Bradyporus (Callimenus) conophallus, Ünal, Mustafa, 2011

Ünal, Mustafa, 2011, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Bradyporinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Bradyporini; Ephippigerini) of Turkey, with description of new species and the relationship of the taxa, Zootaxa 2899, pp. 1-42 : 23-25

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.207707


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scientific name

Bradyporus (Callimenus) conophallus

sp. nov.

Bradyporus (Callimenus) conophallus View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs. 66–78 View FIGURES 66 – 78 , 138–141, 156–157)

Callimenus dilatatus (Stal, 1876) View in CoL : Karaca et al., 2006: 50.

Previous records. Karaca et al., 2006: Isparta, Eġirdir, 5.6.2001, 1 specimen (leg. Karaca et al.)

Material examined. Isparta, Eġirdir Gölü, Senirkent-Yalvaç yolu, Şuhut Kavşaġı, 980 m, 8.6.2002, 5 males (including holotype); Isparta, Karakuş Daġı, 9.6.2005, 1 male; Afyon, Şuhut, Uzunpınar-Karadilli, 9.6.2005, 2 females; Afyon, Çay-Sultandaġı, 9.6.2005, 1 female nymph (leg. M. Ünal) (AÏBÜEM).

Distribution. Turkey: Isparta and Afyon provinces ( Fig. 156 View FIGURE 156 ).

Description. Male (holotype): Head smallest among the species studied here, 1.3 times higher than wide. Eye almost as large as antennal foramen, but slightly wider. Lateral carinae of pronotum ( Figs. 66, 67 View FIGURES 66 – 78 , 138, 139) very distinct except hind part of metazona, sharp and raised; prozona depressed but not very deep; metazona very strongly and suddenly swollen and widened, with 4 distinct tubercular folds; twice as wide as prozona in dorsal view and 1.6 times higher than prozona in lateral view; anterior margin of pronotum slightly concave, posterior margin distinctly concave with 3 distinct small incision placed end of tubercular folds; anterior edge of prozona slightly and metazona strongly raised in lateral view; paranota very broadly rounded and strongly swollen ( Figs. 66, 67 View FIGURES 66 – 78 , 138, 139). Femora unarmed; hind legs distinctly compressed. Prosternum with 2 asunder, short spines; lobes of mesosternum large, collar-like and pointed at apex; lobes of metasternum small collar-like, distinctly rounded at apex. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 68 View FIGURES 66 – 78 ) elongate, as long as wide, with 2 distinct lateral carinae, without styli; posterior margin with a distinct, rounded incision. Cercus ( Figs. 69, 70 View FIGURES 66 – 78 ) relatively slender and narrow, apex mainly bidentate, inner one very large and pointed, outer one blunt with several indistinct denticles; inner arm large, sharp and bidentate, slightly recurved; ventral view much longer; basal lobe large and high. Titillator ( Figs. 71, 72 View FIGURES 66 – 78 ) very small, with very short apical and basal arms; apical arms strongly shortened, almost conical, pointed with an outcurved, distinct tooth, inner margins of apical arms almost parallel; basal arms very small and upcurved; bridge between left and right arms short and very narrow; in lateral view ( Fig. 72 View FIGURES 66 – 78 ) apical arm perpendicular.

Female: Head and eye as in male but slightly larger. Lateral carinae of pronotum ( Figs. 73, 74 View FIGURES 66 – 78 , 140, 141) distinct, sharp and raised; prozona widely and shallowly depressed; metazona raised with 4 distinct tubercular folds, inner 2 larger; anterior margin of pronotum slightly concave, posterior margin with a broad and angled median incision; in lateral view prozona 1.1 times higher than metazona; pronotum 1.5 times longer than its height ( Figs. 73, 74 View FIGURES 66 – 78 , 140, 141). Only tips of tegmina visible in dorsal view. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 75 View FIGURES 66 – 78 ) wide, 1.5 times wider than long; posterior margin very slightly bisinuate; basal pits small and rounded. Cercus ( Fig. 76 View FIGURES 66 – 78 ) elongate, 2.1 times longer than wide, almost cylindrical, apex narrowly rouded, with a large, sharply pointed subapical inner tooth; basal lobe small and high. Ovipositor ( Figs. 77 View FIGURES 66 – 78 , 140, 141) small and short, 1.5 times shorter than hind femur; ventral lobe with a row of irregular apical teeth; upper and lower valves clearly diverged, strongly and sharply pointed at apex because of to be young female; basal projecting of ventral valve ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 66 – 78 ) small, triangular, pointed at apex.

Color: Body milky brown, yellowish brown with black pattern. Head brown and milky brown; dorsal surface with very dense black and gena with brown spots; frons with 2 short brown stripes between antenna; lower half of clypeus brown, with several black spots. Pronotum with various shades of yellowish brown; prozona with brown spots and short stripes in dorsal view and more fused spots in lateral view; middle part of lateral carina with distinct black stripe; inner 2 tubercular folds on metazona with a thin black stripe posteriorly. Head and pronotum in female as in male but slightly darker. Femora cream, with brown spots; inner side of hind femur pale orange; tibia cream with light reddish brown spines; tarsi cream, its lower surface brown or black; femoral spots in female black. Abdomen yellowish brown with black pattern; dorsal surface with 2 longitudinal black bans separated with a thin median light band; last 5 abdominal tergites blackened only in posterior half of along these 2 black bands; outer side of these 2 black bands with a longitudinal light band along abdomen; just outer side of this light band with a larger longitudinal black band consists of irregular fused black-brown spots and short stripes, hind margin of this part on each tergite with several light spots; lower part of tergites in lateral view much lighter, yellowish with very small irregular brown spots; last tergite black except lateral sides, with irregular light spots and short stripes; in female abdomen darker and each abdominal tergite with a row of parallel, short longitudinal black stripes. Apical part and ventral surface of male cercus black. Subgenital plate yellowish brown in male, with black hind margin; cream in female. Ovipositor yellowish brown, its apex and apical teeth reddish brown. Sternites yellow in male, cream in female.

Measurements (mm): Holotype (male): length of body 46.2; pronotum 18.9; hind femur 18. Paratypes: length of body: male 46–47, female 47.1; pronotum: male 17.3–18.9, female 13.3; hind femur: male 17.3–18.2, female 18.5; ovipositor: 12.2.

Diagnosis. This new species is near to Bradyporus dilatatus , Bradyporus avanos sp. n. and Bradyporus sureyai sp. n. by the general appearance, the coloration and pattern, ovipositor, somewhat cercus in both sexes and somewhat female subgenital plate. But, the titillator with very short and conical apical arms, the elongated male subgenital plate, the male pronotum with very strongly inflated metazona, the shorter female subgenital plate are different. This species is recognizable by its unique titillator, elongated male subgenital plate, very strongly inflated metazona of the male pronotum, more slender male cercus and relatively small size.

Remarks. The sex of previously recorded single specimen from Eġirdir was not stated ( Karaca et al., 2006). This specimen possibly belongs to this new species rather than the others.

Etymology. The species name “ conophallus ” refer to the typical titillator with short and conical apical arms.




















Bradyporus (Callimenus) conophallus

Ünal, Mustafa 2011

Callimenus dilatatus

Karaca 2006: 50
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