Syzeuctes petiolaris ( GRAVENHORST , 1829)

Riedel, Matthias, 2021, The genus Syzeuctus FÖRSTER in the Western Palaearctic region and Central Asia (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Banchinae), with descriptions of 17 new species, Linzer biologische Beiträge 52 (2), pp. 1013-1098 : 1063-1064

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Syzeuctes petiolaris ( GRAVENHORST , 1829)


Syzeuctes petiolaris ( GRAVENHORST, 1829) (Figs 84, 130)

O r i g i n a l: Lissonota petiolaris GRAVENHORST, 1829: 110 , type lost.

syn. Lissonota apicalis GRAVENHORST, 1829: 88 , type lost, synonymized by TASCHENBERG 1863: 283. syn. Syzeuctus apicalis wolguensis MEYER, 1922, type lost?

S t u d i e d m a t e r i a l: 20♀♀, 19♂♂; Austria, Czech Republic (Moravia), France, Germany, Montenegro*, Russia (Sakhalin), Slovakia, Switzerland *, Ukraine *.

D e s c r i p t i o n: ♀: Body length 10-11 mm. Antenna with 41-43 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere 4.8× longer than wide and 0.55× as long as eye; preapical flagellomere about square. Temple strongly and roundly narrowed behind eye. OED 1.3-1.6× ocellar diameter. Frons not protruding laterally and not impressed medially. Face with dense, partly rugose punctures. Clypeus c. 1.7-1.8× wider than long, with rounded apex. MI 0.65. Genal carina reaching mandibular base.

Frontoventral edge of pronotum moderately curved, lateral pronotal groove partly rugose ventrally. Epicnemial carina slightly elevated, with low lamella on transversal part. Speculum with partly scattered punctures. Propodeum densely punctate, not rugose; apical transversal carina complete. Hind femur 4.6-5.0× longer than wide. Hind metatarsus 0.70× as long as hind femur. 2 nd hind tarsomere 1.5-1.6× longer than 3 rd one. Hind claw with long teeth in basal 2/3. Areolet stalked; 2 nd recurrent vein distal to its middle. Nervulus postfurcal by 2× its width. Hairs on basal cell about as long as their intervals. Hind wing with 10 distal hamuli.

1 st tergite 1.6-1.7× longer than wide, with scattered but rather coarse. 2 nd tergite 1.05× longer than wide; with rather dense punctures. 3 rd tergite 1.0-1.1× as long as wide, with dense punctures. Ovipositor sheath 1.0× as long as fore wing, 1.1× longer than metasoma and 2.0× longer than hind tibia.

Color: Black. Clypeus in apical 2/3 red or yellow. Inner and outer orbits with narrow yellow stripes. Mesosoma black. 1 st tergite black basally, red apically. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites entirely and 4 th tergite basally red. Coxae and trochanters black; legs otherwise reddishyellow; hind tibia in apical 0.5-0.8 and hind tarsus entirely black. Wings without dark

spots; pterostigma brownish. ♂: Body length 9-10 mm. Antenna with 41-43 flagellomeres, 1st flagellomere 4.1-4.5×

longer than wide and 0.6× as long as eye. OED 1.2-1.7× ocellar diameter. Temple strongly and roundly narrowed behind eye, dorsally 0.6× as long as eye. Clypeus 1.5× wider than long, convex. MI 0.75-0.8. Lateral pronotal groove partly rugose. Epicnemial carina low, with ± distinct dentiform lamella on transversal part. Speculum punctate. Apical carina of propodeum strong and complete. Hind femur 5.0-5.9× longer than wide. Areolet stalked; 2 nd recurrent vein in or distal to its middle.

1 st tergite 1.9× longer than wide, with rather dense coarse punctures. 2 nd tergite 1.05-1.2× longer than wide, with rather dense coarse punctures. 3 rd tergite 1.0-1.1× longer than wide, with dense punctures.

Color: Black. 1 st tergite often red apically. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites entirely red; 4 th tergite red, usually with black apical band. Often spot on mandible, inner and outer orbits, clypeus mainly, tegula and usually apical spot on scutellum yellow. Coxae and trochanters black, fore and mid coxae sometimes with yellow spots. Legs otherwise reddish, fore and mid tibiae with yellow frontal stripe. Hind tibia yellow, apical 1/2-2/3 brown; mid and hind tarsi ± brown. Wings without brown apical spots, pterostigma brown.

Hosts unknown.













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