Xiphiola cyanoptera ( Gerstaecker, 1889 )

Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti Da, Ferrari, Augusto, Zefa, Edison & Carvalho, Gervásio Silva, 2016, Revision of the South American genus Xiphiola Bolívar, 1896 (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Ommatolampidinae: Abracrini), Zootaxa 4170 (3), pp. 567-580 : 569-575

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4170.3.9

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scientific name

Xiphiola cyanoptera ( Gerstaecker, 1889 )


Xiphiola cyanoptera ( Gerstaecker, 1889)

( Figs 1–19 View FIGURES 1 – 3. 1 View FIGURES 4 – 6. 4 View FIGURES 7 – 10. 7 View FIGURES 11 – 17. 11 View FIGURES 18 – 19. 18 , 29 View FIGURE 29 )

Xiphophora cyanoptera Gerstaecker, 1889 n . syn by Carbonell (1998)

= Xiphiola cyanoptera Bolívar, 1896 (apud Eades et al. 2015)

http://lsid.speciesfile.org/urn:lsid: Orthoptera View in CoL .speciesfile.org:TaxonName:55628

X. cyanoptera Bolivar, 1896 is a secondary homonym of X. cyanoptera (Gerstaecker) , and a junior synonym.

Bolivar, I. 1896; Giglio-Tos, 1898; Kirby, 1910 (Note), Bruner, 1920 [1919]; Descamps & Amédégnato, 1970; Descamps, 1979; Passerin, 1981; Carbonell, 1998 (Unpublished List-Note); Eades et al. 2015.

Type material. Lectotype male here designated (Carbonell in 1966 already labelled the specimen as such) ( Figs 1– 3 View FIGURES 1 – 3. 1 ): VENEZUELA, Rio Atalapo, Kheil, MNCN_Ent 139228, 1 male, C. S. Carbonell, 1966, MNCN Cat. Tipos nº 7170; Paralectotype here designated (Carbonell already labelled the specimen as such) ( Figs. 4–6 View FIGURES 4 – 6. 4 ): PERU, Cumbase, (Garleppi Staudinger), MNCN_Ent 139223; MNCN Cat. Tipo nº 7170, 1 female; ( Figs 7–10 View FIGURES 7 – 10. 7 ): ‘Atalapo / leg. Vráz [hw] // Xiphiola Bol. / cyanoptera / Bol. [hw] // Syntype / Xiphiola cyanoptera Bolívar, 1896 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’, 1 male.

Diagnosis. Differs mainly from X. borellii for: (i) Fastigium of the vertex of male long with pointed apex; (ii) interocular space narrow; (iii) pronotum rectangular; (iv) lateral carinae of the pronotum parallel; (v) posterior region of the metapleura distinctly darkened; (vi) hind femora with a pair of dorsal dark stripes; (vii) supra-anal plate with median longitudinal sulci distinctly extending beyond the middle region of the plate; (viii) furculae absent; (ix) cerci long with pointed apex.

Redescription. Male lectotype ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURES 1 – 3. 1 ). Medium size. Macropterous. Body color ferruginous. Frontal costa sulcate and about the median ocelli strongly prominent Antennae ferruginous dark, only the articles 8–9 and 13–14 are pale. Last palpomere pale. Tegmen ferruginous, surface of the median base of tegmen black and discoid ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 10. 7 ). Wings blue with dark apex ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 10. 7 ). Genicular lobes black ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7 – 10. 7 ). Hind femora with a par of dorsal dark stripes ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7 – 10. 7 ). Region infero-external of the hind femora glossy black. Hind tibiae bluish. Ventral region of the thorax and abdomen black ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7 – 10. 7 ).

Female paralectotype ( Figs. 4–6 View FIGURES 4 – 6. 4 ). Same color as male. Larger in size (body length 29mm) and robust. Less prominent eyes. Fastigium wider than in males, and with sulci. Thorax, tegmen and abdomen as described for male. Valves of the ovipositor long, robust and hirsute. Apical tooth of the external ventral valve of ovipositor prominent. Superior margin of the dorsal valve of the ovipositor more than six teeth and curved.

