Sunius propinquus ( BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE 1867)
publication ID | 10.5281/zenodo.13133503 |
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Felipe (2024-07-30 11:15:48, last updated 2024-07-30 11:34:36) |
scientific name |
Sunius propinquus ( BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE 1867) |
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4.3. Sunius propinquus ( BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE 1867) View in CoL (Fig. 3, Map 5 View Map 5 )
Lithocharis propinqua BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE 1867: 116 View in CoL .
Hypomedon propinquus var. parvipennis COIFFAIT 1961: 22 ; unavailable name.
C o m m e n t: Hypomedon propinquus var. parvipennis was described by COIFFAIT (1961) based on material from Sardinia, but according to Article 45.6.3 of the Code ( ICZN 1999), the name is infrasubspecific and consequently unavailable. The " type " specimen was examined; in contrast to the description by COIFFAIT (1961), it is not brachypterous.
A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d Tunisia [see also ASSING 2005b]: 1 ex., Teskraia near Bizerta, 16.III.1984, leg. Meybohm (cAss) ; 6 exs., Aïn Draham , VIII.1944, leg. Demoflys, Grosclaude (cTro) ; 5 exs., Aïn Draham , VIII.1945, leg. Demoflys (cTro) ; 1 ex., Aïn Draham , VI.1947, leg. Demoflys (cTro) ; 1 ex., Aïn Draham, leg. Normand ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Kasserine env., IV.1937, leg. Demoflys (cTro) ; 1 ex., Aïn Soltane , 23.-26.III.2003, leg. Lackner (cAss) ; 2 exs., Radès ( MHNG). Algeria: 2 exs., Grande Kabylie, Oued Sébaou , W Dellys, 20.V.1988, leg. Besuchet, Löbl & Burckhardt (cAss) ; 1 ex., Djurdjura, Ahnif S M. Chedallah, Oued Sahel , 9.V.1988, leg. Besuchet, Löbl & Burckhardt (cAss) ; 1 ex., Draa el Mizan, leg. Ancey ( DEI) ; 1 ex., Algier (cAss) ; 4 exs., Yakouren ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Blida ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Maghnia ["L.a Marnia "], leg. Méquignon ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Algier env., Sidi Feredj , VII.1980, leg. Strejček (cBoh) ; 2 exs., "Kabylia", leg. Ancey ( DEI) ; 1 ex., locality not specified ( MHNG). Morocco: 1 ex., Tanger, 3.II.2001, leg. Lackner (cAss) ; 8 exs., Tanger, leg. Rolph ( DEI) ; 1 ex., Moyen Atlas, Timhadite , 200 m, 18.VII.1993, leg. Stüben (cWun) ; 1 ex., Settat , 20.XII.1972, leg. Tavakilian (cTro) ; 1 ex., Ourika ["Urika"], leg. Quedenfeldt (cAss); 1 ex., Rabat ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Fès ( MHNG) ; 15 exs., Ar Rif, Oued Laou env., 35°29'N, 05°07'W, 200 m, 7.-9.VI.2007, leg. Hlaváč (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex. [teneral], Ar Rif, Chefchaouen , 35°12'N, 05°19'W, 270 m, 3.VI.2007, leg. Hlaváč (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 17 exs., locality not specified ( MHNG). Portugal: M a d e i r a s [see also ASSING & SCHÜLKE 2006]: 1 ex., Porto Santo, Pico Branco, leg. Franz ( NHMW). A ç o r e s: 1 ex., Flores, Santa Cruz , 5.VIII.1986, leg. Gillerfors (cKöh). M a i n l a n d: 1 ex., Vila Real , Lilela / Valpacos , 28.VIII.1969, leg. Senglet (cAss) ; 1 ex., Vila Real, Valpacos , 28.VIII.1969, leg. Senglet (cAss) ; 1 ex., Lisboa , IV.-V.1910, leg. Schatzmayr ( DEI) ; 1 ex., Beja, S Luiz / Odemira , 9.