Doryopteris J.Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker)

Yesilyurt, Jovita C., Barbará, Thelma, Schneider, Harald, Russell, Stephen, Culham, Alastair & Gibby, Mary, 2015, Identifying the generic limits of the Cheilanthoid genus Doryopteris, Phytotaxa 221 (2), pp. 101-122 : 115-116

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.221.2.1

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scientific name

Doryopteris J.Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker)


Doryopteris J.Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker) View in CoL 3: 404. 1841; emend. J.C.Yesilyurt, nom. cons.

Type species:— Doryopteris palmata (Willd.) J. Sm., J. Bot. View in CoL [Hooker] 4: 163. 1841. = Pteris palmata Willd., Sp. Pl. , ed. 4 [Willdenow] 5:

357. 1810. Type:— VENEZUELA. Distrito Federal: Caracas, Bredemeyer s.n. ( B –image seen). Homotypic synonyms: — Cassebeera Kaulfuss (1824: 216) . Type species:— Casseebeera triphylla (Lam.) Kaulf. = Adiantum triphyllum Lam., Encycl. [ J. Lamarck

& al.] 1(1): 41. 1783. Bakeriopteris Kuntze (1891: 807), C.Chr., Index Filicum: 148. 1905. nom. superfl. for Cassebeera Kaulf. Heteropteris Fée, Crypt. Vasc. Bresil 1: 123. 1869. Type species:— Heteropteris doryopteris Fée. Tryonella Pic.Serm., Webbia 29: 14. 1974. nom. nov. for Heteropteris Fée.

Plants terrestrial or rupestral, to 30(–60) cm tall. Rhizomes erect to sub-erect or slightly decumbent; scales of rhizome and petiole bases clathrate, lanceolate to more or less ovate-lanceolate ( Fig. 3 A View FIGURE 3 1–A View FIGURE 1 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Petiole black to brown or dark-brown; cross section terete, sub-terete, sulcate to ridged; indumentum of short hairs, fibrils (scale-like) or acicular trichomes; with one vascular bundle at base, usually U- or V-shaped. Fronds monomorphic to dimorphic. Laminar dissection diverse, varying from sagittate to pedate, pedate-pinnatifid to 3-pinnatifid (sometimes becoming almost pinnate at the base of the lamina) and palmate to palmate-digitate; glabrous or with trichomes, 1–3-celled, sometimes acicular and/or fibrils. Veins free, partially or totally anastomosing, without included veinlets; vein-ends usually free and may end in hydathodes. Sori predominantly marginal, only rarely submarginal, receptacle forming a continuous line (vascular commissure) ( Fig. 4 A View FIGURE 4 6) or sori separate on each vein end (no commissure/connection) ( Fig. 4 A View FIGURE 4 1 View FIGURE 1 ); sporangia maybe very densely packed giving a false impression of a continuous vascular commissure. Pseudo-indusium comprises the reflexed lamina margin, which may or may not be continuous around the lamina; pseudo-indusium margin smooth to somewhat irregular ( Figs. 3 B View FIGURE 3 1 View FIGURE 1 , B 2 View FIGURE 2 , B 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Paraphyses absent (except for D. kirkii and D. palmata which have very small, bicellular paraphyses). Sporangia stalks more or less same length as sporangium or shorter to medium-stalked; basal cell of sporangium sometimes conspicuous. Spores predominantly rugulose and cristate.

Distribution: —Central to South America, South Africa, Hawaiian Islands (one species widely distributed).

Notes: —The characters that distinguish the genus Doryopteris from Lytoneuron and Ormopteris are based on the number of vascular bundles at the base of the petiole, petiole shape and indumentum, lamina dissection, venation type, soral condition, spore (ornamentation type rather than size).

