Pachyrhynchus ottomerkli, Rukmane, 2019

Rukmane, Anita, 2019, To The Knowledge Of The Genus Pachyrhynchus Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Pachyrhynchini) Species From Huf (Budapest, Hungary), With Description Of A New Species From The Mindanao Island (Philippines), Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 19 (2), pp. 267-272 : 268-270

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12649159

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scientific name

Pachyrhynchus ottomerkli

sp. nov.

Pachyrhynchus ottomerkli sp. nov.

( Fig. 1A, 1B View Fig , 2 View Fig A-G)

Type material. Holotype: Male ( Fig. 1A View Fig ) ‘’ Mindanao, P. I. / Bukidnon Prov. / Maluko’’ (white rectangular card, printed); ‘’ Coll. W.

Schultze / Ankauf 1942’’ (white rectangular card, printed); ‘’ HOLOTYPE / Male / Pachyrhynchus ottomerlki / Rukmane, 2019 / det. Rukmane A. 2019; (red rectangular card, printed).

Paratype (1 female): ‘’ Mindanao, P. I. / Bukidnon Prov. / Maluko’ ’ (white rectangular card, printed) ; ‘’Coll. W. Schultze / Ankauf 1942’’ (white rectangular card, printed); ‘’ PARATYPE / Female / Pachyrhynchus ottomerkli / Rukmane 2019 / det. Rukmane A. 2019; (red rectangular card, printed).

Distribution: Philippines, Mindanao Island, Bukidnon Province.

Description. Dimensions (holotype): LB: 11.3; LE: 6.9; WE: 5.3; LP: 3.6; WP: 3.6; LR: 2.0; WR: 1.8.

Integument black, elytra matte or slightly shiny, pronotum, head, legs strongly shiny, underside with weaker luster; body nearly without markings, with few pale blue to green round recumbent scales on pronotum, laterally and dorsally on rostrum and along underside.

Rostrum longer than wide (LR/WR 1.11), rostrum covered with pubescence, bulging on apical part, with peak slightly before middle, deep triangular impression on basal half, longitudinal stripe of pale blue to green round scales from midline of the rostrum to base of the forehead, where interrupts by deep transverse groove; lateral parts covered with white hairs before antennal scrobes and long light hairs after antennal scrobes, with even longer hairs near apex, oval shape pale blue to green scales on genae; antennomers evenly covered with long light hairs, scape covered with pubescence on basal part and long light hairs on apical part; pedicel and first antennomer sub equal in length, longer than wide, antennomers II-V subsphereical, sub equal in length. Head glabrous, finely punctured; eyes large, very strongly prominent from the outline of the head. Forehead with finely expressed dorsal bulge, slightly wrinkled.

Prothorax sub spherical, same length as width (LP/WP 1), widest just in the middle; weakly punctured; pale blue to green continuous scale line on basal, lateral and apical margins, line strongly pronounced on lateral margins and very weak or almost absent on apical margin dorsally. Legs stout; coxa with few blue roundish scales and pubescence; femur without hairs or scales; tibiae incurved apically, covered with short light hairs on all length and long light hairs on internal margin, with mucrones on all legs; tarsus with long, golden setae.

Female. Dimensions: LB: 12.1; LE: 8.6; WE: 5.3; LP: 3.7; WP: 3.7; LR: 2.0; WR: 1.8. Larger than male. Elytra more wide and more strongly rounded, as well as more strongly elongate apically. Genitalia as shown in Fig. 2 View Fig E-G.

Differential diagnosis. According to body

Elytra sub ovate (LE/WE 1.3), with weakly pronounced intervals, nearly smooth; elytrons without scaly markings; widest just before middle; on dorsal dimension narrow at the base, where gradually increases to middle, were widest just before the middle, then roundish and gradually decreases to base up to basal 1/3 where narrows more strongly in direction to apex; apex rounded, with weak pubescence.

Elytra wider than prothorax (WE/WP 1.47), nearly twice as long as prothorax (LE/LP 1.92). Ventrites densely covered with blue to green round scales, minutely pubescent, mingled with few longer light color hairs. Genitalia as shown in Fig. 2 View Fig A-D.

characters and shape of male genitalia, Pachyrhynchus ottomerkli sp. nov. obviously belong to Pachyrhynchus amanibils species group, yet, it is easily distinguishable from any of the species involved by following characters: 1) coloration of the body - members of Pachyrhynchus amabilis group are usually with dark red to copper body color, shiny (except P. subamabilis Yoshitake, 2012 with mate elytra), some exceptions with very dark body color pattern may be found only in Wao region (DUBC collection data). This new species show unique color pattern which yet has not been presented along current species group; 2) deep transverse groove on rostrum, which is present only in P. ottomerkli sp. nov.; 3) different scally markigns, such scale pattern is not present in any of the species involved within the group; 4) shape of male aedegal body, which is slightly longer than in other species; 5) different shape of female sphermatheca.

Etymology. This new species is named after Otto Merkl, the curator of the HUF coleoptera collection, in appreciation of the help and support during my visit to HUF.

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