- 10.IX.1969, leg. Senglet (cAss) ; 1 ex., Beja, Monte de Cavaleiro, Almodovar , 15.IX.1969, leg. Senglet (cAss) ; 1 ex., Beja, Alvito , XII.1997, leg. Poot (cWun) ; 3 exs., Lisboa, Loures , 5.VIII.1971, leg. Senglet (cAss) ; 2 exs., Faro, Bordeira / Aljezur , 11.IX.1969, leg. Senglet (cAss) ; 3 exs., Faro, Norinha , 4.IX.1969, leg. Senglet (cAss) ; 1 ex., Algarve , 10 km N Sào Bras de Alportel, 400 m, 4.VI.1992, leg. Wunderle (cWun) ; 1 ex., Algarve, Loule , 25.II.2002, leg. Hetzel (cFel). Spain: G a l i c i a: 2 exs., Pontevedra, leg. Franz ( NHMW, cAss). A s t u r i a s: 1 ex., locality not specified, leg. Paganetti ( MNHUB). C a s t i l l a - L e ó n: 1ex., Caboalles,leg. Paganetti ( DEI) ; 1 ex., Ponferrada, leg. Paganetti ( DEI) ; 1 ex., Palencia, leg. Paganetti ( HNHM) ; 1 ex., 3 km E Salamanca, La Flecha, Cabrerizos, 6.III.1999, leg. Wrase (cSch). P a í s V a s c o: 6 exs., Guipúzcoa, Orio , 24.VII.1968, leg. Besuchet ( MHNG, cAss). L a R i o j a: 1 ex., Briones , 5.XI.1988, leg. Colón ( DEI). C a t a l u ñ a: 1 ex., Barcelona env., Tordera , pasture, 2.IV.1986 (cAss) ; 1 ex., Gerona , " R. Terlori Derecha ", III.1954, leg. González ( MHNG). M a d r i d: 1 ex., Aranjuez, leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 1 ex., Alcalá de Henares , 17.II.1951 ( NHMW) ; 1 ex., El Pardo, Torre la Parada , 9.II.1951 ( NHMW) ; 4 exs., 10 km W Madrid, Boadilla del Monte, Valdepastores , 21.-23.I.1998, leg. Wrase (cSch, cAss) ; 6 exs., same data, but 25.II.- 2.III.1999 (cSch) ; 2 exs. [1 teneral], same data, but 6.VII.1996, leg. Wrase (cSch) ; 1 ex., 20 km SW Madrid, 2 km NW Batres, 8.II.1998, leg. Wrase (cSch). C a s t i l l a - L a M a n c h a: 1 ex., Toledo, Laguna de Peña, Villacañas , 8.III.1999, leg. Wrase (cSch) ; 14 exs., Toledo, Urda, 12.VIII.1969, leg. Comellini ( MHNG, cAss). V a l e n c i a: 6 exs., Castellón , Benicarlo , Cálig , 6.V.1966, leg. Besuchet (cAss). A n d a l u c í a: 1 ex., Sierra de Ronda , Mte. Arastepa, leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 6 exs., Huelva, Zalamea la Real , 6.VII.1969, leg. Comellini ( MHNG) ; 3 exs., Granada, La Rabita / Albuñol , 9.VII.1971, leg. Senglet (cAss) ; 2 exs., Granada, Sierra Nevada, Notaez Rio, Gudalfeo , 670 m, 15.VI.1991, leg. Wrase (cSch) ; 1 ex., Sevilla, Villamanrique de la Condesa, Vereda los Labrados , 19.XI.2994, leg. Baena (cAss) ; 2 exs., Málaga, Estepona , X.1968, leg. Benick ( MNHUB) ; 8 exs., Costa del Sol, bank of Guadiaro river , 28.-31.X.1968, leg. Benick (cAss) ; 4 exs., bank of Guadjaro river , 28.X.1968, leg. Benick ( MNHUB, cAss) ; 1 ex., Sierra del Hacho , 36°31'N, 5°21'W, 800 m, N-slope, 21.II.2000, leg. Meybohm (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 7 exs., Cordoba, Palma del Rio , 26.VI.1969, leg. Comellini ( MHNG, cAss) ; 6 exs., Malaga, Antequera , 1.VIII.1969, leg. Comellini ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Cádiz , Laguna de la Janda [36°15'N, 5°51'W], 10.V.1966, leg. Besuchet (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 2 exs., Cádiz, Sierra de Grazalemma , 1220 m, 2.X.1993, leg. Wunderle (cWun, cAss) ; 1 ex., Cádiz, Tahivilla , 18.XII.1995, leg. Poot (cWun) ; 1 ex., Cádiz, Tarifa , I.1997, leg. Poot (cWun) ; 1 ex., Cádiz, San Roque , 28.V.-4.VI.1991, leg. Wrase (cSch) ; 1 ex., Cádiz, Senorbi , 10.XI.1974, leg. Meloni (cBoh) ; 3 exs., Algeciras, leg. Reitter, Simon ( HNHM) ; 1 ex., Cádiz , Jimena de la Frontera, 5.-6.VI.1991, leg Wrase (cAss) ; 1 ex., Cádiz, Marisma de Trebujena, bank of Guadalqivir river , 31.I.1998, leg. Wrase (cSch) ; 1 ex., Córdoba, Sierra de Homachuelos, Las Aljabares , 300 m, 22.II.1999, leg. Wrase (cSch) ; 2 exs., "Andalus." ( DEI). L o c a l i t y n o t s p e c i f i e d: 1 ex., "Hispania", leg. Baudi ( HNHM). France: B a s s e - N o r m a n d i e: 3 exs., Réthôville , beach, 20.IX.2003, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 2 exs., St.