Zanthoxylum gilletii (De Wild.) P.G.Waterman

Meerts, Pierre, 2016, An annotated checklist to the trees and shrubs of the Upper Katanga (D. R. Congo), Phytotaxa 258 (3), pp. 201-250 : 244

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Zanthoxylum gilletii (De Wild.) P.G.Waterman


Zanthoxylum gilletii (De Wild.) P.G.Waterman View in CoL

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Guineo-Congolian-Afromontane linking. Note: not mentioned for Upper Katanga in FAC; Schmitz 3160 (BR).

Zanthoxylum rubescens Planch. ex Hook.f.

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Guineo-Congolian linking.

Zanthoxylum trijugum (Dunkley) P.G.Waterman

Habitat: miombo woodlands; Zambezian. Note: new to D. R. Congo ; 30 km NE Lubumbashi , route Kasenga, “la ferme du Lac”, termitière en bordure de muhulu, E27°37’ S11°27, 28 April 2014, Meerts & Hasson 491 ( BRLU) GoogleMaps .


Dovyalis macrocalyx (Oliv.) Warb.

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Afromontane.

Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr.

Habitat: miombo woodlands (Termitophilous); paleotropical (in Africa: African linking). Homalium abdessammadii De Wild.

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Guineo-Congolian-Zambezian linking.

Homalium africanum (Hook.f.) Benth.

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Guineo-Congolian linking.

Oncoba bukobensis (Gilg) Hul & Breteler

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Afromontane.

Oncoba schweinfurthii (Gilg) Hul & Breteler

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Guineo-Congolian linking.

Oncoba spinosa Forsk.

Habitat: dry evergreen forests; African linking.

Phyllobotryon paradoxum (Baill.) Hul

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Guineo-Congolian linking.

Salix mucronata Thunb.

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; African linking.

Scolopia rhamniphylla Gilg

Habitat: Afromontane vegetation; Afromontane.

Scolopia stolzii Gilg & Sleumer var. stolzii

Habitat: miombo woodlands; Afromontane.


Osyris lanceolata Hochst. & Steud.

Habitat: Afromontane vegetation; Afromontane.


Allophylus africanus P.Beauv. var. africanus

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Afrotropical. Note: Allophylus needs revision in Katanga.

Allophylus africanus P.Beauv. var. griseotomentosus (Gilg) Verdc.

Habitat: miombo woodlands (Termitophilous); Zambezian.

* Allophylus amplissimus Hauman

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Zambezian (endemic of Upper Katanga). Note : known only from the type specimen, taxonomic value doubtful .

Allophylus congolanus Gilg

Habitat: riverine and swamp forests; Eastern.

Allophylus fulvotomentosus Gilg

Habitat: miombo woodlands (Termitophilous); Zambezian.

* Allophylus katangensis Hauman

Habitat: Afromontane vegetation; Zambezian (endemic of Upper Katanga). Note: known from very few collections, taxonomic value doubtful.

Allophylus lastoursvillensis Pellegr.

Habitat: dry evergreen forests; Guineo-Congolian linking.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


University of New England


Université Libre de Bruxelles

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