The concept includes Doryopteris triphylla , which Tryon (1942) included in Lytoneuron due to its free venation pattern, and Doryopteris lonchophora (Mettenius 1859: 4) Smith (1875: 289) , which was excluded by Tryon (1942) on the basis of the anatomy of the receptacle. It also includes the members from the sub-clade ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ) that diverged from Doryopteris sensu stricto clade and comprised Doryopteris concolor , D. kirkii (Hooker 1861: 81) Alston (1956: 14) , as well as D. decora and its allies from Hawaiian Islands. With the exception of Doryopteris tryphylla , D. concolor and D. tryonii that have free venation, and D. lorentzii and all the rest of Hawaiian species (except D. angelica K.Wood & W.H.Wagner in Wagner et al. (1999: 147)) that have partially (rarely to) anastomosed veins, all the remaining taxa have anastomosed venation pattern ( Yesilyurt, 2005). An exception is D. lonchophora , which has a discontinuous soral line ( Figs. 4A View FIGURE 4 2 View FIGURE 2 , A 3 View FIGURE 3 , A7) and even has some parts of the sori naked (without any kind of indusium or reflexed margin).

The list of species presented here has been based on Tryon et al. (1990) concept for Doryopteris , which comprised 25 species. It excludes the taxa that have been referred to the sect. Lytoneuron (which is here being proposed as a new genus), except D. triphylla , and includes the recently described species. Full systematic account and other nomenclatural questions are being on their final revision and will be presented elsewhere, which will include the status of Doryopteris majestosa , as it has been flagged as putative nom. superfl. because one of the cited specimen on the examined material being an isotype of a published species.

List of species:

Doryopteris adornata J. C. Yesilyurt, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. View in CoL 158: 73–77. 2008.

Doryopteris collina (Raddi) J. Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker) View in CoL 4: 163. 1841.

Doryopteris concolor (Langsd. & Fisch.) Kuhn, Reisen Ost Afr. View in CoL [Decken] 3 [3]. Bot.: 19. 1879. Doryopteris crenulans (Fée) H.Christ View in CoL in Schwacke, Pl. Nov. Mineiras 2: 26. 1900.

Doryopteris decora Brack., U.S. Expl. Exped., Filic. View in CoL 16: 103, t. 13, f. 1. 1854.

Doryopteris decipiens J. Sm., Hist. Fil. 289. 1875.

Doryopteris kirkii (Hook.) Alston, Bol. Soc. Brot. View in CoL sér. 2, 30: 14. 1956.

Doryopteris leitei View in CoL ( R.M.Tryon, Amer. Fern J. 36: 48. 1946) J. C. Yesilyurt, stat. nov. Doryopteris lonchophora (Mett.) J.Sm., Hist. Fil. View in CoL 289. 1875.

Doryopteris lorentzii (Hieron.) Diels, Nat. Pfl. View in CoL 1 [4]. 270. 1899.

Doryopteris nobilis (T.Moore) C.Chr., Ind. Fil. 244. 1905.

Doryopteris majestosa J.C.Yesilyurt, Amer. Fern J. View in CoL 97(4): 212. 2008. nom. superfl.? Doryopteris palmata (Willd.) J.Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker) View in CoL 4: 163. 1841.

Doryopteris pedata View in CoL (L.) Fée, Mém. Foug., 5. Gen. Filic. 133. 1850–1852.

Doryopteris pentagona Pic. Serm., Webbia View in CoL 60(1): 231. 2005.

Doryopteris rediviva Fée, Crypt. Vasc. View in CoL Bresil 2: 30, t. 89, f. 1. 1872.

Doryopteris sagittifolia J.Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker) View in CoL 4: 163. 1841.

Doryopteris stieri Rosenst., Hedwigia View in CoL 46: 86. 1906.

Doryopteris surinamensis J.C.Yesilyurt, Brittonia View in CoL 60(1): 63. 2008.

Doryopteris triphylla (Lam.) H.Christ, Bull. Herb. Boissier II View in CoL , 2; 546. 1902.

Doryopteris varians (Raddi) J. Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker) View in CoL 4: 163. 1841.


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


University of the Witwatersrand


University of Copenhagen












Doryopteris J.Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker)

Yesilyurt, Jovita C., Barbará, Thelma, Schneider, Harald, Russell, Stephen, Culham, Alastair & Gibby, Mary 2015

Doryopteris leitei

R. M. Tryon 1946: 48

Doryopteris concolor (Langsd. & Fisch.)

Schwacke 1900: 26
Langsdorff & Fischer 1879: 19
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF