Ontholestes xinqiaoensis Yang & Zhou

Yang, Zhuo & Zhou, Hong-Zhang, 2012, Review of Chinese species of the genus Ontholestes Ganglbauer, 1895 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) with description of two species new to science, Zootaxa 3191, pp. 1-20 : 5-7

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.280063



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scientific name

Ontholestes xinqiaoensis Yang & Zhou

sp. nov.

Ontholestes xinqiaoensis Yang & Zhou View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs. 2A–F View FIGURES 2 A – F )

Matrial examined: Holotype: male, CHINA: W–Fujian, 2 km SE Xinqiao, pitfall traps, 2005. V.29. J. Turna coll. (NMW).

Description. Measurements of the holotype: body length 12.4 mm; HW: 2.50; HL: 1.90; CL: 1.20; PO: 0.50; PW: 2.30; PL: 2.50; EW: 3.40; EL: 3.10; ELS: 1.20.

Male. Body relatively small, dull black, front angles of head and pronotum with scattered short golden pubescence; mandibles black, labrum light yellow with black edge, clypeus light yellow; antennae with first four segments yellow brown, remaining ones dark brown; anterior femora black, knees yellow, middle and posterior femora yellow, shortly darkened at midlength; tibiae black with long golden pubescence; scutellum black.

Head nearly rectangular ( Fig. 2F View FIGURES 2 A – F ), distinctly transverse, wider than pronotum; mandibles slender; eyes big and prominent, longitudinal diameter 2 times longer than temporal region. Surface densely and regularly covered with umbilicate punctures, dorsally with black pubescence mixed with sparse golden hairs. Antennae short, gradually widening towards apex; 1st segment longest, 2nd almost half as long as 1st, 3rd narrower than, and about as long as 1st, 4–5th elongate, 4th at least twice as long as wide, 5th distinctly longer than wide, 5–10th distinctly transverse, gradually increasing in width dowards apex of antennae, last segment distinctly longer than 10th and longer than wide, subacuminate.

Pronotum oblong, slightly longer than wide, and distinctly narrower than both elytra in closed position; widest at level of straight anterior margin, slightly convergent towards rounded posterior angles, concavely narrowed in basal third, posterior margin moderately convex, punctation and pubescence similar to those on head. Scutellum triangular, densely covered with black velvety pubescence and sparse golden pubescence.

Elytra subquadrate, slightly dilated posteriad; wider than long; surface densely and finely punctate, with denser black, and sparse golden pubescence.

Abdomen gradually narrowed towards apex, finely and densely punctate; posterior margin of sternite VIII ( Fig. 2A View FIGURES 2 A – F ) deeply and broadly excised medially, densely covered with long black erect setae; posterior margin of tergite X ( Fig. 2B View FIGURES 2 A – F ) almost straight with numerous long black setae; posterior margin of sternite IX ( Fig. 2C View FIGURES 2 A – F ) triangularly emarginate medially, with moderately long black setae.

Aedeagus ( Figs. 2D–E View FIGURES 2 A – F ) moderately sclerotized, almost symmetrical; median lobe elongate, in ventral view median lobe moderately constricted, with convex apex. Paramere short and stout, subparallel-sided, apex triangular with 6 fine setae; in lateral view paramere slightly longer than median lobe.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Fujian, China.

Remarks. In habitus, the new species is similar to O. gracilis ( Sharp, 1874) , but differs from the latter in the colour of antennae, in presence of black spots on the abdominal tergites and in the shape of male genitalia.

Etymology. The species is named after the type locality, Xinqiao, in Fujian Province, China.















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