Bagreinae Schultz, 1944

Marceniuk, Alexandre Pires, Oliveira, Claudio & Ferraris Jr, Carl J., 2024, A new classification of the family Ariidae (Osteichthyes: Ostariophysi: Siluriformes) based on combined analyses of morphological and molecular data, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 200 (2), pp. 426-476 : 431-433

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad078

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scientific name

Bagreinae Schultz, 1944


Subfamily Bagreinae Schultz, 1944

( Figs 1–2 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 )

Type genus: Bagre Cloquet, 1816 .

Included genera

Bagre Cloquet, 1816 .


Posterior branches of mesethmoid moderately long, delimiting between one-fourth and one-half length of anterior cranial fontanel (8, 0> 1); lachrymal-antorbital and frontal distinct from each other (22, 0> 1); ventral tip of subvertebral process rounded (80, 0> 1); anterior infraorbital conspicuously curved (96, 0> 1); posterior infraorbital L-shaped (97, 1> 2); two anterior branches and one mesial branch in lachrymal-antorbital anterior part (98, 0> 2); maxilla cylindrical, moderately long and distally acute (101, 0> 1); maxillary condyle large (103, 1> 2); autopalatine conical, short, and robust (104, 0> 1); autopalatine ventral process present and very conspicuous (112, 0> 1); dorsal crest of premaxilla delimiting contact area with mesethmoid beginning between lateral one-third or one-half of anterior margin (124, 0> 1); metapterygoid anterior process very large (139, 0> 1); posterior ceratohyal long (153, 0> 1); posterior end of urohyal bifurcate (158, 0> 1); median constriction of third basibranchial displaced to posterior one-fourth (170, 0> 1); transverse crest associated with neural spine of fourth vertebra very high (200, 0> 1); median crest associated with neural spine of fourth vertebra very high (202, 0> 1); Müllerian ramus blade evident only in basal third of length (206, 2> 1); 39 or more caudal vertebrae (216, 1> 0); adipose-fin origin vertically above posterior one-half of anal fin (223, 1> 2); second dorsal cleithral process on lower portion of cleithrum (225, 0> 1); maxillary barbel compressed (235, 0> 1); mental barbel one pair (237, 0> 1); gas bladder lateral diverticula present (243, 0> 1).

Ambiguous optimization: Posterior branches of mesethmoid narrow (6, 0> 1), state 0 in Bagre panamensis ; medial groove of cranium shallow with margins not very conspicuous (31, 1> 0), state 1 in Bagre bagre and Bagre filamentosus ; dorsal-fin spine prolonged into filament (221, 0> 1), state 0 in Bagre panamensis ; lateral line bifurcated, reaching dorsal and ventral caudal-fin lobes (247, 0> 2).









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