Eucopia grimaldii H. Nouvel, 1942

Wittmann, Karl J., 2020, Lophogastrida and Mysida (Crustacea) of the “ DIVA- 1 ” deep-sea expedition to the Angola Basin (SE-Atlantic), European Journal of Taxonomy 628, pp. 1-43 : 5

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scientific name

Eucopia grimaldii H. Nouvel, 1942


Eucopia grimaldii H. Nouvel, 1942 View in CoL

Material examined (non-types only) ANGOLA BASIN • 1 imm. (BL = 28.3 mm); 22°20.640′ S, 3°23.567′ E to 22°26.150′ S, 3°27.046′ E; GoogleMaps

bottom depth 5161–5162 m; 10 Jul. 2000; DIVA-1 exped., #321; Agassiz Trawl; ZMH 58244 2 ♀♀ subad. (BL = 42.6–46.2 mm), 5 imm. (BL = 18.7–24.6 mm); same collection data as for preceding; ZMH 58246 1 ♀ ad. (BL = 35.1 mm), 1 ♂ (BL = 25.4 mm), 1 imm. (BL = 17.8 mm); 16°25.238′ S, 5°27.170′ E to 16°31.854′ S, 5°27.354′ E; bottom depth 5429–5430 m; 30 Jul. 2000; DIVA-1 exped., #351; Agassiz Trawl; ZMH 58245 GoogleMaps 1 ♂ (BL = 31.7 mm, in separate vial); same collection data as for preceding; SMF 55188 GoogleMaps .

Type locality

Not specified. Nouvel (1942) did not differentiate between NE- or NW-Atlantic specimens upon first description.


This meso- to bathypelagic species shows a panoceanic distribution, mainly occurring in tropical to temperate regions, also found in the Bering Sea, Antarctica, Mediterranean, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, off Madagascar, 66° N– 64° S, depth range 200–4829 m ( Springer & Bullis 1956; Astthorsson 1987; Petryashov 1993, 2005a, 2005b; Ariani & Wittmann 2005; Fukuoka 2009; Price et al. 2009; Burnham 2015; San Vicente 2010, 2016). This species will be reported by Wittmann (in press) from material taken by the “Valdivia” Expedition in the Angola Basin. See Discussion for a biogeographical assessment of the new records from 5161–5430 m bottom depth in the Angola Basin.

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