-Cénerile-Gérei, leg. Demoflys (cTro). H a u t e - N o r m a n d i e: 1 ex., Eure , locality illegible, III.1956 ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Eure, Appeville-Annebault ( MHNG). A q u i t a i n e: 1 ex., Gironde, Latresne , 17.III.1929, leg. Tempère ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Gironde , La Grave, IV.1925, leg. Tempère ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Gironde, Camarsac , 15.VII.1934, leg. Tempère ( MHNG) ; 2 exs., Gironde, Cubzac-les-Ponts , 14.IV.1929, leg. Tempère ( MHNG) ; 6 exs., Gironde, Cambes , X.1931 ( MHNG) ; 2 exs., Gironde, "Arlac", leg. Clermont ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Bordaux, bank of Garonne , 16.III.1930, leg. Tempère ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Bordeaux , 4.II.1927, leg. Tempère ( MHNG) ; 3 exs., Bordeaux, leg. Giraud ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Bordeaux ( MHNG) ; 6 exs., Lot-et-Garonne, Seyches, 6.X.1925, leg. Tempère ( MHNG). M i d i - P y r é n é e s: 1 ex., Gers , Montréal , VIII.2002, leg. Brustel (cTro) ; 1 ex., Merville , forest, pitfall, 5.VII.2005, leg. Danflous (cTro) ; 1 ex., Hautes- Pyrénées, Argelès (cSch).L a n g u e d o c - R o u s s i l l o n: 1ex., Argelès-sur-Mer,leg. Normand ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Torreilles , 20.I.2003, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 1 ex., Hérault, Montpellier, leg. Perrault ( MHNG) ; 4 exs., Camargue, Albaron , 10.II.1931, leg. Thérond ( MNHUB) ; 2 exs., Gard, Saint-Gilles, Le Grand Bois, 27.III.1978, leg. Kiener ( MHNG, cAss). B o u r g o g n e: 1 ex., Piffonds , mole nest, 15.III.1969, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 1 ex., Camargue, Montcalm [43°34'N, 04°19'E], 18.VII.1981, leg. Zanetti (cZan). Î l e - d e - F r a n c e: 1 ex., Saulx-Marchais , 2.VII.1976, leg. Tronquet (cTro) GoogleMaps ; 2 exs., Pontcarré , mole nest, 28.I.1971, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 2 exs., Noisiel, inundation of Marne river , 6.III.1970, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 1 ex., Noisiel, inundation of Marne river , 27.II.1970, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 1 ex., Yvelines, Bailly , mole nest, 1.III.1969, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 1 ex., Bailly , 29.III.1969, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 1 ex., Bailly , mole nest, 31.I.1971, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 1 ex., Yvelines, Ste. Gemme, mole nest, 6.II.1972, leg. Tronquet (Tro). C e n t r e: 1 ex., Autruy-sur-Juine [48°16'N, 2°06'E], 11.XI.1970, leg. Tronquet (cTro) GoogleMaps ; 10 exs., Indre-et-Loire, Perrusson, inundation, leg. Méquignon ( MHNG) ; 5 exs., Vendôme, leg. Méquignon ( MHNG) ; 4 exs., Loir-et-Cher, Meslay, I.1910, leg. Méquignon ( MHNG). C h a m p a g n e - A r d e n n e s: 2 exs., 29 km SW Troyes, Le Champion , 21.V.1979, leg. Kanaar (cSch). P r o v e n c e: 1 ex., Vaucluse, Malaucene , camping site, 16.V.1994, leg. Schülke & Grünberg (cSch) ; 1 ex., Bouches-du-Rhône, Salon-de-Provence , 1.IV.2003, leg. Renner (cRen) ; 1 ex., Bouches-du-Rhône, Eyguières, leg. Perrot ( MHNG) ; 2 exs., Bouches-du-Rhône, Camargue, leg. Puel ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Var, Tanneron , car-net, VI.1988, leg. Wunderle (cWun) ; 4 exs., Var, Bras , IV.1971, leg. Tronquet (cTro) ; 4 exs., Var, Roquebrune-sur-Argens, leg. Demoflys (cTro); 1 ex., Var, Hyères ( DEI) ; 1 ex., Hyères , XI.1961 ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Var, La Garde ( MHNG) ; 2 exs., Menton ( MNHUB) ; 1 ex., Cannes ( DEI) ; 2 exs., Var , locality illegible, inundation, X.1958 ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Var, Aflens inundation, XII.1950 ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Var, Gapean inundation, X.1959 ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Var, Pierefei inundation, XII.1959 ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Var, Argens inundation, IV.1956 ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Alpes-Maritimes, Loup inundation, leg. Ochs ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Loup inundation, X.1959 (cAss) ; 1 ex., Alpes-Maritimes, Mandelieu , X.1947 ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Alpes-Maritimes, St.-Augustin , III.1957 (cAss) ; 2 exs., St. - Augustin, leg. Ochs ( MHNG) ; 2 exs., Alpes-Maritimes, St.-Vallier-de Thiey , VIII.1978, leg. Toumayeff ( MHNG) ; 2 exs., Nice, leg. Bedel ( MHNG). L o c a l i t y n o t s p e c i f i e d 1 ex., "Gallia" ( HNHM) ; 1 ex., "Mittel-Frankr." ( DEI). Monaco: 2 exs. ( MHNG, cAss). England: 2 exs., locality not specified, leg. Sbiere ( NHMW). Austria: 1 ex., locality not specified, leg. Paganetti ( MNHUB). Italy: L i g u r i a: 1 ex., San Remo, leg. Schneider ( DEI) ; 8 exs., Bordighera, 1884 ( DEI). V e n e t o: 1 ex., Custoza ( VR), Val dei Molini , 24.XI.1974, leg. Zanetti (cZan) ; 1 ex., same locality, base of Salix , 22.I.1996, leg. Tagliapietra (cZan) ; 5 exs., Mazzantica ( VR) [45°18'N, 11°04'E], 15.II.1977, leg. Sette (cZan) GoogleMaps ; 2 exs., Stra ( VE), 27.III.1973, leg. Villabruna (cZan). E m i l i a - R o m a g n a: 2 exs., Spilamberto , 12.IX.1901, leg. Fiori ( MNHUB) ; 2 exs., locality illegible (cBoh). T o s c a n a: 1 ex., Rignano / Arno , 29.IX.1973, leg. Castellini (cTro). L a z i o: 1 ex., Tarquinia ( VT), Riva dei Tarquini, beach, 18.VII.1996, leg. Zanetti (cZan). S a r d e g n a: 2 exs., Siniscola, at light trap, 19.-20.IX.1987 (cAss) ; 1 ex., Lago del Coghínas , 9.IX.1982, leg. Wunderle (cWun) ; 1 ex., NW Telti , 350 m, 12.IV.1992, leg. Scheuern (cWun) ; 2 exs., Porto Ferro , beach dunes, 2.X.1989, leg. Wunderle (cWun) ; 10 exs., Asuni, leg. Krausse ( MNHUB, cAss) ; 7 exs., Sorgono, 1912, leg. Krausse ( DEI, MHNG, cAss) ; 2 exs., Ozieri, leg. Dodero ( MNHUB) ; 1 ex., Marrubiu , 22.VI.1974, leg. Meloni (cZan) ; 1 ex., Capoterra ( CA), Riu S. Lucia, 17.VI.1975, leg. Meloni (cZan) ; 1 ex., Cagliari, strada di Terramaini, base of Eucalyptus , 5.IX.1974, leg. Meloni (cZan) ; 2 exs., Flumini ( MNHUB) ; 1 ex., Sassari, Tempio Pausania , V.1935, leg. Burlini ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Orosei-Galtelli ( NU), car-net, 17.VII.1999, leg. Zanetti (cZan) ; 2 ex., "Sor. Su Gologone" ( NU), 100 m, bank, 14.VII.1999, leg. Zanetti (cZan) ; 4 exs., Orosei, source of Cedrino river , car-net, 26.VII.1999, leg. Zanetti (cZan) ; 5 exs., 5 km SW Galtelli ( NU), at light, 16.VII.1999, leg. Zanetti (cZan) ; 1 ex. [teneral], San Teodoro d'Oviddè ( NU), Marina di Lu Impostu, VII.1994 , leg. Zanetti (cZan) ; 2 exs., San Teodoro d'Oviddè ( NU), Teodoro- Coda Cavallo , car-net, 5.VII.2004, leg. Zanetti (cZan) ; 5 exs. [1 teneral], Torpe-Ala dei Sardi (NU, SS), car-net, 0-600 m, 14.VII.2004, leg. Zanetti (cZan) ; 13: " Sardegna, Tempio Paus, Burlini, V.35 / Type / propinquus v. brachypterus [sic] Coiff." ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., M. Crozei [?], III.1961 ( MHNG) ; 1 ex., Fonni , 1000 m, V.1936, leg. Burlini ( MHNG) ; 4 exs., Lotzorai , VI.1999, leg. Frank (cAss) ; 1 ex., locality not specified ( MNHUB). P a n t e l l e r i a: 23 exs., M. Gibele, 600 m, 12.IX.1985, leg. Sette (cZan). S i c i l i a: 1♀, Palermo ( DEI) ; 1♀, " Sicilia " DEI). Locality not specified, ambiguous, or illegible: 10 exs. ( DEI, HNHM, MHNG, MNHUB) ; 1 ex., " Belvedere ", VIII.1896, leg. Solari ( MNHUB) .
