Eulabidogaster setifacies (Rondani, 1861)

Atay, Turgut, Received, Kenan Kara & Online, Published, 2014, Tachinids (Diptera: Tachinidae) reared from lepidopterous and heteropterous hosts from some localities in the Kelkit Valley (Amasya, Tokat, Sivas) of Turkey, Turkish Journal of Zoology 38 (4), pp. 500-507 : 504-507

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Felipe (2024-08-02 18:19:50, last updated 2024-08-03 09:09:08)

scientific name

Eulabidogaster setifacies


Eulabidogaster setifacies View in CoL from this host [the first one was reported from Israel by Kugler (1963)]. Other host species are unknown.

Distribution in Turkey: Tokat ( Kara and Alaoğlu, 1999).

Distribution in the world: West Europe, Central Asia ( Herting, 1984; Tschorsnig et al., 2004), East Europe ( Draber-Monko et al., 1991; Hubenov, 1992; Tschorsnig et al., 2004).

Tribe: Cylindromyiini

Cylindromyia brassicaria (Fabricius, 1775)

Material examined: 7 August 2009, 1♂. Host: Dolycoris baccarum (L.) (Hem.: Pentatomidae ), collected on 18 July 2009, Tokat (Reşadiye-Cemel), 40°23′47″N, 37°17′50″E, 491 m.

Hosts in Turkey: Dolycoris baccarum (L.) ( Karsavuran, 1986; Kara and Tschorsnig, 2003; Keçeci et al., 2007), Holcostethus vernalis (W.) ( Kara and Alaoğlu, 1999).

Distribution in Turkey: Erzurum ( Doğanlar, 1982b), İzmir ( Karsavuran, 1986), Tokat ( Kara and Alaoğlu, 1999).

Distribution in the world: The Palearctic region from England to Japan ( Herting, 1960), East and South Asia, North Africa, ( Ziegler, 1991), East Europe ( Hubenov, 1992; Draber-Monko, 1993), South Europe ( Tschorsnig, 1992), North Europe, South of England ( Belshaw, 1993).


We are grateful to Dr HP Tschorsnig (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany) for providing several literature records and information on some hostparasitoid couples and for identification of a few tachinids; to Dr Mustafa Özdemir (Plant Protection Central Research Institute, Yenimahalle, Ankara, Turkey) and Dr Willy De Prins ( Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis, Section Zoological Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) for identification of lepidopterous hosts; and to Dr Meral Fent (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey) and Dr Ahmet Dursun (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey) for identification of heteropterous hosts.

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Kara K, Alaoglu O (1999). Systematic studies on the Phasiinae (Diptera: Tachinidae) flies of Tokat provinces. In: Turkiye 4. Biyolojik Mucadele Kongresi; 26 - 29 January 1999, Adana, Turkey pp. 563 - 586 (in Turkish with English summary).

Kara K, Tschorsnig HP (2003). Host catalogue for the Turkish Tachinidae (Diptera). J Appl Ent 127: 465 - 476.

Karsavuran Y (1986). Investigations on the biology and ecology of Dolycoris baccarum (L.) (Het.: Pentetomidae) which attacks to the various plants of economic importance at Bornova. Turk Bitki Kor Derg 10: 213 - 230.

Kececi M, Teksam I, Topuz E, Oztop A (2007). Determination of adult parasitoid species (Dip.: Tachinidae) of Sunn Pests (Eurygaster integricep Put.) (Het.: Scutelleridae) and their parasitoid ratios in Antalya and Burdur provinces. In: Turkiye II. Bitki Koruma Kongresi, 27 - 29 August 2007, Isparta, Turkey, p. 174 (in Turkish with English summary).

Kugler J (1963). Tachinidae of Israel. I. General part. Israel J Zool 12: 25 - 34.

Tschorsnig HP (1992). Tachinidae (Diptera) from the Iberian Peninsula and Mallorca. Stuttgart, Germany: Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, Serie A.

Tschorsnig HP, Richter VA, Cerretti P, Zeegers T, Bergstrom C, Vanhara J, van de Weyer G, Bystrowski C, Raper C, Ziegler J, Hubenov Z (2004). Tachinidae. In: Fauna Europaea Service. Available at http: // www. faunaeur. org.

Ziegler J (1991). Zwei neue Raupenfliegen arten (Dipt.: Tachinidae) aus Usbekistan und Faunistische Notizen zu Weiteren Arten aus Mittelasien. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 35: 83 - 90 (in German).











