Porricondyla ornata, Jaschhof, 2024

Jaschhof, Mathias, 2024, New taxa and new records of Winnertziinae and Porricondylinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Germany, European Journal of Taxonomy 953, pp. 1-134 : 97-98

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.953.2649

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scientific name

Porricondyla ornata

sp. nov.

Porricondyla ornata sp. nov.


Fig. 25 View Fig


Males of this new Porricondyla have large, semicircular lobes on both sides of the gonocoxal ventral emargination (↓ 1, Fig. 25A View Fig ). The lobes, which bear setae of various sizes, occur in addition to the small, completely membranous gonocoxal processes (↓ 2, Fig. 25A View Fig ). A further peculiarity is that the parameres are bifid apically, which in ventral view is not always easy to see (see the section on other male characters). Larvae and females of P. ornata sp. nov. are unknown.

Differential diagnosis

Both characters described above as diagnostic of P. ornata sp. nov. are also known from other Porricondyla , but do not occur together. Semicircular gonocoxal lobes are also found in P. ussuriorum Mamaev & Zaitzev, 1996 , where they appear smaller and situated farther afield from the gonocoxal emargination ( Mamaev & Zaitzev 1996: fig. 26). Porricondyla ussuriorum , a Far East Russian species known only from the holotype male, was described to be conspicuously small (body length 1.2 mm) and to have the parameres single-pointed and the gonostylus excavated interiorly ( Mamaev & Zaitzev 1996: fig. 14). Bifid parameres were described as typical of P. ottenbyensis Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2020 , a species found in one place in southeastern Sweden ( Jaschhof & Jaschhof 2020a). In distinction from P. ornata , P. ottenbyensis lacks gonocoxal lobes, the gonocoxal processes are much larger, and the gonostylus is much narrower ( Jaschhof & Jaschhof 2020a: fig. 41).


The name ‘ ornata ’, the Latin adjective for ‘decorated’, is an allusion to the lobe-bearing gonocoxae found in this species.

Type material


GERMANY • ♂; Bavaria, Swabia, Esterholz ; 48°64′17″ N, 11°01′88″ E; elev. 485 m; 15 Jul. 2019; LandKlif and J. Müller leg.; Malaise trap; ZSM-DIP-42305-E11 .



GERMANY • 1 ♂; same data as for the holotype; ZSM-DIP-42305-E12 1 ♂; same data as for preceding; ZSM-DIP-42305-F01 .

Other characters


BODY LENGTH. 2.0 mm.

HEAD. Eye bridge dorsally 4‒5 ommatidia long. Antenna longer than body; scape and pedicel brighter than flagellum; circumfila present on flagellomeres 1‒12; neck of fourth flagellomere 1.7 × as long as node ( Fig. 25B View Fig ). Palpus 4-segmented, slightly longer than head height, apical segment longest of all.

THORAX. Pronotal setae 1‒2, anepisternal setae 1‒2, anepimeral setae 3‒4.

WING. Slightly longer than body. Length/ width ratio 2.4.

LEGS. Foreleg: femur and tibia equally long, T 2 not retained. Acropods, to assess structure of claws and empodia, not retained.

TERMINALIA ( Fig. 25A View Fig ). Gonocoxal synsclerite massive; densely setose ventrally except for a glabrous, narrowed portion anteriorly; ventral emargination with broad, darkly pigmented margin; dorsal apodemes project only slightly beyond ventroanterior margin. Gonostylus small in relation to gonocoxa, about twice as long as thick in ventral view, apparently flattened dorsoventrally, with fairly small, plate-like tooth apically. Parameral apices bifid, which is not apparent in the holotype, though evident in the paratypes; subapical portions markedly dilated. Aedeagal apodeme shorter than gonocoxae, strongly sclerotized; apex slightly broadened due to junction with accessory gland ducts, the latter pigmented and thus unusually distinct.













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