventral view ( Fig. 6 A, B View Fig ).

DISTRIBUTION. Peleng Island near Sulawesi .

NOTES. Like in its close relatives Scamandra marcellae Porion, Audibert & Nagai, 2016 and S. voisinae Nagai & Porion, 2002 , an orange form exists in S. collaris sp. nov. A specimen was illustrated by NAGAI & PORION (2004: fig. 10), identified as a form of S. thetis ( Stål, 1863) .


11 Scamandra collaris sp. nov. is rather similar to S. huangi Constant, 2013 but differs from the latter (see CONSTANT, 2013: figs 2 and 7 for illustrations) by (1) the black-brown collar on the anterior half of the pronotum (pronotum entirely yellow-brown in S. huangi ); (2) the anal tube less elevated in lateral view and with lateral margins nearly straight in dorsal view (more elevated in lateral view and with lateral margins rounded in dorsal view in S. huangi ); (3) the gonostyli with posterior and dorsal angles more rounded, and lateral hooks stronger and less curved (posterior and dorsal angles more acutely rounded, and lateral hooks weaker and more strongly curved in S. huangi ).

It also resembles S. mangolana sp. nov. from which it differs by (1) the black-brown collar on the anterior half of the pronotum (pronotum entirely reddish brown dorsally in S. mangolana sp. nov.); (2) the olivaceous brown background colour of the corium of the tegmina (bright red in S. mangolana sp. nov.); (3) the large vinaceous red marking along the costal margin of the corium of the hind wing (corium of hind wing entirely bright red in S. mangolana sp. nov.).


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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