Derovatellus lentus (Wehncke, 1876)

Michat, Mariano C., Alarie, Yves & Benetti, Cesar J., 2024, Description of the mature larva of Derovatellus lentus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), Zootaxa 5492 (1), pp. 145-150 : 146

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.1.10

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scientific name

Derovatellus lentus (Wehncke, 1876)


Derovatellus lentus (Wehncke, 1876) View in CoL

Diagnosis (compare with figures of Vatellus larvae in Michat & Torres 2005): Instar I. Median branch of nasale widening towards spatulate apex ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–4 ) (parallel-sided in Vatellus ); ratio antennomere 4/antennomere 3> 0.35 ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–4 ) (<0.35 in Vatellus ); primary seta LA1 absent ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–4 ) (present in Vatellus ); distal portion of siphon with a pair of long spiniform seta ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–4 ) (two pairs in Vatellus ).

Instar II. Ratio antennomere 4/antennomere 3> 0.35 (<0.35 in Vatellus ); secondary setae on antennomeres 1 and 2 and maxillary palpomere 1 absent (present in Vatellus ); posterodorsal secondary setae on coxa absent (present in Vatellus ); anterodorsal secondary setae on femur absent (present in Vatellus ).

Instar III. Ratio antennomere 4/antennomere 3> 0.35 ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5–6 ) (<0.35 in Vatellus ); secondary setae on antennomeres 1 and 2 and maxillary palpomere 1 absent (present in Vatellus ); premental seta LA1 absent (present in Vatellus ); anteroventral secondary setae on coxa absent ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7–8 ) (present in Vatellus ); femur with 16–22 spiniform secondary setae ( Figs 7–8 View FIGURES 7–8 ) (33–55 in Vatellus ); tarsal natatory setae restricted to basal half ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7–8 ) (extending to distal half in Vatellus ); dorsal surface of abdominal segment VIII (excluding siphon) with six spiniform secondary setae ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 5–6 ) (more than 15 in Vatellus ).

Description, instar III. As instar II ( Michat & Torres 2011) except for the following features:

Color: Somewhat darker in general, siphon testaceous only on distal tenth.

Body: Measurements and ratios that characterize the body shape are shown in Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Head ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5–6 ): Median branch of nasale parallel sided up to spatulate apex, anterior margin with 43–45 spatulate setae (six of them longer) directed downward. Antenna. A2 slightly shorter than A3. Maxilla. MP2 considerably shorter than MP1.

Thorax: Spiracles present on mesothorax. Metatergite with sagittal line.

Abdomen ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 5–6 ): Spiracles present on segments I–VII. Sclerite VIII with anterior transverse carina. Siphon extremely long.

Chaetotaxy: Lateral margin of PA with 4–6 spiniform secondary setae; each lateral branch of nasale with 5 secondary setae (3 spiniform, strongly developed, and 2 setiform) ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5–6 ); secondary leg setation detailed in Table 2 View TABLE 2 and Figs 7–8 View FIGURES 7–8 .

Habitat. The specimens were taken from a roadside pond at road 40 near Laguna Iberá park ranger office, 28°32’48.65’’S, 57°11’48.02’’W (see Google Earth 2024). The sampling site ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ) was mostly exposed to insolation, with muddy bottom, relatively high turbidity, and abundant emergent vegetation.













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