Wegeneriella birangi, Csuzdi, 2010

Csuzdi, C. S., 2010, Review Of The Paleotropical Neogastrini Earthworms (Oligochaeta, Acanthodrilidae: Benhamiinae) With Description Of Two New Genera, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (2), pp. 103-118 : 114-116

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12584512



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scientific name

Wegeneriella birangi

sp. nov.

Wegeneriella birangi sp. n.

( Fig. 3A–B View Fig .)

Holotype. HNHM AF/ 5129, Cameroon, Akok. Leg. BIRANG à. MADONG, V–VII. 1999.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to collector Dr. BIRANG à MADONG (IRAD, Meyomessala, Cameroon).

Diagnosis. L. 19 mm, D. 0.7 mm. No. segments 79. Colour yellowish. Head retracted, first dorsal pore 5/6. Spermathecal pores 7/8–8/9 single ventralmedian. Clitellum circular on ½13–19. f 14, single ventralmedian. m 18. Genital field barbell-shaped, prostatic pores 17, 19 open close together.

All septa membranous. Muscular gizzard 6. Calciferous glands 14–15 open in the oesophagus through a common duct. Last pair of hearts 12. Typhlosole vestigial. Excretory system holoic.

Testes 10, 11 free. Vesicles 12. Prostates 17, 19. Penial setae lacking. Spermathecae mushroom-shaped, diverticulum, sperm-chambers lacking.

Description. Holotype. Length 19 mm, diameter 0.7 mm, number of segments 79. Colour yellowish. Prostomium retracted with Y-shaped incision. First dorsal pore in 5/6. Setae all ventral, setal arrangement after the clitellum aa:ab:bc:cd:dd = 9:2:15:5:50. Clitellum circular, extends over segments ½13–19. Male pores on 18, prostatic pores on 17, 19 close together in between setae a–a. Female pore single ventralmedian on 14 ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). Spermathecal pores single ventralmedian near to the intersegmental furrows 7/8, 8/9 on the rim of segments 8, 9.

Internal characters. The first visible septum 5/6, thickened septa lacking. Oesophageal gizzard moderate, in segment 6. Two pairs of calciferous glands located in segment 14–15, they are of equal size and open in the oesophagus through a common duct near of 14/15. Excretory system holoic. Paired hearts are present in segments 10–12. Typhlosole vestigial.

Testes in 10 and 11 free. Seminal vesicles large in 12. Ovary in segment 13. Seminal ducts hardly seen, discharging in segment 18. Two pairs of small prostatic glands present in 17, 19. Penial setae lacking. Spermathecae mushroom-shaped in segments 8, 9. Diverticulum and sperm-chambers lacking ( Fig. 3B View Fig ).

Remarks. The new species differs from all other species of Wegeneriella having two single spermathecae in 7/8, 8/9.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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