D i a g n o s i s: Wing-dimorphic species, but brachypterous morph very rare. Similar in external appearance to long-winged specimens of S. fallax , S. bicolor , and other bicoloured species, but distinguished by the distinct microsculpture on the head. For a high-resolution colour image see TRONQUET (2006); for illustrations of the aedeagus see COIFFAIT (1961, 1984).
C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: From S. algiricus , the only similar bicoloured species distributed in the Western Mediterranean with a distinctly microsculptured head, S. propinquus is separated by slightly smaller body size, a more slender body, and an aedeagus of completely different morphology.
D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d b i o n o m i c s: Sunius propinquus has an Atlanto-Mediterranean distribution and is widespread and rather common in the Western Mediterranean ( Map 5 View Map 5 ). Material has been seen from North Africa ( Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco), the Iberian peninsula, France, and Italy (including Sardinia, Sicily, and Pantelleria). The labels of the specimens examined from Great Britain and Austria do not specify localities. For literature records from Great Britain and Ireland see e. g. JOY (1932), OWEN (1997), and LOTT (1999). SAINTE- CLAIRE DEVILLE (1906) reports the species also from Corsica, from where I have seen no material. It is the only representative of the genus known from the Madeiras and the Azores (see also ASSING & SCHÜLKE 2006). The entry for the Canary Islands in SMETANA (2004) is evidently based on an erroneous record (possibly HORION 1965) and appears to refer to one of the Canarian endemics; S. propinquus is not listed by MACHADO & OROMÍ (2000) and none of the numerous revised Canarian specimens of Sunius refers to S. propinquus . According to SMETANA (2004), the species has additionally been recorded from Belgium (see also DRUGMAND 1989), the Netherlands (see also STERRENBURG 1989; VORST 2004), Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Azerbaijan, and from the Australian region (probably based on the record from New Zealand by SIVASUBRAMANIAM et al. (1997)). However, the record from Azerbaijan probably refers to S. nigrinus or S. fulgocephalus and, according to HANSEN et al. (1994), the previous record from Denmark is erroneous. The same is apparently true of the record from Sweden, since the species is not listed by LUNDBERG (1995). Also, based on the revised distribution and frequent confusion with other species in the material examined, the presence in Poland is highly unlikely and the record from New Zealand seems at least doubtful and requires confirmation. The same applies to some old records from southwestern Germany ( HORION 1965); no specimens were found in any of the collections examined. The species has been recorded also from Hungary (one record from Budapest) and Slovakia (one record from Nitra-Zobor based on a female) ( BOHÁČ 1985; JÁSZAY 1998), but these records are clearly outside the confirmed range and almost certainly based on misidentifications.