Material examined. BRAZIL, Amazonas, Benjamim Constant , viii.1977, B. Silva, 6 males and 3 females, C. S. Carbonell, 1978 det., (AC1318, AC1324, AC1326, AC1325) Campos Seabra collection ( MNRJ) ; same data, ix.1977, I. C. Lima, 1 male and 1 female, Campos Seabra collection (AC1317, MPEG) ; same data, viii. 1978, B. Silva, 1 female, (AC3126, MNRJ) ; Tabatinga , vii.1977, B. Silva, 2 males and 5 females, C. S. Carbonell det. 1978, ( MNRJ) ; Amapá, Serra do Navio , 7.xi.1988, C. S Avila Pires det., 1 female, ( MPEG) . Pará, Serra do Norte, Estação Fofoca , 14.v.1984, A. Nunes det., 1 male, (116000136, MPEG) ; Altamira , Castelos dos Sonhos, 14.xi.2005, J. Dias, A. Nunes det. 2006, 1 male, ( MPEG) . Rondônia, Ouro Preto do Oeste , 2. x.1983, Becker, Roppa e Silva, 14 males, C. S. Carbonell det. 1984, (AC 1321, AC1322, MNRJ) ; same data, B. Silva, C. S. Carbonell det. 1984, 1 female ( MNRJ) ; Mato Grosso, Juína , v.1985, 2 males and 2 females (1318–1321, MNRJ) ; Minas Gerais, Poços de Caldas , viii.1977, Roppa & Monné, 5 males and 1 female, (AC1309, MNRJ) ; PERU, Loreto, i.1980, J. Becker, 1 male, (AC1320, MNRJ) .

Measurements in mm, 33 males / 15 females, respectively: BL., 20 (18–20)/ 29 (27–29); PL.,5 (3–5)/ 7 (5–7); FL., 15 (12–15)/ 18 (14–18); TL., 21 (19–21)/ 30 (28–30).

Remarks. The type specimens of Xiphophora cyanoptera Gerstaecker were not examined. We authors confirm the synonymy proposed by Carbonell (1998), Xiphiola cyanoptera ( Gerstaecker 1889) (Xiphophora) (= cyanoptera Bolívar 1896 , n. syn.).

The following specimens preserved in the Museum of Madrid, have not been examined, but they are extremely important since their collecting localities expand the area of distribution of the species. Paralectotype: PERU, [Cumbase, Peru?], [Garleppi Staudinger?], 1 female. MNCN-Ent 139224; same data, 1 female. MNCN-Ent 139225; same data, 1 female, MNCN-Ent; Montealegre, Rio Pachitea, G. Tessmann, 1 male, MNCN-Ent 139232; same data, MNCN-Ent 139233; Pebas, 1 male, MNCN-Ent139227; same data, 1 female, MNCN-Ent 139230; Tarapota, 1 female, MNCN Ent 139231.

Data of private collection of Filippo Maria Buzzetti (Italy): ECUADOR, Morona Santiago, Santiago , 23.xi.2006, F. M. Buzzetti, 1 male, F. M. Buzzetti det. ( FMB) ; same data, Wisuy, NE of Macuma , 25.iv.2006, Buzzetti, Carotti & Marzotto, 1 male, F. M. Buzzetti det. ( FMB) ; Napo, Ahuano, Guadalupana , 2.xii.2006, F. M. Buzzetti, 1 male, F. M. Buzzetti det. ( FMB) ; Ahuano, Misicocha , 2.xii.2006, F. M. Buzzetti, 1 male, F. M. Buzzetti det. ( FMB) ; Archidona, Santo Domingo , 4.xii.2004, G. Carotti, 1 female and 1 male, F. M. Buzzetti det. ( FMB) ; Estacion Cientifica Yasuni , 2.v.2002, F. M. Buzzetti, 1 male, F. M. Buzzetti det. ( FMB) ; Zamora Chinchipe, Zumbi , 29.iv.2005, B. Agabiti & G. Carotti, 1 male, F. M. Buzzetti det. ( FMB) .

Geographical distribution. Brazil ( Buzzetti & Carotti, 2008); Peru ( Giglio-Tos, 1898; Kirby, 1910); French Guyana (Bruner, 1919; Descamps & Amédégnato, 1970), Venezuela ( Bolívar, 1896) and Ecuador ( Giglio-Tos, 1898, Buzzetti & Carotti, 2008) ( Fig. 29 View FIGURE 29 ).


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Instituto Alexander von Humboldt


















Xiphiola cyanoptera ( Gerstaecker, 1889 )

Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti Da, Ferrari, Augusto, Zefa, Edison & Carvalho, Gervásio Silva 2016

Xiphiola cyanoptera Bolívar, 1896

Bolivar 1896

Xiphophora cyanoptera

Gerstaecker 1889
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