ASSING V. (2005 b): New species and records of Staphylinidae from Tunisia (Insecta: Coleoptera). - Linzer biologische Beitrage 37 (1): 749 - 770.
BOHAC J. (1985): Review of the subfamily Paederinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of Czechoslovakia. Part II. - Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 82: 431 - 467.
BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE C. (1867): [new names]. - Coleopterologische Hefte 2: 116 - 117.
COIFFAIT H. (1961): Les Hypomedon d'Europe et de la region mediterraneenne (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). - Revue francaise d'Entomologie 28: 16 - 40.
COIFFAIT H. (1984): Coleopteres Staphylinidae de la region palearctique occidentale. V. Sous famille Paederinae Tribu Paederini 2, Sous famille Euaesthetinae. - Supplement a la Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie 13 (4): 1 - 424.
DRUGMAND D. (1989): Distribution et phenologie des paederinae de Belgique (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). - Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen 55: 1 - 52.
HANSEN M., MAHLER V., PRITZL G. & J. B. RUNGE (1994): 13. tillaeg til ' Fortegnelse over Danmarks biller' (Coleoptera). - Entomologiske Meddelelser 62: 65 - 89.
HORION A. (1965): Faunistik der Mitteleuropaischen Kafer, Bd. X: Staphylinidae, 2. Teil, Paederinae bis Staphylininae. - Uberlingen, Bodensee: 335 pp.
ICZN (1999): International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth Edition. - London: xxix + 306 pp.
JASZAY T. (1998): Faunistic records from Slovakia. - Entomological Problems 29: 138.
JOY N. H. (1932): A practical handbook of British beetles. Vol. I. - London, H. F. & G. Witherby: xxvii + 622 pp.
LOTT D. A. (1999): Riparian beetles on soft sediments by the River Teme, Worcestershire. - The Coleopterist 8: 7 - 10.
LUNDBERG S. (1995): Catalogus Coleopterorum Sueciae. - Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Entomologiska Foreningen: without pagination.
OWEN J. A. (1997): Beetles (Coleoptera) recorded from various Irish sites in 1993, 1994 and 1995. - Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 20: 136 - 154
SAINTE-CLAIRE DEVILLE J. (1906): Catalogue critique des coleopteres de la Corse. - Revue d'Entomologie. Supplement 8, 25: 1 - 112.
SIVASUBRAMANIAM W., WRATTEN S. D. & J. KLIMASZEWSKI (1997): Species composition, abundance, and activity of predatory arthropods in carrot fields, Canterbury, New Zealand. - New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24: 205 - 212.
SMETANA A. (2004): Subfamily Paederinae FLEMING, 1821. - In: LOBL I. & A. SMETANA (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 2. Hydrophiloidea - Histeroidea - Staphylinoidea. - Apollo Books, Stenstrup: 579 - 624.
STERRENBURG F. C. F. (1989): Erganzungen zur Kaferfauna der Niederlande (Coleoptera). - Entomologische Blatter 85: 81 - 92.
TRONQUET M. (2006): Catalogue iconographique des coleopteres des Pyrenees-Orientales. Volume I (edition revue et augmentee). Staphylinidae. - Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie 15 (Supplement): 1 - 127 + 78 plates.
VORST O. (2004): Nieuws over Nederlandse kortschildkevers 3 - Steninae, Paederinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). - Entomologische Berichten 64: 113 - 121.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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Genus |
Sunius propinquus ( BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE 1867)
Assing, V. & A, North 2008 |
Hypomedon propinquus var. parvipennis
COIFFAIT H 1961: 22 |
Lithocharis propinqua BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE 1867: 116